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Everything posted by InkieTheSauzeGod

  1. If you were a veteran you will understand us all. but meh. if i were a veteran he says…
  2. Ya'll chill tf with that sh*t real quick. These guys are legit the last shot at this game making it... give them the time they need to do their ting heck we waited patiently for G1 for more than 3-4 years, why not now?
  3. add a beat to that post, with some "yuh" now and then; and you got yourself a sadboi soundcloud hit.
  4. nice. how'd you get that picture of me lmao Its been passed around the community u sluu t! :^) oof that Gif...they stopped me at the airport for looking at it.
  5. Could we have a backup save implemented on the creator systems, incase of DCs? If you dont save your work manually, before a DC - then that specific work, is gone forever. And with the unstable servers as of late, manually saving every 5s isn't that optimal innit?
  6. Faaaaaaaaaaaaam, i CBA right now. Could we have a backup save implemented on the creator systems, incase of DCs? saving your work every 5sec now, isnt really that optimal...specially if youre like me, and forgets
  7. These brats got FarmVille too? oof i'm so ded inside now..
  8. i member dis clan. 2gud4APB
  9. We've been needing this. Thanks LO
  10. See out ways to better yourself. We can never get enough self-improvement as peepo. Start by changing your daily routine. Whatever you do, i wish you Goodluck.
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