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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. It could be done later on probably, but just adding them as downloadable lets players do it without using resources. Not only that but most games don't "automatically" allow you to delete loading screens, ragdolls, and have a 3rd party "launcher". The only one that I can see them implementing would be autosprint.
  2. You aren't allowed to have any weapon be better than the NTEC. NTEC must be king otherwise plebs will complain. Atac? Nerf, S1NA? Nerf, FAR? Nerf, Better not buff the STAR very much to compete, Obeya? Nerf, nerf, buff, nerf buff, NTEC must be king. (Though obeya is fine as is now lol)
  3. You realize that imgur like 2-3+ years ago used to simply have "codes" listed to the side that you could copy and it would auto-paste right? .-. But thanks for letting me know how to do so now. I like it, is there a way to instead of expanding the area in the blue box when the sidebar is reduced, to instead push the numbers and info over to the left? that way that side is not so... "close" to the scroll bar and is a little more... "condensed" without having to look so far to the right to see the stats?
  4. Yeah Kokoe 3ps3 one. I love it, but I also got the RS2/3 one the extra accuracy feels good.
  5. I completely forgot the FAR got a max bloom nerf, and already had slightly higher max bloom. interesting.
  6. Something like this? https://imgur.com/gallery/V1P3naR God i hate how i can't copy imgur images into the chat anymore because all the imgur options disappeared wtf .-.
  7. I do kinda agree, the UI on the left could be made smaller/hidden with an arrow that pops out the search things when it is clicked or hovered over leaving the important information easier to see/at the forefront.
  8. I just looked at that and holy crap you're right. I never thought i'd see that after 2015.
  9. The most similar to the star is the FAR. Similar/same recoil same accuracy stats aside from a .5 difference in mm/out of mm accuracy. aka same bloom same bloom recovery should be the same movement speed the only major difference is the .7 vs .75ttk, faster reload and smaller mag compared to the star. It's pretty much functionally identical otherwise.
  10. Every update and game that goes to xbox/ps has to be approved by microsoft/sony first. This is also why console would in the past, get updates "slower" than PC, as they needed approved first (it was also mentioned in release notes/blogs several times. While I agree they weren't optimized. APB itself was hardly optimized to begin with .-.
  11. Voip has worked off and on the last year or so. If it's down again it doesnt surprise me though i know it worked a week or so ago when i was playing and some people were using it.
  12. I actually loved that, it was cool and useful. Merging was neccessary due to low pops and costs of servers.
  13. You mean, before or after 3 months of gold lock caused the population to drop on Colby and Joker by at least 50%? We can say the numbers speak for themselves, but 5-6? years of the current system, vs 3 months of gold lock. Drastic difference in pop loss. Joker went from 1200 pop to 400-600 in 3 months, and now 4 or so years later its at ~120. We can say the numbers speak for themselves, however that doesn't change the fact that hard-lock was one of the worst things for APB. Want to know why it was so bad? within several months of gold lock being removed, half the old GM team and CM "stopped working" for G1. Then we got Tiggs. Ofc it could be just... coincidence that such a large chunk of the old G1 team "disappeared" after hard threat seg gold lock. I don't believe it was though. Threat segregation ended up being a "bandaid" fix to a bad system with compounded issues. Green should have been removed, leaving silver/bronze/gold. However the problems that infested gold which caused the population drop, carried over "once again" after threat seg was removed. G1 and LO has barely touched the issues since. Exploits, glitches, and playstyles that "vet golds" use(d), were re-introduced to silver by a large margin. Add in the number of cheaters that Tiggs didn't ban until early-mid period. Well you had a recipe for disaster. Especially because silver and bronze's threat skill level dropped DRASTICALLY after lock. What would have been an "average or high silver" pre-lock after 3 months had the skill of a low bronze. Clans that were active pre-gold lock, were forced to disband or dethreat to play together, or constantly have the lower threat members stomped and face the constant cheat clans and exploiters in gold. The game was drastically mismanaged at the time, and it really showed, especially because of the loss of the GM team. It's a shame they haven't fixed the handful of exploits and OOB issue areas yet. Sadly the current good, came too little to late. You literally did: Vets using every glitch, exploit, and fucky mechanic to stomp and joyously admit to farming new players. Medium item movement exploit is still not fixed, and they took far too long to fix other issues in-game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server merge didn't hurt the population, unless you're going to claim that mixing the east and west coast was a terrible decision. (I agree it was bad, colby players are trash, and joker certainly didnt have to deal with their type, however it was likely done due to falling population to consolidate costs). Anticheat was screwy absolutely "drop system?" wtf is that. Damage drop? I don't mind it but i kinda agree but only because, it sucks getting killed at 65m by an ntec lel otherwise i dont mind it Riot did nothing against the game, though it did little to add anything. I regret not getting on to farm it for the temporary rewards. suicide choose?? Teamkick was necessary. While I agree it allowed griefers to grief a tiny bit more, it prevented some of the worst tactics ingame which especially hurt new players. 1 Teamlead +1 friend /clanny+ 2 randos - starts losing, immediately kicks 2 randos for new team. I had seen the leader kick 5 people after calling backup several times. So let us not pretend that teamlead kick was the "better" system. New player on team? insta-kick. Start getting to later stages/last stage? -Kick- Sure now they just TK the newbie or grief to get the guy kicked, which is toxic in itself and but is more rare than it used to be, imo should be reportable. Still a better system though. OOB system was necessary. While I believe it should only apply while in mission, the fact remains that too many times people exploited/glitched into areas they shouldn't have been during missions and events, and to most vets and other players knowledge, NONE of those players were banned for it. We still had them exploiting OOB this last halloween. So it certainly should be updated. The rest of those not good reasons as to why there was population drop.
