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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. Oh i agree, but they still feel underpowered. I use the increased accuracy one because "sniping" people at 30m or so is fun after a short spray, but a lower TTK would make them feel somewhat more useful. They feel terrible to use against any cqc to cqc-mid weapon. If we want underpowered guns to not just be a meme, they have to not feel so atrocious to use when against other weapons in the same class.
  2. the problem with the odin series is the ttk, their function is fine and unique. The ttk is really harsh for a gun with such high stk though. Far is still good, Sina honestly needed "Some" nerf, csg was dumpstered for years. Why would they nerf aces? Its still fairly trash lol. LO has made some unnecessary changes, like buffing oca after nerfing PMG, when OCA would have been fine as is and nerfing the rfp hard rather than just the range. RP state balance was pretty trash, just saying The only difference is that "meta" guns weren't nerfed. Current state shotguns are meh, and oca buff is eh, but i have little qualm about most else.
  3. i use wps to sometimes mark enemy locations and where to place a sniper for the team. They can be useful to convey info. Though self wps are eh
  4. Non issue imo, you can turn them on at any times. If you want to blame anyone, blame the ones making and using the ear splitting or annoying themes. I've been temped to delete my music folder just because, but opted not to, and just remove my theme instead at times.
  5. Honestly, if APB had a bigger pop, the "test districts" could have been so much better for testing some things. It's not like half the options for weapon testing even then were done properly. People can throw out all the stat changes they can, and LO or G1 would have taken it "over the top" then said "welp it didnt work as planned". Remember the RTW/high ttk districts? The ones G1 intentionally seemed to have botched? yeah, it feels that way often.
  6. Sorry, I didn't realize this was CSGO. My bullets stay within my reticule, I don't know what issue you guys are having. Oh I agree, they should buff more of the non meta guns to be more useful, i'd love the ODIN series to be better for example. Merged. Actually I don't believe they have touched the alig since the buff. They buffed the ALIG and within a month, reworked vehicles and buffed their HP for a number of them, to negate some of the buff. I remember no other changes to it. If you're using CJ, ALIG sucks with it, so it could be that.
  7. Because every single player has a completely different idea for proper weapon balance. Half the "players" would revert all NTEC changes and leave it as 2012-2014, leave PMG as either 2012 or 2015, and let jump scout exist. You're talking about a community that is EXTREMELY biased when it comes to weapon balance and changes, to what they "enjoyed" for easy kills. Good luck on half the players doing better,
  8. The difference is directly tied to character model and the gun point. It kinda makes sense for that difference, but I never noticed it before, now that I know i might change my height to be shorter. I like shooting under cars more than over cover /shrugs.
  9. Nah, it's just that not many people actually try a seperate test realm to play a low pop beta, even if it had a higher pop at least for jericho for beta, you'd see very few people. The colors were fine imo, a bit dark but not bad. I think everyone wants this wierd colorful nonsense from G1, but the Beta reminds me more of RTW's dark than the current which i like.
  10. Yourwelcome "force every character to have the same hitbox dimensions for fair play" Your wording was weird so I assumed you didn't know that they were already the same size. red crosshair isnt even indicative of whether you actually hit the enemy or not. Use a sniper for example, sometimes you have to fire off the red hitbox to score a hit on an enemy corner hugging, because the shot somehow "magnets" to the center of the character model and into a wall in front of it, rather than the 2-3 inches off of it. So sometimes firing with no red crosshair actually scores a hit 6-8inches off the wall, where aiming won't change the crosshair color but still hit. (Not that many people know this...)
  11. APB hitboxes are already 1 single box that never changes, character size does, that's about it.
  12. To be fair, I didn't see a single GM during the event while I was on. That's not to say they aren't on, it's just rare for me to see any to begin with. I'd almost say 1x in 7 years have I seen them on during an event aside from Christmas.
  13. they said they're waiting to do adds once the EU occurs or matchmaking fixed and things sorted out.
  14. My original gmail which i used APB on, has been part of like 12 hacks, from Chegg, armor games, Edmodo, to unverified batch 1. So I mean... stranger things have happened?
  15. You literally argued with me saying that this nonsense and couldn't be applied. "2. Player may not engage in any conduct or communication... which restricts or inhibits any other Player from using or enjoying these Services." I know that glitches and loopholes are against the rules, which is also why I try to avoid doing the item movement speed loophole and other glitches, especially during events. Remember "just because it's possible, doesn't mean it should be done". That "group" exists, though it's more of a culmination of like-minded individuals who I clump together as group, since they have the same mindset, than an actual clan of players. It's not my fault you don't like being lumped in with people who think the same. Big oof, that'd explain a lot actually.
  16. I doubt half the people were being effected by input lag, as much as they were FPS lag and server lag and mistaking the two. Vehicles definitely handled funny in the beta, and there seemed to be a definite lag for vehicle turning. But i noticed no such thing for any firing/sprinting/movement, unless the server had me warp like i did a few times.
  17. Rules are just invisible social constructs, you must've missed the part where I confront the people, ask why, and they respond "it's possible so it's okay". The crowd exists they use the same "it's possible so it's okay" argument. BTW why are you even mentioning "rules"? People play this game to do whatever they want remember? Pretty much, these people know that LO and G1 haven't been punishing rulebreakers so they get away with it. I've seen the same people who glitched previous events that I've reported still running around for these ones.
  18. If you play everything fine on 144fps then it there wouldn't be any different "feel" fps wise. The only difference is that you like seeing through smoke and adjusting the screen ratio to break recoil lol.
  19. I legit didn't notice any input lag or delay except possibly while driving. /shrugs. Everything from movement to firing felt fine if not better imo. It's just the FPS was dipping a bit until you adjusted the settings and possibly restarted the game to apply em.
  20. to be fair, a lot of people run potato configs without needing them at all. A lot of streamers with good computers seem to only use em to see through smoke and explosions.
  21. Mostly unless in silver, but correct Correct, dethreating is already bannable, the reasons for it "aside", so there wasn't any focus on it. As that was more or less part of the "CoC rule 2 discussion" ^^^ Something we agree on for once. I don't ask players to lose if i've gotten a team of newbies. I have once in a while asked enemies to take it slightly easier on them but feel free to take me out as normal. I don't expect people to lose for newbies to win, nor do i expect them to "take it easy" on them either, though it is nice sometimes to know that people do take it a little easier for the sake of trying to keep a population going. I simply find extending missions to farm them rather... scrubby. ^
  22. Not at all what i'm claiming, i probably was mid gold at the time, but the system back then counted roughly the past 25-30 matches for threat. I didn't go negative, i only stopped at "100" when i tried (probably also a huge factor other than the next part), though i had a few wins and decent matches in between some of them, so it didn't want to dethreat me. To be fair, i also had like... sub 30 fps, and was for some reason still going 15+ kills a match against golds.... wasn't fun
  23. That bug was fixed like 2015/2016, but yeah it used to be common af, you don't have to worry about glitched items into walls anymore (unless someone did it recently), just nonsense like VIP being where they shouldn't or items ramped to unfixed "no timer" locations (which have slowly been fixed), that is aside from the movement speed bypasses. I did end up reporting some guy today for being on a building he shouldn't be. Pretty sure he did the same thing last event as well, but I haven't seen the hammer on anyone for doing so which is a shame.
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