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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. High tier bronze district player? Really? I don't mean to threat shame, but surely you must be joking.
  2. Remove all r195 rank restrictions I say.
  3. ...paying attention to their effects on cheaters in APB specifically. That is, APB was never more cheat free in its entire history than when we had EAC.
  4. I dunno who started this ridiculous idea, but I wish everyone would stop repeating it.
  5. If you want your points to be taken seriously you probably wanna be less of a musket.
  6. I cant imagine we are getting many new players at the moment.
  7. I hate to break it to you, but everything you've suggested has been said hundreds of times on the forums. People are tired of suggesting I think.
  8. APB's new player experience is abysmal. New engine wont change that. Something must be done.
  9. Shout out to all the trolls picking FF.
  10. I grabbed the pack account bound. ...mostly for the animal suit
  11. How would you rate the forums, then?
  12. It's a 10 year old game that was never popular to begin with. Nothing lasts forever. Especially a thing as stale as apb.
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