  14. Isn't that the same setting though? I could be wrong. oh. didnt know that. Personally i feel the ban was unwarrented, but im now a fan of the halloween headless horseman event too much either. Not being able to see really sucks .-.
  15. Fog/smoke removal was bannable, because it negated the downside to the horseman event. I remember like 2 weeks to a month after the horseman first came out, they said they were banning shaders, essentially "because" they removed the fog downside. Though I do agree, to remove the cruddy blue filter, you had to use a shader. No clue about extra processing tho.
  16. G1 said no shaders, they didn't (to my knowledge) say no configs and even then people still used them.
  17. They never mentioned anything in patch notes about being rolled back. People like RespectThis who have been calling for its reversion for years would have made "THANK GOD" posts all over forums if it had been. It was something from G1 era 2014, it had been the "2nd" NTEC "rework" that occurred, after they nerfed HB on the NTEC, one that a number of people had complained about for years. I had no issue with it, but it was quite the topic of many discussions over the years. If it was removed, it might be something they did so backend/glitch wise/accidentally. We know already how fixing a car spawn made 3 others disappear already lol! Touching some weapon stats could have easily messed it up. Out of marksman does act like what your vid did. In marksman "seems" to have the extra bloom effect (maybe that's the difference? Similar to how S1NA has less recoil in mm than out of mm or similar special weapon effects). However, it seems to have been reduced from how it was before unless it's my eyes playing tricks on me (some of them seemed really smooth and didn't jump in bloom like it used to, then others seemed to have jumped). I wonder if it's that much less pronounced now due to the reversion of the max bloom size, from 2.4 to 2.1. It still seems to be there from the 3-6 shot though, but i barely noticed it compared to how heavily distorted it had been before. I would have thought LO would have mentioned it or someone commented on it if they removed it, plus APBDB mentioning it. Hence my confusion. I do thank you for the test and effort on the topic though.
  18. Game moderation... in APB? You INSANE?! A lot of it comes down to image. Report a nazi symbol or other "offensive symbol" or some racist language, they can be banned pretty quickly. Report someone for griefing, glitching, or exploiting? Lol good luck ever getting that ban. That's at least my experience.
  19. 2 shot: Scout, HVR DMR 3 shot: ISBR, DMR, Anubis, Obir 4 Shot: ISSB. Oblivion 5 Shot: Obeya, NTEC, STAR, FAR, Misery? 6 Shot: NSSW, STIC? + Anything that has a 50m+ range Excluding pistols, and thats from the top of my head.
  20. I still haven't been able to get certain achievements because I missed the holiday #### ones...
  21. Wow thanks for the large reply, i was not expecting that at all. Okay that makes more sense. I figured it was something akin to that, however I did .8/5 for shots to kill, which is why it was off a little bit, lack of foresight hehe. The layout with the parenthesis makes more sense like that. I was trying to input it all into the pc calculator as one, i should have grabbed some paper too. I redid the math on my end and i got .35 for 7 shots, which would line up, as it gains only .05 per shot and that gets multiplied by the bullets. So that fixed the math and proved like you said that it doesn't hit max bloom unlike what I suggested. Thanks! That's what I thought. NTEC bloom has an altered bloom though, the stats for it in ABPDB don't align. (it blooms a lot on 2nd, and even more on 3rd shot) as G1's change to it a few years back. So sadly it's not a straight graph, unlike something like the star, the formula works until max bloom is hit though, which is good to know, and is about 6/7 bullets for the star from experience. Guess it was a process issue, I tried to use the brackets as psuedo parenthesis in the calculator app. Thanks for narrowing it down. It also makes more sense because In my head i was also like "wait, by this it should be going up by .1 per with recovery but... ?!?! then my brain decided to shut down" Thanks, I figured i'd do the math because I was bored, and you mentioned "you can do the math if you'd like" it to the other guy in another comment or something, I figured why not it'd help prove the point, and if anyone needs extra information on pistols stats, this could be used to do so.... x) It's the only logical conclusion both from my experience and statistics. I'm actually kinda happy we both had a little math freakout haha (your happiness rubbed off on me, i don't know how to feel about that.)
