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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. It really wasn't, and half the people i know wanted it buffed because it was so lackluster in comparison to most other choices. Not only that but you almost never saw a scout be a top frag without them maining pistol. For good reason. Has nothing to do with being unable to aim, when in under 3 seconds it instantly became a 3 shot kill at 2.50? TTK and fucked you when other guns with faster ROF's would only increase their "ttk" to kill you by "maybe" 1 shot in the same 3 seconds with a much faster TTK. It needed the buff and people called for it for YEARS. You say "oh you didn't shoot again in 3 seconds must be bad" no, they just got to cover, or missed once, but every other gun in the game including base HVR (except for the pre-buff oblivion and fr0g) is more forgiving when it came to missed shots/enemies behind a little cover for 3 seconds. It's not absurd to ask for a minor damage buff to make the gun more reliable because it was either hit or cri because CA. (Ironically i'm pretty sure the whole reason CA3 was nerfed slightly was to compensate for the scout to begin with as well because it felt horrible at times) It was actually heavily used until jump shooting got nerfed, at which point why use scout? It was mediocre at best due to CA3 and being unable to jump shoot over cover for easy kills put it to the backburner for most. That's plenty enough to prove that it wasn't "fantastically balanced" Merged. The problem is that JG has the same spread as NFAS, slower TTK, and more damage. I can agree adjusting the % would be ideal. That could be done in several other ways, like maintaining same damage - increasing pellots - increasing spread, or reduce damage hp damage overall. That's a downright nerf to the frag. Why should 2 frags not destroy or severely damage a vehicle? A conc can kill half the vehicles and disable most others in 1 grenade. Frags take 2, that's the middle ground. You shouldn't have to throw 4-5 frags just to blow up a car. Just saying. A frag takes both grenades, and 4-6 seconds, to do what 4 seconds and a single conc can. If you hate satchel charges, hate them, but we wouldn't need satchels if Car spawners weren't broken to begin with. The whole reason they nerfed it, was to prevent it from 1 shotting when there's 2 shots in a mag. Which honestly makes sense. That change with the Volcano ALSO came with the nerf to the most used vehicles in the game. It still destroys vehicles fine, and if the "range" is the problem at 80m, advocate that the range be reduced to 40-60m instead of 80 before calling for an HP buff damage buff which would have a similar effect but put it back to 1 shot sniper at 80m+
  2. People have wanted a scout buff from 550 to 600 for YEARS. I myself like using the scout and am a tad upset to hear that the damage was reduced to 575. However, to say it was fantastically balanced at 550 is a bit of an overstatement, considering that people considered it garbage because CA3 is the standard of play and jumpshooting got nerfed. Merged. I thought you had something at the shotgun percentages, until you mentioned worsening the spread drastically, as for grenades? How about no, you also forget that the car nerf, nerfed multiple vehicles that had initially been buffed after they reworked the ALIG, while implying that frags are a problem because of it, it was necessary for several of the vehicles (glares at Pio/espacio), but Frags aren't a problem and shouldn't be nerfed. Low yields could i guess do more hard damage, but i wouldn't increase radius, maybe to 2.5 but not 3 if so. OPGL you can hear and see half the time, the other half the time you can't. It depends on if you run a config and how your sound settings are. They already have a sound and I believe a trail(unless it got removed in some patch on accident), the problem i think is that the beep only happens maybe once a second? So if it's in range after it beeped it "sounds" like it came from nowhere because it moves so fast. They could just increase the speed of the beeping or something to help negate that issue. Maybe once every .5seconds, but it already has a sound que. I'd be fine with increasing the grenade model size, the amount of times i've died because it "fell through" the ground is insane. <- SERIOUSLY WTF 7 YEARS LATER STILL A THING AAEPD was always able to kill people in like 1 hit at max range tho? And the literal WHOLE reason they don't kill in 1 shot with a rocket on vehicles, is because they have 2 rockets. That'd make AAEPD sooo broke by increasing hard damage that much, regardless of the radius change. The OSMAW ONLY does 1000HP damage with 1 shot in the mag, but you're suggesting Volcano gets 1100 per shot? With 2 shots in the mag???? If anything you could keep the HP damage reduction as is with smaller radius (the radius does feel a bit massive for 2 explosions almost a second apart) but the hard damage shouldn't be buffed.
