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Everything posted by Westford

  1. not to be a broken record, but epic games is currently made entirely of large denomination bills Broken records typically find themselves in the trash. Once a legal precedent has been established against cheaters and developers of game cheats, it will be.... how we say "Game Over". Remember Napster and the Music industry , and all those unfortunate Downloaders that were sued ? BTW, these Downloaders were sued for around 3k - 4k a pop. Imagine if this became the norm, that game cheaters were to be sued for 3k - 4k a pop .... Sheesh... Anywho, interesting times are ahead.
  2. Epic Games is suing Fortnite cheaters for copyright infringement: https://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/epic-games-is-suing-fortnite-cheaters-for-copyright-infringement/ This trend has already started.
  3. At least you get to keep your unusually high post count. That's gotta account for something, ya ?
  4. *Corps. Good catch. I do know better, unfortunately auto-correct does not. Thanks
  5. Haven't seen any official response from LO concerning IR3 preset weapons yet. If there has been a responce, can someone link it here in this thread. That would be great, thanks.
  6. Yes ... Jericho is down as of 01:53am EST ... Flippy Flop
  7. u havent been playing have u? im an avid shotgun user and this buff clearly made the jg too strong. Ok. ok..... Maybe they didn't have a chance to test these changes in OTW for a full evaluation... Shit happens.. I heard that they are keeping an eye out and will make changes accordingly... I'm keeping faith ... Praise be ....
  8. With this particular weapon and the current IR3. tap firing is no longer required .. Press the trigger, and hold. Yes, the fire rate is that slow .. There is no Burst fire .... It is a slow & methodical ... bam. bam , bam, bam .... (count , 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi...... etc) (no trigger release required) *sigh* So, I may need to "re-learn" this weap, BUT.... changes could be imminent , and that is why I am asking O Sensei...
  9. Ryan Seacrest ??? Dude, you must be smoken shit I never heard of.. Hahaa...
  10. Haha, yes , that would be epic. Not sure who they would cast for these roles.... but I'm thinking Matt Dameon gonna be there somewhere... Ok. were traveling off topic here ... and this is unlike you @CookiePuss
  11. There are a number of weapons that have preset mods, and not interchangeable .. Some of these preset weapons have the "changed" IR3 mod. Question: What options are available for those current owners that have weapons with the preset mod IR3 (and the included changes). Example: I currently have a Joker CR-5 PR2 The preset modes include Hunting Sight 3 and Improved Rifling 3 Since the changes to IR3, this weapon is no longer (in my opinion) no longer performing optimally. What options are available to me. These are preset modification to the weapon, so I cannot swap them out. Does this fall under the category of; re-learning a preset weapon, and redefine ones tactics .... or will there be additional changes in the coming months, as weapon balance refinements are implemented.. As much as I appreciate feedback from my compadres, an official statement is most welcome. Cheers, & Happy Shooting ...
  12. For the US based players, 20m is approximately 65 feet. What is the typical range of a shotgun? The effective range of a typical shotgun is about 45 m. (or approx 145 feet) Granted, this is a video game, and the laws of physics do not always apply. Take the HVR jump shot that we all love & miss. Now, there have been very few reports, (if any) of any Army or Marine Corp snipers able to accomplish the "Sniper Jump Shot", but again, this is a video game, so anything is possible. As far as the effective range of a shotgun in APB... Yeah, it is definitely plausible.
  13. Down for 6 hours for patch. Yep ... just saw the patch notes ... sigh... I was too quick to pull the trigger. On a side note, this is actually a great time to apply a patch ....
  14. this reeks of someone vomiting information that they just made up tbh Hmmm... yes, that is one possible hypothesis...... I could add a few others ... haha..... But suffice to say . "History does repeat itself ... " lol
  15. Ahh, these are the posts that I find most entertaining... For those that have followed the forums over the last 6 or maybe 7 years, it is posts like this this that always puts a smile on ones face. Why you say ? Haha, cause these are the same posts we have seen crop up all the time, for like the last 6-7 years. Were there cheaters ingame during the life time of PunkBusters ? Yes. Were there cheaters ingame during the life time of PunkBusters & Fairfight ? Yes. Are there cheaters in game with BattleEye ? Yes. But ... why ? Cause there will always be cheaters in any online game, particularly those that are free to play. Any anti-cheat , can only do so much. But there are not many cheaters now in this game. (he must have copied and pasted this from a post from 2010, or was it 2012....'13 ?) Are there bypasses for BattleEye ? Yes. So what do I do ? "git gud" Those , umm fortunate players that rarely experience cheaters are "real gud" ... (yes, most of whom I speak are True Golds ™) Are you a Silver ? Uhh, well I flop back and forth from Gold to SIlver. So you're not a True Gold ™ ? Huh ? Anyways same song, different tune and another year. Good fun to read ....
  16. Good suggestions .... I will drive my car a bit more. This was a FC btw ...
  17. You were removed from the server because of inactivity ...... But .... I was active ... Shooting ... Crouching ... Running ... Moving along ......... SO ... QUESTION : WHAT CONSTITUTES INACTIVITY TO BE BOOTED ? Inquiring minds want to know .... Regards
  18. Update: 7/19 - Thurs 10:10 am EST Login Server - Up an Login Successful
  19. Update: 7/19 - Thurs 9:15 am EST Login Server - DOWN Cannot login
  20. Myself, I never used the "AL" I have seen vids on YouTube where the graphics were dumbed down to a ridiculous level. It was like ..... like watching a Potato .... it was horrible. I hope I never witness anything like that again.
  21. Update: 7/19 - Thurs 8:25 am EST Login Servers (Jericho) still DOWN Cannot login
  22. ... breathe ...... 1 ..2...3..... breathe .....
  23. .... breathe ...... 1 ..2...3..... breathe ...... Login Servers should be up momentarily .....
  24. We all have our burdens ... let us wait patiently for the ? Login Servers'.....
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