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  1. I'm pretty much done with financial i literally have one contact that is lvl 7 right now and rest are waterfront so once i am leveled up i will probably have to just load up the game and see if waterfront has pop if not just try another day, But i went on bronze waterfront and i saw Gold weapons and level 130+ in every single match so i think a majority (NOT ALL of course) of players are de-threaters trying to get into waterfront. I even had a few matches on bronze where someone was gold on my team and they did nothing hoping to get back down to silver to stay in the server. I honestly don't know at the end of the day when i had played YEARS ago everything was fine but now with the population i feel like there needs to be some sacrifices until population can get back up. From: Someone who just wants to do contacts so he can get better equipment/cars
  2. The image i placed shows OC pretty well.
  3. Hello i would like to see the threat system changed or removed because i need to get into waterfront but the only waterfront with players is a bronze threat one and i am always gold and i mean ALWAYS i could go silver but its just for one round and i am back up to gold, the current game population does not really support such a system, back then it did but now i can't even join Waterfront when i NEED to go there for my contacts i have been looking at the server list for 2/3 days now and have yet to see a SIlver Waterfront to join. So ways to fix this is to either: 1. Make it so gold can join bronze 2. Be able to pledge to Waterfront contacts from Financial 3. Just remove the system all together or disable it which ever is easiest. Please do something because i need waterfront and i don't really want to dethreat. Image of what it usually looks like: https://gyazo.com/6bcbd9fd6c7d65c73650d986eceb4623
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