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Everything posted by InkieTheSauzeGod

  1. über nein, aber sehr nein..kleine nein? ooo ach so...nein
  2. Title made it seem so casual like... did ya'll go out for a drink, or did you just say hi and went your separate ways? i wanna know more
  3. Totally unrelated, but wOuLNd'T IT bE cOol If wE HAd BiKeS iN APb ?
  4. Good thing, none of that means anything...right? I mean, it was ONLY legendaries and a cash
  5. Just hire actual GMs, that are allowed to ban cheaters. gg, ez
  6. This is old i know, but why can some people do it...even with stream it?
  7. Yay more people to spam Cyrillic letters on /D can't wait
  8. Yeah, its at a point where i just dont bother playing until the engine is out
  9. Yeaah... i reckon we'll all get the skin for free
  10. In that case let me 'name and shame' then: You and your boyfriend Kittyekaterina is the reason people cheat. The way you act up all rightous, while you two are the epitome of whats wrong with this community. btw random thought i just got.. what kind of a name is Sune? Asking for a friend :^)
  11. +1 Did some research - and that isnt the case at all. Its actually recommended you clear out your memory chache, and whether or not its 5min doesnt really affect anything.
  12. Im probably speaking for the majority when it comes to adding a queue list, when joining a district. S/o to my bois at HAN, who never experienced this issue.
  13. Hvr is good now. its intended for long range, as it should be. If you want a good cqc sniper tho, i recommend you switch to scout
  14. Now we'll always be together, no matter where you decide to post
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