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Everything posted by DedGaem

  1. The answer is REROLL G1's Failed Threat Segregation and restore the original balanced threat, scoring and matchmaking system so everybody can play everybody on every district and are ranked according to the long-term profile of their player ability... and also stacked AGAINST based on the same scoring system of ability. Dethreating then has really no purpose, since over time, the derp players will stay derp ranks, and the better players will reflect their true ranks... and the matchmaking will prove to everyone who the true epic players are... and who the mere boasters are. For in the old system, every gold 10 was worth 2 silver 5's and 5 low bronzes. Afaik the current crop of golds would become "gold dust" if the original system were ever restored... and the glory days of the massive bronze armies of 10 guys versus 1 gold 10 boasting how they actually won... made everyone laugh and cheer.
  2. True. What LO desperately needs to do, and is so many long years late is REROLL THREAT SEGREGATION and restore the original balanced system. That way, a stacked "pro" team of say... 4 guys... would get matched against 1 low silver and 8 bronzes, and the true noobs were feel quite at home as they would belong to an ARMY with a chance.
  3. If LO restores the better balance of the original RTW matchmaking, scoring and threat system it won't be exceptional teams steamrolling a weaker, less epic... and derpier playerbase... so it won't "seem" like 90% of the players are hacking. There are always going to be cheaters, esp some hack companies trying things out... hopefully LO has implemented a smart system so the playerbase doesn't have to grieve when those guys (the real cheaters) are online. As for the rest, the answer is changing the FAIL segregated threat system. If someone is truly an epic rank 10 gold... he will surely be able to fend for himself against 2 silvers and 3 bronzies... like in original RTW and early APB system.
  4. The are also working on the Engine Upgrade to close off a lot of client-sided files which hack companies were taking advantage of to siphon a profit from the game while literally destroying it's fair playability for YEARS. The era of APB as a cheat infested game have come to a CLOSE... LO is never going to be G1.
  5. YAY~! All's we ever wanted was a FAIR game for everyone, including the exceptionally "good" players. I also don't think the playerbase needs to be involved in hacusation reports due to extreme bias and ignorance... but in-game GM's can tip off LO to what THEY as experienced players perceive as "suspicious." We also do not need name and shame ever again, it simply creates a toxic atmosphere... but the fair and just removal of badbois, /w escalating temp bans is the best thing yet. Sadly, there will be those who insist on perma banning themselves.
  6. The answer is LO bought out G1 and to revive the game did massive unbans of many well known cheaters, many real world account and legendary traders (for irl cash) and many exploiters. The result is a populated game... populated with... you guessed it. Since LO wanted population, and is sitting on their BE settings, tweaks, or w/e... one can infer the end result is their true intent. After meeting a couple of BE bypassed shawcopters in game, and players advertising to sell dozens of legendaries... I'm done with the game. It isn't fun it's just rewarding the people who have always done their worst to profit themselves and disrupt the game. Right now I don't see bans, I'm just starting to see blatants. Not only that, but an "ordinary" player can't even properly aim thru all the lag. When things improve, I might k up again. But I don't foresee how anything will change or improve given the scenario of unbans without any system in place to actually police or moderate the game. I don't know what they were thinking anymore. It's hard to imagine people whose business is the buying-selling-trading of legendaries bought with in-game cash would ever bother with premium or Armas stufff. Best of luck with your "new" (old) playerbase.
  7. Well this is old news about old attacks from 2013-2014. No idea if whats happening now is related... but in my view, if it happened before, why not investigate the same characters?
  8. "Computer scientist David Birti considered it fortunate at the time that their hacking activities have mainly been restricted to denial of service attacks and have not been as severe as password leakage yet." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derp_(hacker_group) DerpTrolling Hackers Leak Thousands of PSN, Windows Live & 2K Games Account Details
  9. Hmm, his politics explain why he was linked to Derptrolling and Anonymous. "For the last few weeks miscreants have been messing with APB by attempting both small and large DDoS attacks daily. The attacks range from small scale attempts, all the way to Derp Trolling taking down APB during their big take-down spree against Eve Online, LoL, Steam and Battle.net (on an aside, if anyone has any information about these events, we, and the FBI, are all ears and we will share more info on how the community can help out too)."
  10. Pretty sure it's not a big mystery. When the servers would crash duing G1's tenure, MrEpicGoat and Adrianna were bragging about how they would crash the servers... and then the servers would crash.
  11. DedGaem

