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Everything posted by Westford

  1. I see a whole bunch of derogatory remarks on players .. that (They must be Silver) Either because of poor positioning, situational awareness, unfounded hackusating ... whatever.... Let's set the record straight. Golds are no better .... I know.... Been playing the game for a better part of 7 years. Yes, I may be a maxed rank Silver, and yes ... I know better.. Killed mid level to high rank Golds on the regular ..... So before any of you elitist Golds care to "spew" your "stuff" ... about (they must be silver)... know this ... I have "spewed" your "stuff" on more than one occasion. Might want to change the song you sing ... cause ... it ain't cutting it anymore ... I'm not buying it .... .... and neither are they . On a lighter note, happy to see people in district ....
  2. I would very much like to vouch for this gentleman..... I know 1st hand, the level of his brevity...... There may be a bit of "drool", from the corners of his mouth....... but this is APB ... .......... I am inclined to believe him ......
  3. Good God....... I bow down to your level of patience and tenacity. May we all come out of these challenging times with the foresight to escape possible future persecutions.
  4. Good commentary.... thank you. I have been curious as to how one selects an appropriate acount to login "as", if that particular individual has more than...... let's say 53 accounts from rerolls. Hmmmm ???
  5. Thanks, wasn't sure if potential version conflict between 2 instances of BE. Or, if there would only be 1 instance that supports multiple games.
  6. Question for the dev Team.. Will there be a conflict with Battle Eye, as I currently have BE installed from other game ?
  7. Good point.... Let's see if we can break this down a bit. if we were to accept the number of bans in the last several years at around 17K. and of those, are a number of "False Bans".... I believe what you are suggesting, is that LO spend some time to perform an analysis of those 17K bans to determine which bans were legit, and which bans were... questionable. Hmm, it would be possible .. I guess... might take some time..., maybe 6-8 months... I dunno, wait a half a year or so ... or ............. I am still undecided...
  8. Name: Westford From: USA Prefered faction: Enforcer Likes : Shooting my gun Hates: Running out of ammo Phrase: None that I can think of
  9. Only if they promise to buy her coffee.
  10. So, some of the Dev Team did sign on to Jericho on 6/2/2018 @ 18:00 Played a few Baylan FC missions I saw... and then moved on ...... Mission District perhaps... ? We would like to hear some Feedback from the Devs..... Tell us of your experience in Mission... Fight Club .... ? Thoughts ... suggestions... share with us ...
  11. But... I get this bug, and I don't use any 3rd party apps.. Never have. Only with Marksman mode, no issues leaning.
  12. This might be a related bug, hard to say, you did not provide much info. Also, I may be reaching a bit, but should this post be in the "Bug" section ? I know, a bit unconventional as it were.
  13. Didn't know where to post this .... but Jericho is in full steam...
  14. @BartMcRoy, The LO staff interviewing candidates is a bit different than players familiar with other players. I'm sure LO will conduct interviews, which would be expected. Nominating players from a pool of other players is another approach, The assumption being that vouched players are by default "trusted" players. ( that would be the assumption ) I think the idea of LO recruiting players as GM's/MODS is interesting, So I am making light of the whole deal. It will be interesting. Plus, I'm seeing some players responding that are in a bit of "cringe" mode, so kind of entertaining.
  15. @BartMcRoy, The LO staff interviewing candidates is a bit different than players familiar with other players. I'm sure LO will conduct interviews, which would be expected. Nominating players from a pool of other players is another approach, The assumption being that vouched players are by default "trusted" players. ( that would be the assumption ) I think the idea of LO recruiting players as GM's/MODS is interesting, So I am making light of the whole deal. It will be interesting.
  16. Although I have been playing this game since 2011 I doubt that I am very well known. Plus, I have been a maxed rank Silver for years, so the assumption would be that I hackusate all those who kill me, because that's what silvers do, or so I've been told. These could potentially be two glaring red flags. I will formally rescind my application immediately after it has been submitted.
  17. Hmm,,,, you believe that a GM's role is to spot cheaters.... Not true. A gamemaster (GM; also known as game master, game manager, game moderator or referee) is a person who acts as an organizer, officiant for questions regarding rules, arbitrator, and moderator for a multiplayer role-playing game.[1][2] They are more common in co-operative games in which players work together than in competitive games in which players oppose each other Let the anti-cheat software resolve that issue.. I threw myself out there as an example ... welcome to the chaos....
  18. Appreciate the vote of confidence... Yes, I am older, been playing games since .... (ok age verification check) id Softwares's Wolfenstien...... My 'ePeen" is more or less non-existent , sad to say .... lol
  19. Yes, I believe I can... Why you ask.... Welp, I will admit I am a somewhat older Gamer. Back in the day... I played the "Elitist" Card as it were. Nowadays.... I like to chill, a bit of good 'ole competitive shooting, and talk to younger folks.... get their perspective, and perhaps share mine. Who knows, stranger things have happened. EDIT: Bottom line. It's about a fun positive gaming experience.... That's what everyone wants. But... if there are players in game who's idea of fun, is to disrupt other players gaming experience in order to have fun, well, they need to find other activities ..cause ..... well... It's disruptive...
  20. I would happily volunteer my time as either a GM or Mod. I currently have no affiliation with either Clans or Players, and can attest to the fact that I am somewhat of an unknown entity. Although I started playing this game back in 2011, I am by no means an "elitists" ( what does that even mean) but I would be impartial, and would never hand out free T-Shirts or Tote bags whilst in Social or any other District. I am here to help.
  21. Agreed.. Relax....breathe, and wait. Namaste...... breathe....in & out.......in & out....
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