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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. I only use Hel, for the Accuracy gain, and yeah Ext mag is amazing on it. Reflex or Hs works on it, but i like mobility sling if you're over r195
  2. He was already unbanned. The issue is they messed up something with his character hardcore. Funnily in a way ive never seen before -ever- even for unbanned players due to cheating when they did the mass FF unban which is far harsher than an offensive symbol offense- where he lost rank, cant use mods, cant access vehicle stuff, and more. Something that should -never- have happened to begin with when getting "unbanned" for any reason. If this is true, they severely messed up something, and clearly have no idea on how to fix.
  3. Nah see, I still show up, i just don't bother trying and end the round sooner if it's an offense on my side. If it's defense i'll just wait til last stage to bother, or i'll go scrub and do some stupid patootie weapon for the location so the match ends sooner. 2v2s aren't fun, and most times ive been in 2v2s against the -same group- -4-8x in a row- yeah no, thats boring af, screw that. Not to mention -half- the time, its me and a gold, vs a bunch of lowbie silvers or coppers. Why the living fuck would I go try or put effort into -that-?! I can go braindead against silvers and bronzes, and still go 15+kills in a game. It's not fun for them and not fun for me. Plenty of golds i face i can go 10-20 kills in a match in a 2v2 if i give a shit, also -not fun- for them. So no, 2v2s are dumb. 4v4s are better, sure, i can go 20-30 kills in them, but it's not as -boring-. nor bs as 2v2s which missions ARE NOT BALANCED FOR. People can't tell when i go braindead anyways cause i still get kills and die. lol. I even get 1v2s and i stand at the end obj once the enemy got it, and just camp it killing them while letting them win, because i don't care about winning that much. "fun" maybe not" but with matchmaking and having to take it easy on newbies and 2v2s being the epitome of stupidity next to 1v1s. I think i'm doing aight in ending the round sooner. I do, if i'm taking it easy on newbies, I legit kill the higher ranked (typically gold r100+) one first, then joke off and take it easier on the lower rank silver or bronze. I've had matches where its 3 high ranked golds and a low silver, and i'll wipe the golds consistently then jump in circles around the silver while single firing a pistol for lols. I legit target higher rank/threats first in certain situations when possible. It's more fun imo. Plus, if im teamed with newbies, it gives them a chance to fight another newbie or mid rank without getting stomped by the higher rank as much,
  4. Shotguns are relatively high hard damage in close quarters. I think its to prevent that. It's kinda dumb hard damge using a strife, jg, or a shredder on a vehicle They just melt fairly quick.. While I agree the TTK for that is slower than an alig and the like, it would still be problematic. Eol's are perc launchers, it makes sense that they dont, especially the conc one. (arguably dumb but w/e) OPGL i think is fine from a vehicle window, but its basically suicide shooting straight with it xD.
  5. I always roll with a open alliance if grouped, because I don't mind randos. It's fine sometimes but i agree that removing it would probably not be the best, But if in a 3-4 man, they shouldn't need to have alliance off anyways. I will say though, I legit hate getting 2v2s because people want to play 2 players and "alliance off" alllllll daaaaayyyy. So annoying. 3v3s are aight but 4v4s are where it's at. If i could remove 2v2s due to alliance being on, i'd do it. Because they're so boring and imbalanced. 2v2's suck and I gladly just psuedo afk, troll around and not give a fuck in 2v2s. It's like oh a 2v2? There goes my will to care. So boring. So removing the option for 2v2s, like they did for most 1v1s, i'd take it any day. I wouldn't mind a "cross faction" matchmaking, but the issue is, with that, is shooting the same symbol as your allies is going to be confusing. When i see crim symbol and red name, i think enemy. It's not going to be good if you see their name and see "enforcer is working with crims" or something. Unless they "alter w/ different color" your faction symbol. To indicate you're cross faction. Otherwise, i'd say no.
  6. Try running it from the base .exe as Monkas Stated. If you pop up any launcher, it will "reset" the values. Otherwise it's a glitch. Offtopic: There's a fence in Asylum in the courtyard that no longer has collision as well in the one corner, you can jump through it. xD
  7. That's troublesome especially for balance. While adding different hitboxes for arm/leg/foot hits would be interesting if it reduced by a small %, having headshots in APB would be broken af and dumb, especially as you already hit the top of the hitbox, when players are -completely- behind cover.
