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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. I was saying that recoil control is a way of managing RNG. Yes, it's reactive, however the pro-active way would mean rebalancing EVERY gun in game, and making it reaaally boring and imbalanced to the point where you'd have to rebalance damage drop ranges, bloom, and TTKs further. Which would cause a whole batch of other issues. Some weapons like the ISSR-B control its .9 TTK with its bloom aka "RNG", remove that and it's a busted sniper which needs its TTK increased drastically, imagine a no recoil shaw and NFA because their RNG aka recoil is what allows them to have such low ttks. When people talk about removing RNG, they fail to realize how broken it would make things without first rebalancing EVERY weapon in the game in the process AT ONCE. Because you wouldn't be able to do such balance otherwise, and it opens a whole slew of other problems while doing so. Then again these same people want to remove the damage ramp and make it so bullets disappear at damage range as well and complain hard about ez laser weapons like the atac, c-2 before nerf, and pre-nerf shredder were while advocating to making the weapons they like just as ez to use as them. Doing such changes won't make weapons about skill, bloom management, or recoil management. People advocating this want to bore down the game because they're tired of dying to those they consider silver and lesser. It's why they hate the HVR so much, "how dare my life be threatened by a bloody r30 with a sniper". "How dare I die because of recoil" "how dare i die because I didn't manage bloom" same shit really, it's the same people complaining because they didn't handle their weapon correctly and instead of blaming their lack of skill and care in the situation, and want to blame something else, instead of chocking it up to "welp i tried and died" its "*insert excuse* caused me to die" and its always the same people. People have already made macros for APB which completely remove vertical recoil for snipers, ntec, etc. just saying. Pretty sure you can make one to do so using a hardware mouse macro as well depending on brand and mouse "software" as well. It's part of why macros are bannable. (And then you have the macro apologists...)
  2. Recoil control isn't a thing for FPS games? Also, remember that time when everyone complained and G1 removed the auto-recoil fix on the HVR? Fun times.
  3. Except you can be good at controlling RNG, isn't that what it means to be "good" in APB? Handling weapons so well that RNG isn't much of an issue at all? You must mean NTEC Spray, because they tap firing is still pretty damn un-rngy
  4. The thing though is that RNG is rarely an issue when using a weapon right and accounting for a weapon's effective range. The only way to decrease RNG, is to ensure weapons min-ttk more often by increasing accuracy and reducing bloom, which as you've seen with weapons like the shredder which 3 hit in range all the time, or C-2, and other weapons that had little to no RNG. It's neither fun to be on the other end, nor balanced. Even if every weapon acts like a laser, it wouldn't be good because of how lax the damage ramp is on several weapons. In "almost" every game you will at times get shafted by recoil or bloom. Others auto adjust for it so it's a laser and you simply have to track, but those games tend to also have strong healing elements or headshots as well. I feel that APB's RNG isn't much of an issue. Sure it sucks to have an enemy get away because the obeya decided to recoil wrong at the last shot, but really, i'd rather have that happen sometimes rather than feel like i'm firing a laser all day like in MW where all the weapons feel pretty much the same.
  5. Except the point is that people complained even about ISSR because it was 4 hit ko, despite having the FASTEST TTK for a sniper ingame even with the broken hard damage on it. DMR AV as a mobile sniper wouldn't be balanced. Most weapons in APB are categorized into AV or AP. Each having drawbacks, mobility is one of them. When you get a hybrid like the ISSR-B, you create balance issues because it's good at everything, ESPECIALLY when it's in a sniper role and can reach 100m with no issues. Hence why AV snipers like the DMR lacks mobility. It wouldn't be balanced to have a scout AV-DMR that 2 shots at 88m with fast sprint speed. That's why the Anubis sucks in comparison to the regular DMR, because it can't 2 hit, and even with decent hard damage people would call it trash because it's not great AP. Most AV weapons do not function great as AP (excluding explosives because... well.. explosives), the only real AV weapons are the DMR, SWARM, and the ALIG. With the SWARM" being in middle of both AV and AP, being decent in both, but not excelling in either. DMR AV also functions well as AP, as the hard damage is mostly just a decent bonus but it's not incredibly TTK effecient on its own, while the best AV weapon without team assistance is the ALIG. (The best AV weapons are imo ALIG and OSMAW/Volcano) Except for the fact that using DMR, and even the Oblivion which is 4 hit, I find myself out ttking HVRs. It's not "that" hard to do. From my experience it does translate, though often times it's a very close matchup. To be honest, I stopped using a lot of cars because a conc 1 hit them.... I still use a normal vegas, and don't get blown very often. Hell, using growl I rarely got blown up but it's accel is off the charts good lol. Then again I don't play dumb so I generally don't get blown up in it. And a few people like me still have old fresno's lol. I used it cause explosive tank and it was/is hard to shoot under.
