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Everything posted by Westford

  1. I had requested that the thread be locked, but there is obvious interest for it too survive.
  2. Agreed. As outrageously obvious that my original post was, I had no idea the level of passion that would come forth to ....errm, set the record straight, as to what a "true Gold (™) " actually meant. Thanks for the clarification. Mods, you can go ahead and lock this thread, as it has obviously served it's purpose.
  3. You're pretty quick. I was fishing, I caught one angry sole...' It happens.. We move on ....
  4. There does seem do be some inconsistencies with forum posts moving/locking and what have you. I opened a recent post under the Forum section to address a recent forum post being moved to Off Topic.... although, the post itself was Game Related .... It's anyone's guess at this point.
  5. I have to confess, I may be going into psychedelic mode. WizYuan Has gone off the grid... Prayers will be accepted at the 1st Baptist Church of the Latter Day Saints on St Augustine and 59th on Sunday. 8:00am PS WizYuan..... You speak bullshoot & nonsense & you expect a reasonable response... Get real ....
  6. Well that was not an admission I expected ... Good for you ... when we see our own fallacies ... Yes ... Golds & Silvers seem to be trash at times.. Sad , but inevitable... We can all strive to improve, perhaps even you ....
  7. Oooohhh .. I see your point ... That you are not as verse as you thought you were. I thought that was obvious .... Well, yes ... I am an exceptional player to be honest .....
  8. This my friends is typical Gold Player mentality. Please take note. The "lack" of experience that you have enumerated ... may be typical of a lower rank player .... perhaps even silver.... But not all.. You have sorely missed this lesson my friend..... Yes ... you too are a scrub ... Played you , killed you ... and so long ... too predictable ... Next ......
  9. Ahh.... good question... Stroking egos.... No Curious .... over the years , have you seen any threads that reference Silvers in a derogatory form ? Meaning ... one who does not play well "must be a Silver" ... Hmmm.... No stroking here on my part. (but always looking for assistance) Are you an angry Gold player ? I have met your kind before ..... They hate when Silvers rule their wasteland ....
  10. I see a whole bunch of derogatory remarks on players .. that (They must be Silver) Either because of poor positioning, situational awareness, unfounded hackusating ... whatever.... Let's set the record straight. Golds are no better .... I know.... Been playing the game for a better part of 7 years. Yes, I may be a maxed rank Silver, and yes ... I know better.. Killed mid level to high rank Golds on the regular ..... So before any of you elitist Golds care to "spew" your "stuff" ... about (they must be silver)... know this ... I have "spewed" your "stuff" on more than one occasion. Might want to change the song you sing ... cause ... it ain't cutting it anymore ... I'm not buying it .... .... and neither are they . On a lighter note, happy to see people in district ....
  11. I would very much like to vouch for this gentleman..... I know 1st hand, the level of his brevity...... There may be a bit of "drool", from the corners of his mouth....... but this is APB ... .......... I am inclined to believe him ......
  12. Good God....... I bow down to your level of patience and tenacity. May we all come out of these challenging times with the foresight to escape possible future persecutions.
  13. Good commentary.... thank you. I have been curious as to how one selects an appropriate acount to login "as", if that particular individual has more than...... let's say 53 accounts from rerolls. Hmmmm ???
  14. Thanks, wasn't sure if potential version conflict between 2 instances of BE. Or, if there would only be 1 instance that supports multiple games.
  15. Question for the dev Team.. Will there be a conflict with Battle Eye, as I currently have BE installed from other game ?
  16. Good point.... Let's see if we can break this down a bit. if we were to accept the number of bans in the last several years at around 17K. and of those, are a number of "False Bans".... I believe what you are suggesting, is that LO spend some time to perform an analysis of those 17K bans to determine which bans were legit, and which bans were... questionable. Hmm, it would be possible .. I guess... might take some time..., maybe 6-8 months... I dunno, wait a half a year or so ... or ............. I am still undecided...
  17. Name: Westford From: USA Prefered faction: Enforcer Likes : Shooting my gun Hates: Running out of ammo Phrase: None that I can think of
  18. Only if they promise to buy her coffee.
  19. So, some of the Dev Team did sign on to Jericho on 6/2/2018 @ 18:00 Played a few Baylan FC missions I saw... and then moved on ...... Mission District perhaps... ? We would like to hear some Feedback from the Devs..... Tell us of your experience in Mission... Fight Club .... ? Thoughts ... suggestions... share with us ...
  20. But... I get this bug, and I don't use any 3rd party apps.. Never have. Only with Marksman mode, no issues leaning.
  21. This might be a related bug, hard to say, you did not provide much info. Also, I may be reaching a bit, but should this post be in the "Bug" section ? I know, a bit unconventional as it were.
  22. Didn't know where to post this .... but Jericho is in full steam...
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