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Everything posted by MoeEveryWeek

  1. Mate you sweat too hard in Han
  2. MoeEveryWeek

    Dual FBW!! >:D

    Theres already a Dual wield thread its just somewhere in here.
  3. Well they can't really make it permanent when its called "12 Deaths of CHRISTMAS" So it's kinda of defeating it's purpose if you make it permanent when its a event specific mode only...
  4. I had a quick skin through the list and idk if I skimmed over it or not, but we could probably have a clan level system with bonus rewards/boosts for each level for example: Clan level 5 - Reduction item prices from the contact shops by 1% Clan level 45 - +5 more symbol layers for customization etc...
  5. @SKay So just to clear up, if a HAN team and a NA team were to fight, we'd have characters in both regions, would we have the same legal loadouts as our main character? So like my HAN loadout would be the same in NA?
  6. What I basically said before when there was a big patootie thread about bringing the SPCM back.
  7. It would be better to close the thread now as the poll here is really 1 sided as the OP is going to start flaming up for not going with their opinion.
  8. So thats where all the "Add it to the pile" threads went
  9. Who needs censorship when you have @AsgerLund stomach? Bet he hasn't seen his Johnson in 5 years :))
  10. Should just revert back to RTW, raise the back suspensions but keep the front lowered
  11. Can males get butt and thigh sliders too?
  12. If they can get jiggle bones and physics running, I'd love this.
  13. Minimum Specs: Windows Vista (As long as you have the Advanced APB Launcher, you'll be fine)
  14. Crim v Crim would be understandable, only form of it I saw is when a crim got a reward from killing a N5 Cop v Cop, I wouldnt know as cops fight each other are no different to crims fighting each other We mean that your comment was before was not related to the topic, if youre going to ask for help, make/search a thread about it or as support
  15. I have a cardboard box as a computer.
  16. Can we nerf UI hud, so we all have to play blind, and we won't know who is who and we blast everyone pew pew pew.
  17. OP never said anything about talking in the chat anyways, he is not using any form of spam, he's just not doing the mission.
  18. It's not really pay to win as you can get 3 slot guns in game as unlocks, just takes time, pay2win for me would be using G1C to get ingame boosts like (these are just random examples) a boost that halts the enemy progress bar, when capturing an item, for a few secs, or when you pay G1C, you summon a minigun out of nowhere to use for a few secs.
  19. I just get a cheap kill or do a obj then laze of somewhere, so I still get some reward
  20. Just wait for LO to come up with a much more safer method of trading, simply wait.
  21. +1 You would be be making the majority of the HAN players stretch even further if it was merged to Jericho because most HAN players already have a hard enough time to stretch to Japan.
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