  6. They already have the Anubis and that's pretty much a mobile sniper though? And pretty much noone uses it. Hell people don't even like using the ISSR or the Oblivion because they are 4 hit yet they are more mobile. DMR, Oblivion, and ISSR-B already have faster TTK's than the HVR as well. So sadly, that change probably will not change anything.
  7. Every weapon has an "effective" range, and a "damage range". Firing past the "effective" range for weapons causes a lot of "rng". Most weapons will be effective, without much if any RNG if used in the effective range. So the real focus, should be finding the effective range, and attempting to minimize RNG within it, if RNG is a problem, while maintaining less effectiveness past that.
  8. uh you misinterpreted what i said. I said "under fire" meaning being fired at or damaged. Not "on fire". ^ Though i was thinking more of Battlefields in combat spawn prevention.
  9. It would be an interestesting set of changes, though honestly i'd be happy with increasing it to 40m from obj, and making it so if the vehicle is under fire you can't spawn on it
  10. It's "trash" imo because the really high cooldown, mixed with increased vehicle damage, and being interruptible with civilian vehicles and other downsides. I wasn't even counting the 10k JT, but honestly it's a waste of JT. Having a high timer cooldown on it is imo unnecessary and will only prevent the most extreme cases that can be seen in fightclub. Otherwise mission districts will for the most part remain "un changed", because on average, i only see 4-6 dets a mission if that to begin with, and that's still well within the bounds of a 1:30 timer limit. It severely hinders the usability as well in cases such as last stage car chases where you may "have" to blow up the enemies that are running without having an osmaw or alig equipped if you did it "recently". Now, does this fix some of the most spammable uses of det? absolutely, however that could have easily been done by doing a 1 minute timer, which would still allow an enemy to die, and respawn, and get to objective and be "safe" for a short time. 1:30 sounds like an unncessary length of time, only done because "meteor" which is already considered trash, had one that length, without much consideration of other factors. People will still whine about det regardless, because people like to run on the road in the open all the time, and charge into enemy spawn vehicles KNOWING they're being lured for a det death. Most of the problem with remote det, is easily fixed by adjusting playstyle to NOT be road fodder. I almost never die to det, even with enemies using it. IF I do die, its once, MAYBE twice a game out of 6-12 deaths. Annoying? somewhat, but considering it's not often that I die to it, I always have to ask what people are doing wrong to make them complain so badly about it. (I haven't really used det much in over a year either, i used to main it on a broadwing.) So /shrug
  11. And meteor is in generally considered trash to begin with sooo...
  12. 50 new missions ontop of what we got is a lot though, the question should be, which contacts are they tied to Merged. osmaw does like 1k vehicle damage off the bat. Volcano does more, that's why volcano is nerfed. Why would you nerf osmaw? It's fine as is honestly. G1 had buffed half the vehicles including the pio/espacio ages ago just after the Alig buff, a handful were unnecessary, including the pio/espacio. You're really worried about aligs? When almost noone runs them? Not only that, but if you're running face first into 2-3 aligs, you're either on the blue steel mission and going to lose because of car surfer exists, or a car mission where the measly mission vehicle has low hp. You're NOT meant to "get away" or have the vehicle "survive" when faced off against anti-vehicular weapons. The AV weapons suffer against players in general (aside from like DMR), and only do well against vehicles. Most times you pop out and kill the alig, because he sure as heck isn't able to kill you most of the time, sure you lost the vehicle but there's generally more around. ew @det changes.... I can understand 60s, but making it exactly the same as an ammo box or mobile cover is extremely meh. It's already a situational mod.
  13. "when" and they don't stop death from vehicles at full speed depending on the vehicle, and while there are ways to help circumvent it, flak is still more useful. Flak will reduce damage from ALL explosions, however, there are "some" that deal 2000 damage, and thus you still die. Just as valisparsms do not protect from many vehicles going at max speed but will at most other speeds. This means you HAVE to play around that mods weakness. Valisparsms you must run "away" from the vegas at full speed, to not die for example (least it used to). But it sets you up to be a lame duck death if you stop for a moment, or they hop out and fire at you as you stop to fire and die. Useful only when going car destroyer as a primary role imo, or if you're going to be sitting on the road all day with a sniper lel. Flak sets you up with fewer grenades, however you no longer have to fear about getting hit with frags or conc nearly as much. But, you still have "specific" situations with both where you WILL die. Flak shouldn't be an end all be all tank all explosions mod, quite frankly if you die a lot with flak from vehicles, common sense literally says to be careful around those vehicles, if valisparsms make APB look "stupid" imagine tanking literally every explosion in game with flak. Now imagine people charging a pio into you or your team with flak and just standing near the vehicle, and blowing it up, or getting out on the other side, and blowing it up and firing at you without worry knowing you're running the other way lol. Flak will be much dirtier than it is already. 2 Flaks? May the best guy fire first I guess, still doesn't negate the fact that the whole point of remote det is to get a kill, even if it means suiciding yourself for it. So the guy will still probably succeed regardless. I think I've only seen Valisparsms like... once in mission districts, in over a year, and considering there's "3" blue mods to pick from (HL 3, Car Surf, and Valis) it's not very used. It's still rather situational as well, and some people may prefer it as it does shut down carplay to an extent if used right. We know how much people hate being charged with vehicles at spawn for example. I don't really consider it a problem mod, weird situational one sure, but I also don't generally "try" run people over to begin with, shooting them tends to be more reliable, so that's probably part of it. p.s. Big cars have big explosions, it's pretty logical for that imo.
