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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. Yet I haven't heard of nor seen a single macro user banned? Yeah its bannable, but I have yet to hear of anyone actually taking the "banning" of it seriously, as no-one has been banned for it to anyone's knowledge.
  2. The vast majority of those I said cheated have been banned though? You act like spotting a bot is hard. Isn't that the point? No one can tell, you get a free off, while you have perfect accuracy for tap firing without any effort? Suddenly you're just a "skilled player" who people think is legit, when you're just a macro scrub. I mean, you can remove recoil through macros as well, but you know, perfect fire recovery is STILL a major boon at midrange for ntec, even if you don't "remove bloom".
  3. You can however set a macro to fire at the perfect rof for accuracy vs bloom recovery.
  4. 1. If it'll be added or go somewhere? Yes 2. - still play so n/a- 3. I don't think we need more "mission" districts, but anarchy map control would be good imo. Mass location/dm/objectives join. Still looking good though.
  5. Show me where there's a competitive mode, competitive clan wars, and competitive matches that have no interference from others. I'll wait. Pretty much. It's like putting a greenhorn shooter against expert shooter and the expert winning and saying "look guys, i'm competitive!"
  6. I think you severely underestimate the difference between most "pvp" games and APB. MOST PVP games separate people based on similar skill level, APB does not. Most PVP games have hundreds to thousands in a server to pick from, APB does not. Pretending that it's insulting that you "play a match or two casually" when facing new players, is pathetic. Acting like it's garbage to not go 30+ kills against new players IS trash. People don't learn how to play when you're doing that, especially when half the enemy team is doing it and coordinating for it. No-one is saying "don't play at all against new players", they're saying, take it easy and don't pub stomp them into oblivion. Pretending that people learn when being unable to do anything, let alone flank is ignorant. Not only that but i've seen plenty of people suggest and actually do FARMING on new players for kills, by inflating the length of the mission by letting them get the objective then continually massacring them. But that's just "normal playstle" for them against newbies. We can keep having these discussions but last I checked it's always been the Gold threat players who have consistently been causing problems for the majority of the playerbase and causing players to leave, and I'll lump dethreaters in with them because many are actually gold threat that dethreat intentionally for ez kills. And the playerbase shot itself in the foot to kill it
  7. I mean, its an exploit so yeah its a "dirty trick". Others would be spawn hunting, using explosives without any need to (no vehicle mission or not a camping location), and such. But they are more "cheap gameplay tactics". I'd say running as well in certain missions, because running with a car surf osmaw as VIP/medium item hold while in a vegas pushed pio is pretty fucking dirty against new players. I don't want newbies carried, however I expect them to not be abused by assholes who force them to quit and uninstall within 3 hours of playing. You don't "need" to do certain tactics to win against new players, by any stretch of the imagination, and if you feel it's necessary then you're a scrub. APB's community needs to learn "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". But seeing as how it's been unregulated for years, its no wonder the population has died out. --------------------- Though its funny to see you talk Moto, because back when your group would intentionally back off and allow the objective to be taken against newer players to farm them for kills getting 40+ kills a mission.
  8. One could easily argue both. Tho I wasn't talking about gold players in groups, simply players who treat newbies as vets and play the exact same and do the same dirty tricks to win against vets, to newbies. But if the boot fits... well the boot fits.
  9. There were a number of players who thought the ISSR had too much hard damage, and it had been mentioned in different posts on forums for almost a year. It didn't get the attention by people on topics like the NTEC, HVR, or PMG, but it was still there.
  10. Tiggs and G1 weren't angels by any stretch, and there was much they could improve upon, however one thing I will agree with, is that the playerbase on Jericho killed itself, and all the whiny competitive players don't want to admit that fighting a bunch of low ranks on the same level as you would a 4 man gold r255 stack is what helped do it in.
  11. You're starting to sound like one of my old drill sergeants
  12. Kilt, Cowboy hat, and eyepatch are ones I constantly use in almost everything.
  13. What if I told you that I'm always thinking about my aim as I always seek to improve it? Hitting HTK 30% of the time isn't good enough D:<
  14. So being aware of every action you do from aim, timing, and control over the situation makes you "not very good"? This isn't even bringing in not running with items, not using the medium item movement exploit, and other such advantages. IF such things are "ingrained" in certain players, it's not because they are legitimately good, it's because they don't care to not do so because winning is all that matters to them. They'll do the same thing to a group of T's as they would Rank R55's because they don't give a fuck. That doesn't make them a "good" player. ^^^ Habits can end just as habits can form.
  15. trust me, it's conscious thought. The difference is that they don't actually *care*
  16. you seem to have missed the part where dogear doesnt 2 shot at 88m, and you arent suggesting to buff it to 75m+ plus movement speed. Also, I doubt anyone would find dying at like .98s with CJ at 75m+ very balanced. Especially since then it would easily contest the HVR and Scout to near not being used with both suggestions at once, especially if they nerf HVR like everyone's crying to do. While i agree the DMR range could be extended to like 83-85m, I doubt much lower would actually be balanced. Remember when everyone used to run AMMO in cars and players and taking 10 seconds to change weapons wasn't an issue? People don't care to change weapons in the first place, and Vegas w/ items or pio being vegas pushed is annoying toxic to go against. If they have AV weapons half your team has to change and coordinate well enough to take them out, which never happens to begin with. Most people I see can't even figure out how to get "ahead" of the enemy car and ambush them.
