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Everything posted by MoeEveryWeek

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  3. MoeEveryWeek

    PVE Mode

    Small mini-games would be interesting, the PvE mode Im not too sure about this, this might help when the server isnt at peak but people will just abuse it and stay on PvE for the rest of the time.
  4. Yeah a friend of mine is having the same problem, he can only join the Bronze districts but other than that, he gets kicked.
  5. u should of married the forums ages ago... you just gotta wait in line since there are other members trying to marry the forums since 2010 If I married the forums, I would have committed polygamy, so yeah nah.
  6. They're inexperienced because they were thrown into a mess that they're trying to clean up, they're trying the best to try fix up the mess G1 left them, while you're here, at home, criticizing their asses while they work full on in the office. So many of us have tried helping, you're not one of them.
  7. You can just do the same thing, restrict it to an area.
  8. Well there you go @(PS4)grunge76 , it can be an error.
  9. If you also paid attention to the news, they told you to specifically refrain from trading until they get the new trading interface has come, they also said that they no longer support marketplace trades so I highly doubt you will be getting your legendary back anytime soon. Support no longer taking scam tickets:
  10. Well you can't complain, Han is non-existent, we average 20 players at peak, even just 50 average is like a thrill for us.
  11. I doubt that the G24 would be tradable as it is pretty strong, in PC, its available who have bought the vehicle but not tradeable since you can buy it for very cheap, probably a small error.
  12. Nuuu, ATAC + Showstopper mains are the new almighty, nutted myself hard when I tried this combo
  13. 1. Yeah no bad idea, gold people in bronze are terrible so they should not be called gold in the first place, bronze is for newbies to train. 2. Yeah this is helpful 3. We have OC for a reason.
  14. I'd prefer actual car controls not boat controls
  15. WASP is still around? And now we have INSECTICIDE? Tbh, not even gonna both with clans until LO release something new for clans, like the clan housing most players are hyping about but it's not gonna come anytime soon.
  16. equally imbalanced is the definition of balanced... its fair for both sides... You are actually cooked. If everything is tied, nothing progresses, rewards are reduced and there would be no point of this mission. Everyone would complain and would want this removed. Everyone here only cares about the reward sides and fairer combat (Weapon buffs/nerfs), adding a new mission that results in most ties is not making anything fair. Just another silver who can't use a damn gun to win a match.
  17. The magic pole in financial near the construction area that everyone thinks they can run down.
  18. They should just debundle the clothing sets from the vehicles, cuz Ive been meaning to buy Vigilum but i didnt want the Vaquero
  19. But we need to also think about players using it the survive heights that can make you die, so maybe if you grab onto to it while falling from a high place, youll receive some damage?
  20. I was about to add in that the money must be laundered aswell but then everyone would be waiting at the shop, unless theres different shops located around, and that you can only own one.
  21. MoeEveryWeek

    Income Feature

    So I've been around the forums and been hearing lots of compliments and complaints about the game but the most frequent ones would be premium and the high payouts. So I thought of something, this will vary among factions but an income feature where you could drive to a place to pick up "protection money" from stores. There would be a rate at which the money comes in and a cap on how much the store can hold. Players can also buy upgrade such as more money per/h, shortened intervals or just being able to hold more cash. I would propose to only be able to use one upgrade at a time, maybe with premium, you can have an extra upgrade slot or enhanced upgrade.
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