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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Probably because file modifications are not allowed. The launcher would need to be modified to work with the new engine, but most of the features should still be available.
  2. Grenades and something else (can't remember) are still visible. Also the last time I used the launcher it couldn't be set to 0, but maybe that's been changed.
  3. The yukon has a recoil curve that increases the longer you shoot. the last 5 or so shots cause the weapon to recoil horizontally quite a bit. It's better to hip fire in 5 to 10 round bursts. Server performance is absolute trash atm. With 140ms ping things are not going to work right.
  4. A lot of gamers like to show off their PCs. It would be nice to have a section in our profile to do so. It would also make it easier to help users with technical issues. Here's a quick mockup of what I'm suggesting:
  5. Any update on users unable to reset their G1 passwords?
  6. It does not, it reduces them. You need to manually modify the configs, and even then some remain.
  7. There's been a few threads on it and plenty of complaints in various threads about IR not having a meaningful downside, and shotguns always have someone complaining.
  8. I doubt they're going to make any weapon changes for quite some time with how poorly the community responded with the IR and shotgun changes.
  9. I guess that PC would feel better than playing on the Xbox, but that's no where close to stable. I doubt you would get 60fps consistently, and that's excluding the garbage collection stutters.
  10. You can't disable muzzle flash directly though. You can however remove most particles which also removes muzzle flash.
  11. Well, there's a max rank in fight atm toggling a speed hack. Seem them and some of their clan members use it action districts too within the last few weeks. BE and FF can't seem to detect it, or they're just ignoring it for the time being.
  12. TBF, this issue is directly affecting their income, unlike the user with faulty hardware.
  13. I'm specifically referring to the particle system, like blood, muzzle flash, smoke, fire, etc. The method used in UE3 is poorly optimized as is, and RTW decided it would be a good idea to overlay hundreds of particles per effect. The only way to prevent it from causing fps drops is by brute force or disable the system.
  14. Middle ground buff suggestion. Remove the "-10% base accuracy" debuff from the select fire mod. It's ttk is still higher when aiming and longer draw time, so the other Mountie variants will still be better for close combat.
  15. Every bit of fps counts. People play on 4:3 768 with everything on bare minimum for that tiny fps boost.
  16. The particle system has always had bad performance. Even with my GTX 1080 a few cars blowing up will drop my fps. I started playing back in 2011/2012 with a single 9600GT. I then got second one for SLI. Managed to get 90+ fps, but a single shotgun blast would lock the game for a split second. Then I moved on to a GTX 580, then two 580s, then finally with a 970 the fps drops from getting shot were gone. I can't think of a single moment in APB's history where you didn't need a custom config to get sort of reliable stable frames, if APB ever had them. Why? They don't want us to have good FPS and reliable hit indication?
  17. @MattScott Back in beta, these settings were used to remove muzzle flash and player blood. It greatly improved fps. Reloaded disabled them without much discussion. Could we have these options added to the graphics settings? They are located the in APBgame.ini. [APBGame.cAPBPlayerController] m_bShowServerHits=true m_bDebugHitMarkers=true [APBGame.cWeaponAttachment] m_bParticleMuzzleFlash=true
  18. The N-HVR 762 and reskin variants deal inconsistent damage. This has been an issue since the damage was linked to weapons accuracy. Roughly 1/20 shots will deal minimum damage even though the crosshair is fully closed.
  19. The engine can handle it fine, RTW didn't design the levels right, and Reloaded butchered the suspension on some vehicles which causes them to bug out at higher speeds.
  20. It's inconsistent if a player is detected. Sometimes players spawn with a permanent radar over them if they die near the vehicle.
  21. I'd say -10M, but leave the minimum damage where it is so it's still viable a little further out than the other pistols.
  22. If you have the credit card information you should be able to get the account back. Contact support with your new account and explain the issue in detail. Keep in mind support is back logged and short staffed atm so it may take a few weeks if not more for them to get back to you.
  23. They should keep a database on users who make false cheat claims, that way support can quickly look them up and safely ignore their support tickets.
  24. You were still intentionally abusing a bug. Technically, you should be banned.
  25. You spent a lot of money on a free to play game to gain access to a bug...
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