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Everything posted by Benguin

  1. Not against changing IR3 but this one ruined more than it fixed weapon setups. It did made IR3 more optional than a must-have mod on N-tec and Oscar but at the same time made almost all other optional IR3 setups useless. Perhaps less drastic downsides will make both sides happy.
  2. Most consistent shotgun in the game right now, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
  3. Yes, by faking it I meant going any other direction than near the car. High chances are that enemies aren't all within your 50m of range and you will be shown on the minimap for the player(s) outside of your 50m range because that is the downside of jammer. So the tactic of faking it just doesn't work against a team that can communicate or even shoot at you. yes
  4. That isn't going to work. Radar jammer only jams within 50m around you. Sure, you can jam it when you are about to run into it but guess what happens the next time you do that.. Not to mention that any other player outside of the 50m range can see you highlighted on the mini map so flanking and faking the jam isn't going to work either. Maybe a passive mod that always jams radar towers (and maybe other "very balanced" car mods) within a bigger radius will help
  5. dont get hit by bullets. all guns are balanced.
  6. Not entirely the same but they can still get a Game Ban on their steam account. This system also requires approvement from Valve though
  7. Are the guns going to be purchasable straight from Armas for the people affected by it?
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