  17. G1 buffed a number of vehicles though, including the pio/espacio just after they buffed the alig. Buffing lesser used cars and reducing the life of a few already high life and buffed higher vehicles makes sense imo. Some of those previous vehicle buffs weren't needed.
  18. Except that "animation" for heavy items was the same even before they fixed it, all they did was add a sort of timer to pickup. It is an exploit, and I've suggested fixing it as well, and by adding alternate ways such as grenades, det boxes, etc to open doors. But you know, G1 really didn't want to hire an animator to fix it. G1 was fairly incompetent with how they handled and fixed things, lets be honest. It shouldn't be a surprise. They intentionally left the bug in place for the Scout to jumpshoot because it was a money selling point, and only fixed it after a bunch of damage and the complaints from the playerbase because of it years later. It shouldn't be a surprise for G1 to have half fixed things, and done little to fix the blatant game issues. I'm hoping both are somewhere on LO's fix list.
  19. Except that every weapon aside from OCA.PMG and a few others has this specific form of RNG to control how a weapon handles, from NTEC to OBEYA, as the RNG is used to inflate the TTK at longer ranges. It's also one thing people wish to lessen and remove, which in turn reduces TTK. ISSR is a good example of that, by using "bloom" to inflate its LR ttk, while leaving it faster in cqc. It's actually done well, most low TTK weapons in games aside from shotguns, like LMGS, have poor RNG to make up for their strength and ROF/TTKs. If these weapons were to have RNG removed, their TTK's would have to be increased, otherwise they wouldn't be balanced. I mean, i was pointing out the hypocrisy and that they tend to support reducing/removing RNG but then they complain about how ez and zergy those listed weapons are/were, but then want to buff most other weapons to be just as bad by reducing rng. People fail to realize that the current system's RNG is made to inflate TTK at ranges while reducing it in cqc. By reducing RNG, you therefore reduce the TTKs as well even at range. You'd need to increase TTK's and change weapon damage drop range and ramps if you were to remove RNG. Though most support removing the ramp/drop it still causes many issues within damage drop ranges, because weapons have an effective range, and a full damage before drop range. People have suggested it ironically I disagree, most cases i see of being punished with a weapon, is due to position, enemy location (corner/cover) and how the game functions with aiming at corners (,and lag). Though weapons like the SHAW often punish you often due to recoil, it's rare for you to benefit from their recoil (hence why i tend to burst fire said weapons). Most weapons don't have that bad of recoil and bloom so that its uncontrollable nor unmanageable when firing at the right ROF and timing. A LOT of people's weapon woes come from firing too fast for the range, especially out of the weapons effective range, and is thus user error. Others are where they fire at the wrong time, so that even if they have the upper hand, the enemy can get away because they didn't wait another second to start firing to where the enemy had no chance to get to cover (You don't really lose to RNG with an oca ambushing an enemy in cqc, you lost because you missed or server issues). Overall i believe most weapon woes tend to be self inflicted, and that's where people get hung up. Especially when they have thousands of hours and played for years. Instead of adjusting their play style and timing they instead blame the gun.
  20. That's like saying that just because they fixed X bug ingame that Y bug being left as is, is intentional, when reality both are bugs and need squashed. Also G1 isn't LO, LO has made a number of changes that G1 left as is. It's not out of the realm of possibilities for them to fix it. "an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, speed or level design etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers." The medium item base movement speed is 3 m/s not 6 m/s. If they wanted you to move at sprint speed with medium items, they would have allowed you to sprint with it by now without having to x + f + jump to bypass the 3 m/s speed. Therefore it's an exploit, left by the removal of a game feature which hasn't been fixed yet. They also likely won't touch it until after the EU if they are to since they don't want to double code crap.
  21. I don't know about you, but i only ever go for that 88m+ kill when it's on objectives, or a handful of pushes at very specific angles. It's still got a faster ttk, so most times, if you were able to 2 hit with an hvr, most of the time you could have 3 hit with a DMR or 4 hit with ISSR/Oblivion. But that's my experience I like to use different weapons every few missions because 1 weapon 24/7 bores me, so i own half of armas just to keep gameplay enjoyable. It ends up translating to gameplay knowledge and weapon experience as well so /shrug.
  22. Medium item jump exploit is a pretty big one. Aside from that spawn pushing newbies and killing them on spawn on the way to objective tends to also create player anger.
  23. Never heard of WTFfast, however there could be an issue with it. Though most things if there was an issue with, wouldn't let you start the game/login. Does the game work when you don't use WTFAST?
  24. they nerfed low yields, which are like percs... with extra steps
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