  3. That logic legit makes no sense. "Accuracy damage" would imply different damage based on *where* you hit. Not how accurate a weapon's accuracy is. The accuracy damage for the HVR is legit stupid imo, and i've always hated it, regardless of why i know it was implemented. But saying that you should add headshots because of it, doesn't make sense because it's not the same type of accuracy damage.
  4. I mean, you called it redundant because it made 1 shot into 2 shot despite it being done specifically to combat qsing with higher damage pistols? I can agree it can "seem redundant" due to fbw/.45 meta, but it's to cover the other bases. The initial spot where you said "fire 1 shot and hope they run into it" is probably where the conflict of thought happened because that's pre-damage nerf hvr. It wasn't done for headshots, it was done to end qsing, big difference.
  5. Not bad, glad to see the Tommy get love after 6 years
  6. The thing is, the RNG cannon in CQC is what made it both fun and risky to use in cqc. You get into situations where shooting that RNG shot or 2, was more thrilling/fun because you knew you'd be damned if you switched to pistol due to equip time so firing that hail mary was the better chance. Now you're forced to switch to pistol and it just doesn't feel as good, and it doesn't level the role at all being forced to switch like that. While I can agree, snipers aren't very effective in CQC the RNG was a good thing. If anything I think a lot of players would agree on would be buffing the base damage so it doesn't feel so bad in cqc if you're going to keep the ramp. Make it like 550 damage or something, so if you get 2 point blank shots off in cqc it doesn't feel atrocious to die because you had to hit a *third* shot against a shotgun/oca/ntec spray. While still limiting qsing. The whole problem in the first place was qsing, which is why the changes occurred. But being forced to fire 3 pistol shots and switch is plenty enough of a ttk increase to prevent it in some cases, and punish them for not staying pistol in others, while still letting people fire 2 shots off in cqc if they want to do so. Qsing was broken, and always was. There shouldn't even be an argument about that. I've won matches where it was 4 snipers 3hvrs and a scout (they qsed) vs my team and I went qs hvr and dominated them because I was better at it. It was broken beyond belief and it's the ONLY reason why the HVR was nerfed so heavily. It shouldn't make a comeback and the nerf isn't redundant. The extra bullet increases the TTK of the QS. Before, qsing was really fast especially when macroed (and yes people macro'd it), increasing the amount of shots needed before hand, artificially increases the chances the enemy can kill you while equipping the sniper.
  7. he's upset at the overall changes, from the jumpshooting on AR's to NTEC's, to PMGs etc. Back then you'd of had to litterally re-buff everything from the star on, and re-nerf ntec and hvr. That's excluding the numerous changes to the carbine to get it to a fairly balanced state.
  8. He litterally just copy pasta'd it from another thread and made a forum post about it. I find it funny when people think that weapons 4 years ago "were more balanced" than weapons today. Like, what kind of made up farce they living in.
  9. To be fair, nothing really needs nerfed at this point aside from an OCA revert and better tweaking shotguns. Just saying
  10. The odin series was more like they wanted something unique, during that time they were making the BEE, ODIN series, and Bloody Mary set. They were openly testing different fun concepts for weapons, regardless of how good or balanced they were. Honestly I have no issue with half of those, HVR accuracy will always bug me, the DMR isnt a reverse ramp, its a ramp up as range happens and not a bad concept imo since it niches it to further ranges while still being useful closer without buffing its ROF to be too much, nor changing accuracy where it didn't need it. Bolt timers with no bolts were added for a reason, they should have made uncancelable animations/fire sequences, but the bolt timers were the best way to do so with the coding so i can't really fault them for that. Sadly they had to do some work around balancing, to make necessary changes, and while for some of the gimmicks I do agree were unwarrented (HVR), a number of them were useful to add benefit to weapons that would otherwise be too powerful or underpowered. I agree they should try to do better than using gimmicks, but sometimes, things like damage ramp and bolt timers aren't bad for giving an additional niche or preventing reverse qsing.
