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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Unfortunately no one but support can help you, and that means first proving you own the account.
  2. I feel like this was a thread already? Maybe just a bunch of posts in another thread? Edit: I think it was discord
  3. Lol yikes That's your proof? That on one day at some point in the past I said that one server was "pretty much" cheat free? Try harder. To clarify: Jericho has had periods of relatively low levels of cheating. Citadel on the other hand has had a pretty consistent amount of cheating.
  4. No one gets banned for a simple misunderstanding. If you get banned for griefing, you did it multiple times and after multiple warnings... anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
  5. Between latency and the game's poor netcode, you can never be sure whether your opp is macroing or has figured out how to click a mouse. My best advice is to stop worrying about it and try to have fun. It only poisons your enjoyment if you see cheaters everywhere.
  6. That could get you in trouble for griefing so I'd be careful.
  7. Just so you know, the vast majority of players can max rate of fire those guns just fine with their fingers.
  8. Oh yeah it's definitely cheating, I just wasn't sure if you meant something else.
  9. Yeah but what would overcoming "human click speed" even do? It's not like you can make guns fire faster.
  10. With segregation the elite players never even met newbs, so I'm not sure how they were supposed to show anyone the ropes.
  11. Why would anyone even need a macro for rifles or any other gun? It's literally just clicking a mouse.
  12. I've been getting about the same ms from here in the Midwest.
  13. Must be why silver districts are so full. Insults aside, the bulk of the player base is now and always has been silver.
  14. "Hello, help me please. Where can I look at the account name and surname and date of birth when registering. Please tell me. Thanks in advance" (for anyone who might know the answer)
  15. There is another game with customization like APB?
  16. I too am waiting on another round of weapon/mod balancing.
  17. I don't think anything is happening before the new engine.
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