  8. I can agree with the damage based on accuracy, though i am not opposed to curved recoil or bloom.
  9. 8 shots on a 5 htk weapon at 80m is broke, especially when they want snipers to be the dominator at 70-100m. Obeya is still great as is imo, and its great on waterfront, aight on financial. Some weapons are not meant to perform as well in certain areas an maps and that's why WF and Finanical have different weapons that are heavily used in each or change based on location. Also, thats a 1.848 ttk perfect, vs 1.34 ttk for 11 vs 8. When even the HVR has a 1.75TTK. Which means that the obeya is put at range, on a similarl-ish level as the HVR if at perfect ttk currently. Which is a good balance imo. Obeya shouldn't be easily harassing snipers at 80-100m imo. So 11 shots to put it on about equal footing is A-Okay. It could be put down to 10 shots if you account for non-perfect ttk and average play standards, but 8 is certainly too low, 11 is fine for upper tier skill level since they can make the most out of it even at 80+m with the 11 shots. RFP was broke strong, I agree it's in a bad place atm though. But we don't want it to be on the same level as the old sprint shooting or even 0-40m melter that it used to be either when it wasn't balanced right. Also, it's still a decent, gun, but it's more situational, I'd still run it over the NFA and a few other joker box legendaries. I disagree that they overnerf everything. The game's gun balance is in one of the best places it's been. Though it definitely needs a few touchups. And to say that anything that is on equal footing with the .45 is balanced, is a far cry from reality as well. .45 is not greatly balanced, Fr0g however, is in comparison. .45 could take a hit to damage, similar to that as the fr0g's and it'd still be good. Though it might need a +1 shot in the mag to compensate.
  10. Hmm its been ages i forget how to embed images... But i appear to have the same glitch on my account as well. My character with 2 max 16 roles, and 3 max 15, appears to have lost all his max equiptment roles... xD
  11. I said i have, but it's in cases where the player is consistently in the bottom 50% of everyone in the match score wise. I doubt it. If you barely break even, and still get a win, you still gain score worth 5 kills over the other team. Unless you mean total. In that case, you're still 1st, you should not lose threat in that case as if free for all, you'd still be first on top. I've NEVER seen a "top scorer" who lost and was above the 50% mark dethreat -ever-, have you? I've seen the scorer on the enemy team or my own that is bottom 1/2 of 3/4 dethreat, even on a win. But i've never seen anyone who appeared to be top 50%+ dethreat. But I also never put that much thought into -that case- specifically, because the few times i recall the top scorer ever did dethreat as an enemy, was they had less score than even the worst player my team did overall. Which would have put them ~below the 50% mark.
  12. It's hard to say that it was done more towards "clarity" rather than to be more tight lipped on how to effectively dethreat. Even if it pits -everyone- against the other as if it was a free for all. There still has to be a determining factor with score, by points and where each person places, that influences whether someone went up or down and by how much. You are free to assume then that the top 50% which would likely be the winners, would likely gain threat, and the lower ones lose it. This percent ofc could be different, it could be top 40/30/20% of earners go up, have a no change, and then -reduce threat- percentage. With the percentage simply being the number of players that scored lower. - With it at 50%, even with the losing team, they could still gain rank to some degree, as they would have performed better than at least 1/2 the winning team if they did well. If it's you need to be top 40 or 30% of earners to go up, that's fine as well. But it certainly does NOT seem the case by any means. If it's a different percentage that gains threat based on the "free for all", that's fine. But for simplicity sake, (and lack of knowing the further intricacies and possibly seeing a few posts about it at some point) 50% is a good median number to indicate how well you -need to do- to -not lose threat-. If you are second from top score consistently, but not the top, you should - not lose- threat. It would be dumb to assume you did, considering that wouldn't be fair especially when on the winning team consistently, imagine going silver by winning games but still being 2nd from top like that. The only times i've seen people lose threat in this system (even with a win) is when they are consistently bottom 50% low performers, even among the winning team. (won, but provided nothing, compared to the other team and their own) Even if it's a "misread". It's still a fair assumption, and with how G1 was handling things back in 2013, it's likely they wanted to limit knowledge on "how to dethreat effectively" by being vague and editing it. (We had a massive dethreat problem back then.) Remember, you used to need negative score with 1 kill to dethreat a -lot-? They fixed it so you negative shouldn't count it towards dethreating. Which means you still need to score, but score -lower- than some amount of players. If placing bottom 50% is wrong, that's fine, but it's still more accurate then pretending that there isn't some % of players in the match you have to do better than, to not lose threat. We may not know that % completely, but it's definitely there, if each players score is weighted against the other to place who gains and who loses.
