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Everything posted by Regenance

  1. I always believed at the game nothing being fully dead. seems like while LO taking over the players are slowly getting back, the "New Owners" buzz is already at the air. so excited for the upcoming changes.
  2. So what would you suggest him to use RS3?
  3. CJ3 and HS3 will be good I assume
  4. Love - Game concept, hows it's made and the weapons which makes me addicted to keep playing. Hate - The toxicity in the community.
  5. Well, somewhere I can understand and feel you @Lixil this community needs a punch in the face to make themselves less toxic about community decisions and all. but in some other way I can understand how they feel when G1 (aka Reloaded Productions) used to promise things and promise and promise but they never actually did something they promised so we all feel some kind of betrayed. You will have to earn that trust again. But still, Nothing can stop you LO from making this game great again.
  6. Been playing since I was a child, 8 years afterwards still returning to the childhood game, so why not? it's free. has unique systems that you can't see nowdays in game such as the customization system and so on.
  7. Regenance

    2Auth code access

    So the suggestion today is having the code thingy for connecting in-game (and it will be saved as a cookie if possible for month or so.) so if people try breaking into accounts they will not have access unless they got the code. I have been experiencing a account theft (the hacker used to purchase things into the old account of mine so he can bring it back whenever he wants to.) so basically the account has "2 owners" he used me as a child and I was pathetic and believed him, long story short it was I think 7 years ago when I started playing? Indeed. so the suggestion came after a personal experience within the game a long time ago. There are basically few options or an option that LO will develop it's own application to have codes getting regenerate every few seconds. or you can simply use the Google Auth. Just a suggestion to have some sort of 2nd gate to access your account so it will be more tightly secured if any purchases will be made and you afraid losing account cause of the account hacking waves.
  8. Or maybe just wait patiently for Little Orbit to fully set themselves up onto the game then they will find a way to reach phone users (or lazy-users) somehow, just wait for the upcoming updates and sooner or later they will implement a responsive design if that's what you meant.
  9. I miss the old one, but it's need to be revmaped, there are too many holes in the current system.
  10. Welcome back, Lil'Orbit has given most of us a second chance, we grew. we learned and we all agree that now with a good company that cares about the game we will not use any other softwares but our own skills.
  11. Finally the servers are getting attention, obviously that was in need to be a top priority.
  12. So basically after some quite good years playing the game (almost 7 years since 2011 to be exact) I have encountered few things that really needs to be added. Vote to Kick system - the current kicking out of mission system is stupid, If the player does not posses a demerit you get stuck with him even tho it's a cheater. So the solution is basically having people to vote the person out. An active administrators in-game - We currently have the /report command which is basically quite useless, no one gets the reports and they just keep being there, if you the GMs afraid of people spamming just use a cooldown for one report per day, or two reports per day instead of having the option to constantly spamming the command. A better UI design - So as you already noticed the game is quite old, with his design, with his features. The xbox currently has a quite fine GUI at my opinion but we need a better look of the game instead of crappy minecraft quality and design. here few good example for I think character customization menu and Mail system - I don't know whom actually designed this GUI but it looks quite nice and I think LO should think about changes. Vehicle System - We all agree that the current state of the vehicles in-game isn't quite good and we have some amount of vehicles that needs to be re-worked and implemented from the beginning again with a better physics and other things that needs to be implemented. First Person Camera - I have seen some games with the same fight scenarios that has first person camera, and most of the games whom having first person camera can simply be comfortable for FPS players to be played. You need to bring attention for those FPS players to return in-game. There are some suggestions, I just wanted to share with you all, about the upcoming changes and all. just gave some ideas.
  13. I encountered cheaters that well hided their cheats, which is ' Motorola ', ' iKellyQ ' and other shit that I have seen in Joker NA
  14. I never seen a police officer chasing criminal whilst riding on the cruiser's roof, actually.. car surfing the is stupidest things they've ever implemented into the game.
  15. I wanna thank my beloved right hand for pleasuring me all my life
  16. That's the best decision to not ride along the horses with this stupid "gambling" shit, why they're not making rules on the money gambling which is "legal" thingy, hows it called Lottery? oh yes.
  17. No one is hacking here, except his good timing for taking osmaw out, he could've seen you by camping at the wall and look with the camera aside. just stop crying and keep playing unless you have a better proof of real cheater.
  18. Video cannot prove anything these days, the scenario when the player get caught cheating can be disturbed by client side lags, maybe de-syncs and so on.
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