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Everything posted by Regenance

  1. They need some things like Movie Area so people can queue up some links and watch them (such as Garrysmod having rn and Just Caust 3 Multiplayer aswell). There are too many things that is currently missing within the social to make it less "AFKing AREA" and more fun and relaxing.
  2. Slow and steady guys, wait up for the anti-cheat to fully collect data and set itself, meanwhile keep playing it will worth it eventually I think >.<
  3. What? since when? and which? I heard G1 shut down all websites since they found out people possessed retail pack reseller so prolly no APB content website as far as I know
  4. No ETA for the 2nd wave, we're all currently waiting impatiently for it coming.
  5. Isn't it the game it's based on? I mean, I heard rumors that it's the old version of the base of APB. which basically means it's the grandfather of the original game, but I assume.
  6. People are impatience these days >.> (either do I)
  7. Something smells not good currently, and it's not me >.< we literally getting ignored at the support center no one knows why nor telling us what happens.
  8. You got it in The Divison, LO needs to take some concepts from other games.
  9. I think a veterinarian will be good
  10. Premium will lose it's glory, or maybe people that is having premium will higher rate than others when it will be on. I can't really see how it will work with premium at the side.
  11. They've made the "Engine Upgrade" to "PHASES", 3.5 and then UE4. it will take time, maybe years.
  12. Damn that's so emotional, I'm in tears rn
  13. They're investigating each ban that was made by GM seems alike if it takes that much time and see if it's worth unbanning or not, stop the impatience and just wait until they're fully loaded up with all those banned users and @Selali will surely update us all with news.
  14. Thanks for the update and transparency we all appreciate it.
  15. I prefer to still have it server sided, with the amount of lags in-game I can't see how you can properly drive as described at the video above this comment.
  16. An entertainment content would be awesome, so I fully agree in this idea of reviving the youtube channel of the game. that'd be awesome to get the dev blog going through with sneaky peaky things which will be added or be used in the game.
  17. That might be causing of their laziness or just because it was on friday then they had maybe few hours before going on weekend which I think they're not working on weekends like any other global company.
  18. OH OH that thing again, got some pictures from the old thread - Wikipedia article about that unfinished district: http://apb-reloaded-fancomic.wikia.com/wiki/Midtown#Appareances some more
  19. They don't need to put a cooldown on everything, they just need to make things against those odd grenades etc.. something like a more armored vest or something, and about crouching I think that having such as in Fortnite and PUBG that you can't spam crouching and your legs getting tired so you stay crouched or you just wait to pop up again. This game needs alot of work to do and I think LO has already started.
  20. Let them finish tuning the BE settings up, I assume that's how it actually works they monitoring them all until they collect enough data or maybe the system has good data collection they just need to detect it, people has been unbanned 3 days ago, it's still fresh and let the time do it's own. if massive users has been unbanned these cheaters between them will float above the water and BE will catch them all eventually.
  21. By that Lizard squad? Yeah, they made APB go down few times before 5-6 years. hope they'll not come back again for another attack, although I think that's an issue in the security manner which need to be tight, if LO have good and strong security to the servers I can't see how they will suffer at the next attack, but that's all depends on where APB is being hosted, on who they are sitting and how the next DDOS attack will effect them, right now I know Matt Scott is trying to do his best to solve the DDOS problems within the game, we just need patience.
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