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Everything posted by Westford

  1. Yood, Either "Google Translator" is failing you, and we are the victims, or you like to speak in metaphors, in which case, we are still the victims.
  2. I thought this was a great write up. Very detailed..., walked us through the whole process. I have not played RIOT yet, but your synopsis gave me a detailed view into this gameplay. The RIOT mechanics, as I understand it, is a bit confusing, not intuitive. I think @SilverCrow had made a similar analogy. Appreciate the time and effort you put into this,
  3. I have not played RIOT yet, but have seen some feedback related to the 4 man group, and how this mode is geared towards premade groups, and not solo players. Probably the biggest reason why I have not tried it yet. PUB groups in standard districts is usually a choir, so the most fun I have is usually Fight Clubs, which can cater to both premades and solo players. Not sure how viable or successful RIOT would be, if the matching was similar to FC. Enforcers v Crims Whether the cap for both sides is; 10 v 10 15 v 15 or as in current FC 20 v 20
  4. I was in a Silver Waterfront district the other day, and was told in district chat that I should go to the Bronze district. "But I am a silver, shouldn't I be in the Silver District ?" "No" was the reply, "Only Golds should be in the Silver District." There was a bit of confusion when I followed up with the question: "What would happen if all the Golds that are in the Silver District moved to a Gold District ?" The response was, "There are not enough Golds to populate the Gold District" The level of confusion at this point escalated. "But if only Golds should be in Silver Districts, and the Silver District is now populated with Golds, how is it that there are not enough Golds to populate a Gold District ?" I think at that point whatever sensibility might have prevailed, resulted in a rapid change to a different topic. It can get confusing.
  5. I have seen many players , playing a Team based game. and not playing like a Team. Not the first time. You are not the last. Do not take it harshly ... You are a good player. Just not a Team player, judging by your responses. Let's review... This is GOLD ,.,, Yes,, I would like to group up with this player ,,,, maybe ... Anyways .. Please do NOT invite me to your group. Much thanks Merged. Great answer.... I may not be the 1st player, playing an online game, constantly hitting the ESC key ...... to get into game. "did I miss the Intro, ?" "what screen was that ?" "I'll ask in district ... they'll tell me" ? EDIT: So the question still remains. If a player cannot get a straight answer even on the forums, (without some wrangling) , how can they hope for an answer in district ? Or is District more reliable ? NO ,.,.
  6. I have read your comments with great interest. Some I understood, most .. I did not understand. It may be a Language thing. I am not one to run away from a fight, but your demeanor is not one that I would sign up for. You do not appear to have the composition of a team player.... just my thoughts. I wish you the best.
  7. Yes... I agree, the Tutorial , more than likely, is starring you in the face. and when it is not, you saw how many forum posts required to get an answer. 3 How many District Chat inquiries would you guess , before an answer was provided ? You see my point ?
  8. Ahhh , yes... Another learned response by an experienced APB player. DO NOT HELP ANYONE.. for they will drag you down. I still have questions .. ? Too fucken bad. We have our Motto.... But I just started yesterday ,,,, And your point ?
  9. Ahh , a Knight in the dimly lit veil. Thank you. So we have an idea as to what a player may experience with the same question in district. Your Honor... the Defense rests.
  10. Great news... I will look for it. Hoping for the best.. praying for the worst. Curious, how do I invoke the Tutorial ? 3rd time I have asked in the forum. A place of sound mind .. and ... EDIT: Can you imagine the responses in game .. ? I have asked twice, in the forum. A place of decency and forgone of district chat hypocrisy. But no answers here. You get my drift ?
  11. Uhhh, yeah... good advice. How do you invoke the Tutorial ? Do I press 'T' Any help would be great. Thx
  12. Reading this thread, there are three issues that stand out. The 1st issue which the OP has expressed, that any questions that new players ask to the playerbase to understand the gamplay, what do I do ? how do I equip a weapon ? How do I get a car ? how do I ........? "git gud" are met with toxic, nonsensical or otherwise useless replies. The other issue, is just toxic or harassing comments in general. The 3rd issue is deathreating. @LittleGamersFirst raises an interesting solution to one problem. The problem with this approach is, that as new players ask questions in district, in order to "git gud", and are met with anything other than advice, but more toxic, nonsensical or otherwise useless replies. Those players will have a difficult road to "gitten gud" Cause, no one is helping them to "git gud". @LittleGamersFirst, please take note. Please keep in mind, that one of my primary objectives when I play APB, is to NOT, in any way, ruin someone else's gameplay. This is my first, and foremost objective... in any online game. Their entertainment and enjoyment of the game, during my playtime, is of the utmost priority and importance. The hell with what I want. Even, if I want to "git gud" and ask questions. As far as just toxic trash talking, This !! This may very well help with a fair amount of issues. I never really did follow down the Tutorial path. Not even sure how to invoke it. T ? I'll look in to it, as I am curious what is offered to new players.
