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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. It's not that this is a bad idea, it's that we simply dont have to population needed to split players up sufficiently.
  2. I know that feeling of no sleep. No bueno.
  3. "Please be aware that repeated griefing will result in a permanent ban for you and all associated accounts." Key word being "repeated".
  4. The issue with this is APB's hitboxes, which can be shot even when a small character isnt visible. Without the change in crosshair color, how am I to find the short guy's head?
  5. My main tab is all chat hidden. APB is much more peaceful that way.
  6. I hope you reported them, none of that is allowed.
  7. Im not taking sides on segregation, but your post was some b.s. Anyways, fixed it for you.
  8. Performance - 3 Gameplay - 8 Community - 5 Guns - 7 Items - ? GMs - I dont really know what they do
  9. Its probably because someone was snarky to a player banned for cheating.
  10. Not the cheater, but the snarky response. Ok bud.
  11. As long as you share your info with LO, we good.
  12. Laughter is life my friend. If you cant laugh at bullshoot, that's probably a you problem.
  13. Too bad they didnt choose you for GM. Lmfao
  14. GMs used to be visible (literally) but Matt decided they were too much of a distraction so now they spend their time invisible (again literally). Long story short, if GMs are doing their job correctly, you wont necessarily be seeing them.
  15. So on the one side Matt is greedy and trying to milk this game for all he can, while on the other side he doesnt want our money and wont give us anything to buy. Lol this community
  16. We used to get those weekly reports emailed to us. I really miss em.
  17. If dethreaters didnt have skill, dethreating wouldnt be a problem.
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