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Everything posted by DedGaem

  1. Bout time. This is actually the best news yet. G1 hardware.
  2. LMAO wish I had seen it. Would have made my day.
  3. Since the Threat Segregation Patch.
  4. Their gimp I got the nunavut myself. It always runs out of bullets on me and kills me. That being said, there is a way to use them... if someone is already shot (big hint) they make a wonderful finisher.
  5. K. Are you even slightly familiar with what closet cheating is? It's when the cheats are toggled on and off to give the impression of legitimacy. Silver cheaters? Sometimes there are even trainee cheaters. How can this be? It's called rerolling a new account to cheat on for a bit and then delete. APB has had paid hacks available to it for many years, and some of the most dedicated players have coded private cheats for this game. BE doesn't make those cheats obsolete if they can work a bypass and still inject them, and toggle till the goats come home. And BTW that video was a cheater showing how easy it was to be kicked for third-party programs and make a new account and continue the same as before. If you think the video of him getting kicked by BE was a joke, or that rerolling is just "aw shucks don't believe everything on the internet I was just fooling" you're not terribly bright. A common misconception spread by hack companies themselves (yes you can read their forums) that hacking means invincible or only rage-hack god-tier. The very basis of a closet cheater is to play under the radar and evade detection or suspicion. As a result most people if they are looking for MrEpicGoat lvl of blatant cheating, won't see anything at all. The fact there are no health hacks allows us to know that hackers when taking enough damage will die. Someone who is killed isn't "not hacking" anymore than someone who may not have turned on their esp can be flanked, although his triggerbot lock may still be on, so that his aim and ability to get kills is higher than average. And on some who tend a bit more blatant and a little less closety, that kvd ratio is quite out of the norm.
  6. I believe this is what originally led to MrEpicGoat.
  7. DM you the links? Wha? Have you assigned yourself the role of official support moderator? Use a search engine, it's not hard. I played on Cheatadel last night, and I can assure you, there's some sketchy players out there. What you're saying here amounts to denial and minimization. I do sincerely hope the LO staff would rather google BE bypasses and have their team take a look for problem areas then listen to a guy like you. The fact that cheat companies are making videos of their trolling shows how poorly informed you are... or how deliberately dumb you're pretending to be... the quality of the cheater fanboi crowd from the old days. If you want to get to the point of the video, fast forward to 3:04 where he is kicked by BE for using a disallowed program. He then went on to make a new character and make two more videos where his blatant cheating simply continues. BE can be bypassed. BE cannot stop rerolling cheater accounts. Our problems haven't really changed with the implementation of BE and our hope is going to be a more secure game with the upcoming Engine Upgrade... but even then because of a FTP game and rerolling cheaters... it won't ever go away. So you never saw a cheater or suspicious player? LMAO, sure. I certainly have, every night there's a couple.
  8. I think the only solution at this point is going to be the Engine Upgrade, with certain anticheat measures as well as locking off the files from player editing, and detection for edited files. While nothing can be completely free of cheats, APB has notoriously been easy to hack. Hopefully as LO tends to the game, this endemic exploitation and bypassing will be a thing of the past. But blanket denials that these kind of things exist are... not credible imo. So a multi-billion dollar cheat industry is simply "lying" about their techniques for bypassing anticheat systems? Haha okay. The whole point was to show that a variety of cheats and exploits have existed in APB for a long, long time... and that someone who claims they never saw something fishy is probably not being real. Just my opinion. As you mention, yes a lot of things are outdated and patched... WHY? because it's a battle between profitable cheat makers and anticheat services. Just saying APB sorely needs an engine upgrade with some resistant to cheat things built into it, as the original APB was so virginally naive... and easily exploitable as it remains to this day.
  9. Is that why hack sites all have forums discussing how to disable the BE in processes? I mean I googled to see if it could be that easy and apparently it is. There are also some very devious ways involving purchasing a signed driver to mask the cheat engine. Soooo, do hackers use this to hack our game? You betcha. Playing "dumb" doesn't make it go away, in fact exposing it should allow the LO team to get right on it. Because we haven't had the weird "glitch" where an enemy's icon is right close but when we go there, he isn't, he's 1/2 way across the map ya?
  10. Can you pls buff the SBSR rifle + sniper (coronor + IRS) as they are nice niche guns but subpar TTK versus the current meta (HVR-DMR-Scout). Or at least buff the stun-hard dmg on the IRS? They are awesome fun guns but not competitive... and they certainly should be simply a variant of already good guns, not a weaker stepson that no one ever uses.