  13. Haha... Only when you use a USB adapter. ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
  14. I totally appreciate the effort and can't imagine the level of frustration that Matt Scott and team are feeling as a result of these delays. One suggestion, unless already being performed, and if there are enough resources to implement, (hardware/team availability) would be to conduct "dry run/practice runs" of the cutover to a "copy of the Production env". Testing patches in a Test env is one thing, the deployment of a bundle or upgrade can introduce their own issues. My background is with ERP business applications, and our team would perform dry run cutovers to a copy of production to test the technical aspects of the deployment, as well as the speed and timing of each task. One project I was on, we had to perform 4 dry runs before the actual cutover to production. (Starting on Friday 5pm thru Monday 3 or 4am was typical run time for our Upgrades) The 1st two cutovers would identify and resolve any technical issues, the 3rd run would identify tasks that could be sped up. (running multiple processes in parallel ... etc) Anyways, good luck next week.
  15. @MattScott, if possible in future updates, would it be possible to add Consumables to the Joker Store. Right now there is one Consumables available. Medium size Mobile Supply. Thanks
  16. Pretty damn impressive. A separate company not affiliated with Gamersfirst other than a licensing agreement for the use of a Gamersfirst product, shutsdown, and Little Orbit makes an effort to compensate those players from another companies system. Impressive !!
  17. Well this is most disappointing .. My biggest nemesis has been @NotZombieBiscuit, as he has forcibly encouraged me to "git gud".... And I have. I have excelled my skills beyond all means. I "got gud"... And now this .. ? I don't know....
  18. What the hell are you saying man.. ? We have been told countless times that there really isn't a cheater problem and we all just need to "git gud" I'm so confused.
  19. Using a macro to auto fire a semi weapon seems to be a bit lame. Thankfully any rumors concerning macros to detect colors for a potential triggerbots or mouse correction to reduce recoil is a myth. I feel a bit more comfortable about people using macros.
  20. Well, the word on the street is, and has been for many years, is that there were very few, if any cheaters since PunkBuster, FairFight , BattleEye had been implemented. So not sure why we're going with a different ant-cheat. Some of the other ones were pretty effective in keeping this game clean. Well, maybe one of em. That's what they say anyways.
  21. I read the OP's initial post with great interest and mild concern. @NotTheEnforcer made a great point that "Google" may not always be our friend. I ran the OP's post through multiple translation websites, with no success. I was almost ready to give up all hope, until I found a "Universal Translator" on a Star Trek Fan web site. The resulting output was most disturbing. Not something that can be shared in any public venue. @Vnight, my first initial thoughts were that an increase in dosage of your current medication might be the right approach. But after re-reading the translation a few more times, I honestly don't have any guided measures that you could follow. Understandably, I too have been told to "git gud", on more than one occasion, and yes ... I try .. I really do try .. Some may even call me a TRYHARD, but the list is very short. So my heart is out to you brother ,.,,, I feel your pain. You are not alone... and your voice will not be silenced in the dark of night.
  22. My understanding is that LO just switched hosting services. Admittedly, I am not familiar with hosting services for online games, but I am familiar with hosting services for business ERP applications. And with business hosting, you have different level of services offered, at a price. But as @neophobia mentioned, some gaming companies go to great lengths for added protection. Unfortunately , this is not always possible considering budgetary constraints. It is what it is.
  23. Yeah, some people may not be aware. What amazes me, is the amount of effort to disrupt a game with a lower than usual population, and more than 7 years old. Hmmph .. ?
  24. I may be wrong, but typically, it is the hosting company that provides the DDOS protection, high availability, fail over and whatnot. This all depends on what services LO has purchased as part of the hosting services. So, LO would need to let the hosting service know, that they need to up their game a bit with DDOS protection if possible. Lag and discconnects can make for some frustrating times.
  25. Much appreciated. I may have exaggerated a bit, but it can get a bit "spammy" at times. A lot of people choose not to get into administrative mode by taking screen shots, reporting and what not. My guess is that they would rather spend their time doing other things. That's just my guess. EDIT: Not sure if anyone noticed a young Clint Eastwood in that Rawhide clip.
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