  11. My favorite is when firing on the red misses and you have to aim off them with a white reticule to hit them.
  12. The gimmicks aren't there to keep it balanced, aside from one or two that have a sort of "gimmick/feature" to increase bloom/recoil exponentially, weapons only have gimmics for fun or flavor, like the BEE series fires the 2nd shot in a predetermined direction, Odin series change the recoil/reload speed. Tommygun and stuff were mostly bad balance decisions that never got fixed. The only "gimmicks" people complain about was the initial NTEC rework, the tommygun increased recoil thing, and bullshark...
  13. Oh i agree, but they still feel underpowered. I use the increased accuracy one because "sniping" people at 30m or so is fun after a short spray, but a lower TTK would make them feel somewhat more useful. They feel terrible to use against any cqc to cqc-mid weapon. If we want underpowered guns to not just be a meme, they have to not feel so atrocious to use when against other weapons in the same class.
  14. the problem with the odin series is the ttk, their function is fine and unique. The ttk is really harsh for a gun with such high stk though. Far is still good, Sina honestly needed "Some" nerf, csg was dumpstered for years. Why would they nerf aces? Its still fairly trash lol. LO has made some unnecessary changes, like buffing oca after nerfing PMG, when OCA would have been fine as is and nerfing the rfp hard rather than just the range. RP state balance was pretty trash, just saying The only difference is that "meta" guns weren't nerfed. Current state shotguns are meh, and oca buff is eh, but i have little qualm about most else.
  15. i use wps to sometimes mark enemy locations and where to place a sniper for the team. They can be useful to convey info. Though self wps are eh
  16. Non issue imo, you can turn them on at any times. If you want to blame anyone, blame the ones making and using the ear splitting or annoying themes. I've been temped to delete my music folder just because, but opted not to, and just remove my theme instead at times.
  17. Honestly, if APB had a bigger pop, the "test districts" could have been so much better for testing some things. It's not like half the options for weapon testing even then were done properly. People can throw out all the stat changes they can, and LO or G1 would have taken it "over the top" then said "welp it didnt work as planned". Remember the RTW/high ttk districts? The ones G1 intentionally seemed to have botched? yeah, it feels that way often.
  18. Sorry, I didn't realize this was CSGO. My bullets stay within my reticule, I don't know what issue you guys are having. Oh I agree, they should buff more of the non meta guns to be more useful, i'd love the ODIN series to be better for example. Merged. Actually I don't believe they have touched the alig since the buff. They buffed the ALIG and within a month, reworked vehicles and buffed their HP for a number of them, to negate some of the buff. I remember no other changes to it. If you're using CJ, ALIG sucks with it, so it could be that.
  19. Because every single player has a completely different idea for proper weapon balance. Half the "players" would revert all NTEC changes and leave it as 2012-2014, leave PMG as either 2012 or 2015, and let jump scout exist. You're talking about a community that is EXTREMELY biased when it comes to weapon balance and changes, to what they "enjoyed" for easy kills. Good luck on half the players doing better,
  20. The difference is directly tied to character model and the gun point. It kinda makes sense for that difference, but I never noticed it before, now that I know i might change my height to be shorter. I like shooting under cars more than over cover /shrugs.
  21. Nah, it's just that not many people actually try a seperate test realm to play a low pop beta, even if it had a higher pop at least for jericho for beta, you'd see very few people. The colors were fine imo, a bit dark but not bad. I think everyone wants this wierd colorful nonsense from G1, but the Beta reminds me more of RTW's dark than the current which i like.
  22. Yourwelcome "force every character to have the same hitbox dimensions for fair play" Your wording was weird so I assumed you didn't know that they were already the same size. red crosshair isnt even indicative of whether you actually hit the enemy or not. Use a sniper for example, sometimes you have to fire off the red hitbox to score a hit on an enemy corner hugging, because the shot somehow "magnets" to the center of the character model and into a wall in front of it, rather than the 2-3 inches off of it. So sometimes firing with no red crosshair actually scores a hit 6-8inches off the wall, where aiming won't change the crosshair color but still hit. (Not that many people know this...)
  23. APB hitboxes are already 1 single box that never changes, character size does, that's about it.
  24. To be fair, I didn't see a single GM during the event while I was on. That's not to say they aren't on, it's just rare for me to see any to begin with. I'd almost say 1x in 7 years have I seen them on during an event aside from Christmas.
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