  22. I really appreciate the time you went through to do this Lily. It had confirmed some of my own thoughts on the nano and weapons showing that the nano was worse off in higher tier/competitive settings than other pistols (not that actually using one couldn't confirm it because it's easy to know when its the weapon and not the player, but you know, stats are nice). Regardless of what people claimed about it doing "just fine". Do you mean like the Beacon events? which had like... full auto explosives and stuff? I honestly don't know if any of those were added to the DB or not but that's not an "actual" balanced weapon in the game more of a trolly polly annoying/fun thing they did. Merged. https://imgur.com/gallery/ZY0HwNe Here's the test, i used the size of the vent for the circle so resolution doesn't matter, as the vent will remain the same size "ingame" regardless of the resolution's depiction of it, so it's roughly "the same" size, regardless of the camera angle/size and how it looks. Top one is FBW, fired max fire rate (free spinning mouse wheel). The one on the right was 15 shots, the one on the left was 30. The second is nano 13 each (because i have the faster reload one). Nano recoil was easier to control, and FBW did bloom. Though it does appear that the FBW is less accurate, it could be just a case of zoom, statistics will prove whether the FBW or the NANO is more accurate, as shown below. I will say gameplay wise you'd be stupid to full auto an fbw without being sub 10m anyways out of its 30m range. Most people kill you in under 10 fbw shots, or stop firing after a few shots, sprint up, then fire again recovering its bloom in no time. I also decided to chime in with stats. Hopefully @LilyRain if you could be so kind, can you check the math on one or two of these make sure i did this right, since I've never actually calculated these before. I'll use this for reference. » Accuracy Radius at 10m + {[Per Shot Modifier-((Fire Interval - Recovery Delay) * Recovery Per Second))] * Number of Shots} » 19 cm + {[0.2 - ((0.2s - 0.1s)*(1/s))]*6} = 19 cm + 0.6 = 19.6 cm" for reference Thanks lily for this above calc, however it seems more useful to calculating the bullet before it hits "max bloom" rather than the max bloom size, which is easier to calculate as shown below. .45 max bloom accuracy MM Mode - standing still @10m: 20cm x 0.75 = 15+1.5 shot cap = 16.5cm at 10m max 20 cm x 0.75 = 15 + {[0.5 - ((0.2s - 0.050s)*(3/s))]*4} = 15.2. Without calculating recovery it would hit max bloom on the 4th shot out of MM - still @10m out of mm: 20cm + 1.5 = 21.5cm Walking out of mm @10m: 20cm + (20cm x 0.2 walk mod (1.2 for reference)) = 24+1.5 shot cap = 25.5 while walking. Walking in MM mode. - (It seems that it doesn't matter if the walking mod is applied before or after zoom modifier) @10m: 20 x .75 = 15 + (15 x .2) + 1.5 = 19.5cm @10m: 20 + (20 x .2) = 24 x .75 = 18 + 1.5 = 19.5cm FBW max bloom accuracy: MM Mode - Standing still @10m: 19cm x .9 = 17.1 + 1.5 = 18.6cm 19 cm + {[0.2 - ((0.2s - 0.1s)*(1/s))]*6} = 19 cm + 0.6 = 19.6 cm Maybe i did this wrong but max should still be 18.6, is the reason you added the .6 because the -.6 on the calculator? If so then... For reference - @10M 19cm x .9 = 17.1 +(0.2 - ((0.2s - 0.1s)*(1/s))*3) = 17.27 *4 = 16.9+.2 = 17.1 @10M 19cm x .9 = 17.1 +(0.2 - ((0.2s - 0.1s)*(1/s))*5) = 16.8 Even at 15 shots im getting 15.8+1.3 = 17.1.... Im confused .-. haaaaalp Fixed and explained better in lily's comment below out of MM - Still FBW (15 Shots) » 19 cm + 1.5 = 20.5 Walking out of MM @10m: 19cm + (19.2 x .2) + 1.5 = 24.3 Walking in MM @10m: 19cm x .9 = 17.1 + (17.1 x .20) + 1.5 = 22.02 Nano max bloom accuracy: MM Mode @10m: 24 x .8 + 0 = 19.2 cm Out of MM - still @10m: 24 cm + 0 = 24 cm Walking out of MM @10m: 24cm + (24 x .2) + 0 = 28.8 Walking in MM @10m: 24cm x 0.8 = 19.2 + (19.2 x .2) + 0 = 23.04 In conclusion (ignoring my math failure) it appears that the nano is less accurate than the FBW and .45 overall. I did not include run speeds as that only effects the first bullet "as you fire" while running. It's why the 1st shot of the .45 often misses, its not an accurate representation of bloom/accuracy in game aside from that "first shot". Also note that due to recovery, weapons seem to never fire "on" max bloom" unless the recovery delay is slower than the ROF. So weapons will be somewhat "more accurate" while firing than their "max bloom" indicates, even if it's a .1cm accuracy difference due to recovery.
  23. You don't need to pretend that the FBW isnt S tier lol. OCA nano might make "B" tier if lucky. Yay low recoil! Now hit more shots and have a much higher equip speed. Most people would pick an FBW over a nano any day, if nano was that good you'd of seen everyone using them like pre-nano nerf. Now it's just something that's "useful" for stunning, if you don't like clicking, and is more of a novelty item. FBW is still more reliable and better to use in most situations.
  24. Everyone asked for the FBW to be the starter and brought up good arguements for it. I don't know why they didnt do the same for NTEC, however i doubt it would have helped new players that much. Star is much easier to handle than the NTEC.
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