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Everything posted by Benguin

  1. it's for that virus thing everyones talking about
  2. I don't think that his point was that the game is unoptimized
  3. Aim is transferable from game to game.. not sure what settings have to do with skill¿
  4. I don't get why people even bring up dethreaters, they are the cancer of the game and no one enjoys playing with or against them, neither in the silver nor bronze districts. Just a bunch of mouth breathers that can't accept that there are people better than them. They should just be banned. But ontopic, it's a scary thought to me that a game like this is balanced around players that don't really understand what they are doing. Ideally you want developers with background in competitive gaming, so that they don't have to listen to the community or only a select few. Don't think it's the case here though. Unless 'Barbie and Her Sisters: Puppy Rescue' had a competitive scene?
  5. They can easily fix that by adding concrete poles at the spawn exits, at least for the top left, bottom left and right spawns in Baylan. Imo it still remains a cheap way to kill someone. Even if you know someone is using it you always have to be aware to not be somewhere where you can easily be trapped, and even if you aren't the chances of avoiding damage are still small. Many people also run their car next to someone, start a gun fight and if they lose they press the panic button, the guy fighting him litterally has to hide or run away in the middle of the gun fight. Just dodge it lol, good thing mostly bad players only use it. I don't think Remote Detonator is the issue though, it is that you can mod your car to be a one button Chernobyl blaster Flak jacket is a huge downside if you play against anyone decent, so unless they change that I don't think it is a viable option.
  6. if riot cant kill apb what will??????????????
  7. amazing!! cant wait to try this new update out!!! keep it up :)))
  8. no i want helicopters and flamethrowers and knives pls @Tiggs and ponies and beach district
  9. like this comment if you are reading this in 2020
  10. The only thing restricted right now is buying boxes, unless I'm missing something?
  11. silvers deal 100% increased health damage against gold threated enemies solved)
  12. Releasing something completely balanced is the ideal situation but weapon balance clearly isn't their strong point (yet). Apparently the recent NFAS and JG changes were fine and got pushed to live. Much rather have them balance weapons if needed be to ensure enjoyable gameplay regardless of release date. A balanced game requires all weapons to balanced, if other weapons get changed it could result in your weapon being more/less effective so it doesn't make any sense to limit balancing to after a year. Besides that, why does a year after release matter? How fair is it if you buy a gun today that got released years ago and gets nerfed tomorrow?
  13. Not quite sure what the point is of having community streamers on the official LO channel. It doesn't affect me but I'll follow the people I want to follow instead of watching a random guy I'm not interested in stream..
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