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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. I think it's their anti-ddos service. Similar things would happen in US central when mitigation was enabled.
  2. For west it's constant. East for the most part is fine, but other players seem to have issues going by district chat.
  3. Routing is screwed up in NA. West coast is unplayable. It says 90ms 0 packet loss in /fps, but the real latency is much higher and there is packet loss. For example, it takes at least 3 shots fired with the CR762 until I see a hit marker, and often I don't get a hit marker even though I killed the player. Occasionally my character does not respond to pressing F to do an objective. Strangely enough driving and camera switching have minimal delay. I tried running a tracert but the IP addresses in resource monitor do not route to the server's real location, and I get different routes to same IP address. US East I get about 20ms to 30ms. Running a tracert to the listed address, I get 80ms. Also, if I join an empty district or Fightclub my in game latency is 1/10 of the real latency. Joining an empty US West district my ping is displayed as 8ms, but the slight driving and camera switching delay are still there.
  4. When Little Orbit took over they unbanned everyone because there were so many unjustified bans from G1 staff. I remember the time Tiggs manually banned all the Trainies in Fight club because a few were cheating. If you think 15M is 50% of the game you need to go back to the green district. Besides, JG snub switch is not viable at 15M. It rarely works at 5M with the wide pellet spread. The only reason they might have a point is they were banned under FF. To me, that further enforces the fact that the combo is not viable, because they play like a silver.
  5. High Magnification is useless because APB only has 100M of range. If it wasn't for the accuracy buff I wouldn't even bother using ADS.
  6. Which ever one takes up the most screen space is the one I'd use. Gotta drop the opp's fps somehow.
  7. Make sure XMP is enabled in your BIOS. If not, your RAM won't be running at it's advertised speed. If your BIOS has the option available, disable HPET. For me, having it enabled causes APB to get stuck around 80fps and dips much lower. Disabled I get over 100fps. I still get the freezes every minute, so still not optimal. OP would need to do tons of stability testing. Even if it is stable they'll blame the overclock every time APB crashes. 3000Mhz CL15 is pretty good as is. You need to keep FLCK and UCLK the same ratio or else you lose performance. APB runs like crap on dual cores. It always has. You need at least 4 cores, preferably 6 cores. I think a lot of APB vets were used to 60fps back then so it didn't seem as bad. I played around 70-90fps back then. Now it's 100+. I can't even use a 60hz monitor now without feeling like my eyes are spazzing out from the flicker.
  8. It still works for the OBIR NFC3, N-ISSR-B 'Dogear', and a few other random weapons.
  9. The SWARM 'Killer Bee' Account Lifetime and Character Lifetime do not get 35% off on ARMAS when you trial the weapon. It is only applied to the 30 Days option. After clicking "TRY NOW FREE", you get the message that says you will get 35% if you purchase the weapon before a date.
  10. It only seems like an advantage when the player with a better connection loses the fight. Most of the time it's bad to have an unstable connection. Wish more games netcode would use server sided hitreg instead of trusting the client with high latency. That's why so many people think the PMG is OP. It only needs 5 hits so it's much easier to get minimum ttk. Compared to the OCA, Cap40, n-tec and ATAC, which share the same ttk of 0.7s, the PMG will be the most reliable up close.
  11. Players with terrible internet connections are the real problem with weapon balance. TTK doesn't matter when their garbage connection allows them to warp around and land multiple hits in a single shot.
  12. Even then it's unreliable due to the JG's massive spread. A cheater would just keep the JG out or use a faster ttk primary.
  13. Fairfight has the most potential since it monitors stats server sided, but it's also the most time consuming to setup since you need to fine tune all the variables. Punkbuster would kick me randomly for disallowed program/driver. 99% of the time it needed to be manually updated to fix it. Riot Vanguard runs in the background monitoring your activity. It causes massive stuttering in non Riot games. Can't comment on the other ones without data on the cheaters caught or blocked.
  14. My definition is someone who uses exploits to win such as glitching the item into an inaccessible area. In district, it seems like most people who say "tryhard" are referring to players who use intended game mechanics to win, such as taking cover when shot. Stretched resolution players aren't tryhard, they're disabled.
  15. Even tagger is a bit OP. It shows your position even if your nametag and hitbox are not visible.
  16. VBR, PMG, Joker Carbine, and OSCAR all had range nerfs that did not get reverted. The ATAC did not get a range nerf, so many players moved to it.
  17. Is everyone who purchased these in game getting a refund I've seen them go for 500K each. It's a mature game. Expect 12 year olds drawing dicks.
  18. Thanks for making the N-HVR 762 randomly deal 23 damage when the crosshair is fully closed.
  19. Decrease ttk of cap40 and OCA.
  20. Hitmarkers sometimes don't mean you landed the shot. There's also the issue with the hitmarker from your previous hit reappearing after the next shot.
  21. It does not fix the main stuttering issue which is the garbage collection system clearing unused RAM.
  22. BlatMan

    Graphic issues

    Disable anti-aliasing in game and in the Nvidia control panel. It causes those green outlines. The vehicles could be a number of things. ALT+TABing while the vehicle is first loading can cause it.
  23. Contact customer support with your new account. They'll ask for some more info like purchase history and account creation date. If you have most of your purchase history available it shouldn't be an issue. It will take them at least a few weeks to get back to you.
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