  14. Fine, then increase min ttk for most weapons to at least 1.0, and weapons with faster TTKs go to .86 or so depending on which weapon. If we're going to make it skill based, increase ttk so it actually takes "skill" and not some lame quick spray with no recoil or bloom.
  15. I've never felt that APB was massively RNG, proper weapon usage tends to negate most "chances" of RNG, as such RNG has always been "user created" imo. Some weapons however do have a bit of RNG, simply because of recoil, such as ALIG or Shaw.
  16. Why should flak make you impervious to explosive death if Valisparsms won't make you impervious to being run over? On note of the changes: Looks pretty f#$@#n great! I'm looking forward to the updates.
  17. They made it so that you couldn't sprint/jump with heavy items I thought, i haven't seen it done on heavy items since then in either, or did Kemp find a way to bypass it? If so he's the only person i've heard of who's done so.
  18. Heavy item jump sprint w/e its called was also "fixed" so i'm not really worried about it. I do agree with the fact that they removed item pickup animations and that they "could" be reimplemented. Games have even lower TTK's than APB and have animations, so that's not even an excuse honestly. Missions need better drop locations for some of em, but there's no reason not to fix it. People say "fix mission locations then we don't need it", but even if they did fix the small handful of problem locations, they still wouldn't want it fixed.
  19. I do better with the scout than the current HVR, and i have no problem with the HVR. Also, DMR performs better than HVR at range, and if firing first, has a faster TTK and will finish the HVR faster. APB is a team game, as such the general "optimal" loadout for a "team" has always been 1 sniper, 1/2 AR's, 1/2 Pointman. As such, if you're team is complaining about counter play, may i suggest... changing weapons? There are some broke patootie locations in Waterfront, that has nothing to do with snipers being strong either. I've seen those locations held with AR's and Rifles all the same against sniper teams with rockets. VIP is a very annoying last stage as well, so that doesn't help in the slightest.
  20. I mean, i have 3x more than him, actually had people complaining about me being active on forums saying i was "strong arming" LO and G1 to balance things certain ways lel. There's nothing wrong with people being a "furry". There is a problem with people being self righteous for litterally "no" reason. Asked for better balance of crap tier weapons. I don't remember anyone asking for ray scaling "specifically" in any situation. Merged. What's laughable is being able to 2 shot kill only hitting 6 of the needed 16 shots. That still equates to 3/8. Soo, my math may have not been full accurate, since "full damage" of the gun is like 1700? damage, but full damage on a player is only 1000 without kev. My point was for people SPECIFICALLY ASKING for RAYSCALING. I've been calling for balance of different weapons for years as have others, that doesn't mean people were calling for "RAYSCALING". No one to my knowledge specifically asked for rayscaling on forums or in game, so if we're being honest, saying "well people wanted balance" and claiming that they meant rayscaling IS dishonest because most people specifically stated other ways to balance things. That's like some artist saying "I want red" then his assistant grabbing maroon paint because "it's red you asked for it".
  21. Rayscaling would have been fine, but they didn't balance rayscaling properly at all. Imagine a shotgun that only has to hit 3 of 8 pellets to do full damage. That's stupid af. Most shotguns in other games 1 shot off a full shot with "most" pellots, but that'd be broke AF in APB. Rayscaling would work "better" for a key "few" shotguns when done right (looking at massive spread ones), but others wouldn't need it. Should have need "most" shots to hit for rayscaling to do normal damage. Like, make JG fire 10 shots, then make it so 8 does full damage still type of rayscale. Strife, CSG, and dow (out of mm), and shredder probably wouldn't need it, other high spread ones could use it if done right. It's not even like anyone "asked" for rayscaling to my knowledge either, so you can get off that high horse.
  22. When using a non-mobile weapon - PMG, Oscar, Carbine When using a mobile weapon - PMG When I'm playing like a bronze with not only no situational awareness, but no care to counter play - HVR. (sarcasm btw, the only thing i hate about hvr is the shitty out of mm damage) Imagine being unable to counterplay a silver or bronze who's using an hvr
  23. I mean, that sounds right, but at the same time I swear i've fired 3 consecutive scout shots and killed someone 2 hits. and that's closer to 2.75-3s than .8...
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