  11. You missed out on MrEpicGoat then. He taught the APB community what the term shawcopter means.
  12. While not impossible, someone going 24-2-4 is a bit sketchy. In a perfect world players who perform "too good" consistently out of norm should be spectated periodically.
  13. Hehe pro;;y not, but it was fun imagining it might be Matt and watching his lil cute bronze noobness tryna open the car door.
  14. She did once ban a guy for using the fart emote on her in Social, and justified it based on him having been a reroll previously banned, as "ban evasion." Just goes to show how corrupt and inconsistent G1's policies were. Anyway my take on all this is cheaters gonna cheat, BE can be bypassed thru paid programs temporarily, and cheaters gonna reroll. The HOPE for this game is coming in the planned engine and coding upgrades which will make all kinds of current cheats obsolete... and being a small player base, newer cheats will be hella expensive and therefore rare. Since everything is changing, the sorta general amnesty and acknowledgment of false bans was totally appropriate. Everyone has a new chance.... but the playing field won't be completely fair until the major fixes are underway. hopefully the fixes make the game great and bring back population.
  15. I played a match with guy who claimed he was one of the co-owners. If it was true, it was probably Matt. he was also Bronze
  16. Your whole position is denigrating anyone who would accuse such a thing, and flip it on them, they are bad, they don't know how to use semi-auto guns. The net result is a blanket DENIAL which amounts to the same thing. YOU need to chill... and stop insulting other players integrity for telling the truth about macroing, the dirty little secret of APB for years... Anyone can check the internet, these "sites" have had APB "macro" script offerings going back to 2012 and sold as part of "cheat" pkgs. ------------------------ (Just a quick internet search... oh looky, all those exact guns you were talking about...) [Release] Macros for APB (X7) - ....CheaTs First-Person Shooters › All Points Bulletin This macro really simple. It for all semi-automatic guns in apb. Better use for Joker SR 15, STAC-10, Obeya FBV, Colby .45 AP, Joker RFP-9, ... [Release] Macro aka rapid fire (64bit & 32bit) Updated [Release] AUTOCLICK (RAPID FIRE) MACRO [Release] Multi use macro, (tested on apb:r only so far [Tutorial] How to: Abuse the Joker Carbine without macros/scripts ... FINAL AUTOCLICK (RAPID FIRE) MACRO - MPGH Semi-Auto weapons rewarding players with macros An Autoclicker It's a macro that auto clicks your mouse when you hold the button. ... It will make a pistol or a semi-fire weapon into an SMG! ... APB Reloaded or any games wont be able to tell if it's a macro or not Apb Reloaded MACRO - Downloads - OldSchoolH-k - Game Hacks ... Downloads › All Points Bulletin- It for all semi-automatic guns in apb. Better use for Joker SR 15, STAC-10, Obeya FBW, Colby .45 AP, Joker RFP-9, OBIR. This is fastest macro.
  17. So wouldn't the simple fix just be investing in a couple of new "real" servers?
  18. Threat segregation failed. LO needs to reroll the entire threat system that G1 put in the game fundamentally altering something that was never broken and directly resulting in the toxic dethreating and noob stomping. All districts should be open to all players, as they were initially... only the matchmaking should account for players actual threat and rank and player-style over time, providing much more accurate matches... so those stacked pro gold teams who steamroll through bronze could no longer as they would only get matched with other stacked gold teams of closer to equal performance ability... and one high ranked gold could sometimes match a bronze army of 10 players... this was how fair things used to be.
  19. He said he's replacing it with something better. Matt is the best!~
  20. Cos nobody ever used macros to cheat... right. Dota 2 team dumped from tournament for cheating with a programmable mouse
  21. Cute vid, however while he is firing consistently, he is not holding any kind of target consistently. The macro is an exploit because it enables the player not simply to shoot consistently, but to AIM consistently since the macro is doing the firing. So the player can concentrate on aiming, dodging, etc... while the macro fires for him.... consistently and rapidly. The net result is a semi auto converted to a full auto breaking the limitation designed to prevent opness.
  22. This new company has had about 2 months to work on the game, quit complaining. It's not logical for you to have the expectation that LO is a continuation of G1 liable for promises since q 2014 as per your comments. Also your insulting me isn't adding anything to the validity of your position, which is a giant whine that in 2 months you don't have the kind of fix which would lead to player retention. Realize this game was a turd when LO bought it, and 2 months later it's still a turd. WHY? Because they have a lot of work to do to fix it.
  23. Your attitude is bad. Please improve attitude. Telling others to stop talking and insulting them personally doesn't prove your point. Use logic, thanks.
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