    last post

    There should have just been a general amnesty across the board, along with a new team and a new anticheat. That way everyone could have a fresh start and sign to agree to abide by the new rules.
  12. Only 1 characteristic that makes those guys stand out from the rest, albeit a bit "iffy" and that is: Uncanny aim with instant target acquisition. While they are jumping, and bobbing, and doing a dance or peeking suddenly from a faraway ledge... the very second you move into firing range, they will POP you... perfectly, and never miss a shot. Nothing else is really that impressive. A lot of long-term players know the map, are good at flanking, etc. etc. But when they get insta popped too... they fall down into the "ordinary" players category. The ONLY exceptional players in APB.... fit into the one criteria. Hopefully with the new BE system, we'll being seeing fewer and fewer.
  13. They didn't "want him to play." They wanted him to feed them kills for the alloted time and exploited the machmaking by dethreating to play on the Bronze District against many actual bronze and some low rank silver players, who basically have no reasonable chance of success. no one I know ever learned anything by being steamrolled into a high number of deaths, nor would any newer players "enjoy" such a match or even continue in the game.
  14. Uh, cos we love the game and want to FUND the company which has the plan to make the awesome fixes... which they probably can't do if we don't show our support...
  15. I didn't say transform the already successful game that APB is, but like we have a Baylan Fight Club District, a Battle Royal ruleset and separate map as part of our already existing Fight Club is just another little goodie, and I don't think would be too hard to implement. Besides, when a District isn't popular, no one plays in it... consider G1's horribly thought out Open Conflict Districts... they've always been empty. Anyways, LO could always do a email poll to players to see if there was enough interest in a Fight Club Battle Royal District before committing resources to such an idea. Also, a Battle Royal style map or random generated maps could also be used for clan v clan wars. Alonzo is a chick? Ya don't say.
  16. When I am in a very mismatched mission I always exit the game and never feed them kills. It's a loss but without the intense aggravation or long waiting time.
  17. There's really no point in responding to 10 year olds who hijack and derail threads to say absurd and silly things. Ignoring ya!~ As I said before, Bye Bye!~
  18. A long time ago I purchased a gun I regretted immediately because it wasn't the one I wanted. Thought I was getting a Star with mods. It turned out to be the slowest firing gun in history, Star LCR. I regretted it immediately, contacted support and.... even though it was a first time purchase and request, was refused. I was livid. But ya know, over time, the LCR became my favorite goto gun. It's superb in it's niche. Give the gun you bought a chance. They are all good with a little practice.
  19. Cool beans. Then they get to see all the nonsense you're spamming the forums with. Bye bye.
  20. I think he has a point because honestly a lot of tryhard gold teams are hardcore trolling bronze district and farming noobs and bad players... the problem isn't the unbanning which had to happen... the problem is still the same old problem of threat segregation, and bad matchmaking system. If LO can restore the original more fair and balanced matchmaking system and get rid of threat segregation completely, this "trolling on bronze" won't be an issue, since on the old system, a gold had to prove he was a true gold because if he got bronze op, it was 5 guys and a trainee.
  21. Everytime you log in game you are signing the End User Licensing Agreement which is legally binding and a contract wherein you agree for the privilege of playing someone else's game, that you acknowledge their ownership and agree to abide by their Terms of Service. Have you had much schooling? Sounds like you could use some basic education.
  22. Death was assured under G1's management... but APB got quickly transferred to emergency brain surgery. You realize on investigation a large portion of those bans could not be justified using the analytics and hence constituted a fale banwave, esp since G1 hadn't even used an up-to-date system and relied on GM's who never played APB to perform manual bans... Illegal? How old are you? You sign a TOS which basically says APB is the intellectual property of the owners amd they can do whatever they wish in their game. You have no rights except what they give you and what they agree in contract to also abide by... and if LO wants to reverse discriminatory and unjustified bans and some actual hackers fall through the cracks... it's far better, since they will get banned again in future, but the large pool of innocent players falsely banned can get their accounts restored. If you want to play an empty unpopulated game, find another one. LO just gave APB a new lease on life
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