  13. The gun itself is a slightly better feeling star/ntec hybrid. So typical Bando/Extended mag, and Hunting sight 1-3 (depending on preference for cqc to ranged accuracy) and CJ/IR for preferred engagements. I normally ran HS3/Mobility Sling EM3, CJ, or IR3
  14. That's how it was a year or so after gold lock when they changed to the Win/Loss top 50% bottom 50% system where score in a match became the determination for threat level rather than just straight win/loss that it used to. There may still be tiers and the like, but there is definitely a "match number" limit that determines rank (which I never heard they removed) you are based on the last x matches, and they still should have the top bottom 50% rank increase decrease based on match score. Because they never said they removed it. I know they made changes since it's been 5-6 years since that implementation, as i haven't been nearly as active as i used to keep tabs. But i also never heard of them changing from the score based and past x match system combination, even with the glicko tiers likely still in place.
  15. There used to bel a background 1-10 system, not sure what it is now. Your threat and rank is determined by the last like 20-30 missions you've played. If you're top 50% in the match it goes up, bottom 50% in score it goes down. Losing with a good score prevents threat degradation. But that's all I know anymore.
  16. That depends, if it's an actual GM such as Mattscott or game dev, they would have the power to do so. If it's a "player gm" who went through the open application process ages ago (i don't even know if that is still around or not) they I believe don't have that kind of power to ban, maybe kick, but not ban.
  17. True, During "gold lock" i was a consistent sub 30fps and was still gold, and went on a like 21 mission win streak around the time of that that gold lock event thing. The amount of sweat that required though xD Yeah you've been around for a while. I had issues with my OBT title, I had to email G1 ages ago and ask about it, they checked the system for my account age, and got me it. If LO still has access to the stuff, they might be able to assist if you open a ticket and they look at the account ages. Not at all, you see, how the system works, is that if you score in the top 50% of the scoreboard, you go up in threat. If you score in the bottom 50% you lose threat. If you win, you have a good 25-50% chance of the entire team, having more "score" than the enemy team. If you carry hard, and ensure that the other team, except 1 or 2, get little to no kills, or fail the objectives. They end up lower on the scoreboard than your "silver group" then that means 2-3 players on your team is "in the top 50% and goes up in threat. Some missions you can get 2-3k score on a win, and generally, only 1-2k on a loss unless you got a "ton" of kills while losing. Which means by winning, you're inadvertently ensuring your team goes up in threat. So to basically, "carry" someone to gold, all you have to do is carry them, and hand them an HVR, or teach them to tapfire an ntec properly along with range increments in general and get them 1-5 maybe 7 kills a match if possible. Boom they hit gold within a few days to a week or so. Has nothing to do with making them do all the work, all they have to do is exist on the same team as you as you simply "play the game" and if you do really well against facing other golds even "alone" boom they hit gold. If you mentored them well, they'll outperform the silvers and bronzes with some but mild issue, and they'll go up to gold simply based on that as well. (One of the biggest things I always start with is to have them lower their sensitivities in-game. The base ones are atrocious) And yes mack, I've "mentored" new players, given them mods, vehicles, and tips and tricks for how to play APB:R. I might have an "elitist" attitude when it comes to APBR after playing for years it tends to happen but even I recognize that new players need to be mentored and helped for the game to survive. There's a reason I took the name "noob guardian" as a handle. I've also probably blown over 1-3mil in game giving away things over a few years of off and on playing as well. Not that you'd believe me anyways.
  18. Old G1 back in 2013/2014 changed the threat distribution and reduced the requirements to be gold from like the top 10/15% to 20%. It's something people don't talk about much anymore, but it had been somewhat complained about mildly by certain members for a short while, as it happened around when threat segregation by reward loss occurred, ^ basically this I started back in like Sept-Nov 2011. I have literally mentored and carried R50 silvers to gold threat within a day, and have had bronzes hit gold within a week. Can you like... not pretend that it's that hard to get? It's really not xD
  19. gold is exceedingly easy to get if you aren't a newbie. I have been perm gold since they made the top 20% rather than 10% gold, and i've never managed to dethreat - even when I had tried intentionally during "gold lock". I can understand not being gold if you're always drunk as a vet player. But holy damn its piss easy to keep and get. You almost have to -try not to- get gold to not get it,
  20. hehe, i feel yeh, but it's not naming anyone specifically. Half the Americans cheat in APB, and West Coast Colby players are the worst offenders. :trollface: I'll never forgive LO for removing the :trollface: emote D:<
  21. the .45 has the same ttk as the Fr0g series. Its got a .8 ttk, and fires faster than the FBW which has a 1.05 ttk. I assume you aren't firing it at the correct ROF. NFA kills the fastest for pistols. Unless you mean PDW for mahcine pistol, which is still higher and less accurate. That explains it
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