vsb 6184 Posted June 20, 2019 would have liked for this On 6/14/2019 at 1:26 AM, MattScott said: The team wanted to nail down the fixes already in the works, so we can help focus the discussion. to actually have happened but whatever finally got around to making a semi-proper write up unnecessarily detailed list about riot, altho i probably could have just reposted my otw test feedback and it would still be 95% relevant -some images taken from streams, because i was too lazy to get my own footage and now jericho riot is a ghost town this is going to be long and boring tbh, you've been warned to start off, i'll just go through a riot match entering the district the first thing i see when trying riot is the district select screen [image courtesy of kempington - twitch.tv/kempington] there are no advanced district select options for riot instances this makes joining someone already playing riot difficult - joining via the friends list or the group list results in frequent crashes, you're left with cycling through the available riot instances (which also involves unusually high numbers of crashes) and hoping you're placed in the same instance together "Last Team Standing" seems like an incorrect way to describe riot, as eliminating all teams is both A) not required, and B) not a guaranteed way to win im not sure if its an intentional teaser or not but "Financial - Riot" is kind of redundant, as there's only a single riot district ideally "Last Team Standing" should be replaced by "Riot" because riot is the mode, similar to how "Social District" or "Mission District" is used above regardless of whether its "Financial - Riot" or "Riot" or "Financial", theres a lot of dead UI space around the district name the description text for riot district suffers from the same dead UI space within the description text - not sure why "Weapons", "Get Cash", and "Take out other Players" have odd capitalization the text "Total PvP" is slightly cut off when riot district is selected on the UI there's no warning for new players that this mode is not for new players (sparse tutorial, no matchmaking, necessary knowledge of other apb mechanics for optimal performance, etc) next is the riot loading screen, which i honestly like for the most part - it manages to be "entertaining" and also functions as a mini-tutorial [images courtesy of explosion - twitch.tv/exxplosion_] no mention of preset loadouts this is the only place "emitter" is used, everywhere else i can find uses "devices" no mention of the access codes that are needed to arm emitters no mention that arming an emitter will close down a block no mention of why cash is important getting cash is listed after closing down a block (arming an emitter), which usually isnt possible i feel like a new player wont be able to understand anything on this map other than maybe "skulls are bad" the player character and the zones also quickly change places, probably causing even more confusion no mention of why the truck is important, even though its shown both with ingame footage and as loading screen art no explanation of how the truck works (why its there, what the orange circle is for, etc) the player character actually runs into the toxic gas with no apparent concern in this clip, which is pretty misleading im undecided on this screen - on one hand there's no need to replay the previous riot tutorial (since it replays every time you switch instances), but on the other hand nothing about this screen really has anything to do with riot other than the text initial spawn/pregame "lobby" i've made it through the district select screen and the loading screen, now im in a riot instance initial district spawns are apparently random, for no reason as far as i can tell this makes it annoying for players (who don't know the old 'double click the contact icon on the map'/'double click the contact in the progression tab' tricks) to access the riot contact since they'll likely have to run several hundred meters - worst case scenario, the match starts before they get there and they're teleported away again this is the optimal riot pregame spawn - the match countdown is already started, there are lots of teams/players, everything is working smoothly but i'm not going to talk about optimal, i'm going to talk about this as a consequence of not having advance district select options for riot instances (or if your server can barely top 200 people), you can get placed in an empty district there is nothing to do in empty riot districts: no damage, no vehicles, no mods, nothing to interact with except the chat and the riot contact - its boring as fuck, fix this the map so whether i have 3 minutes to kill before the match countdown ends or im stuck forever in "waiting for players" riot purgatory i decide to check out the map, which i've masterfully marked out with my expert paint skills the actual map changes are actually pretty sparse and kind of random - there are multiple blocks with no changes whatsoever this results in less incentive to explore the map because most of the mission district "spots" are more effective than riot additions map changes are clearly a little overbalanced towards the center of the map, even though in my experience the final block is rarely in the central park area map changes almost all exist on or next to a street leaving huge portions of the map feeling and looking exactly like they do in mission districts i really can't overstate how bland most of the map changes are - they have a negative effect on gameplay ("perfect" cover overlooking open areas is bad), they fail to "balance" any number of base map problem areas, and don't open/add new areas of the map to explore barriers very common indestructible provides full standing cover provides full crouch cover (players can sometimes stand on the red line) can/cannot be jumped over, depending on whether orbit fixes the red line inconsistency less common indestructible does not provide full standing cover provides perfect crouch cover can be jumped over very common indestructible provides full standing cover cannot be jumped over can be shot under (marked with red line) less common destructible provides full standing cover cannot be jumped over can be shot under (marked with red line) can be seen through less common indestructible provides no cover can be shot through can be seen through can be "jumped over" (opened) rare af indestructible provides no cover can be shot through can be jumped over given all this, i'd personally like to see the concrete half-wall replace most of the concrete full-walls, and more use of the double-wide gates - i feel this would provide better gameplay, as currently a majority of cover is both indestructible and provides perfect/near perfect protection scaffolding i dislike the excessive use of ladders too much vulnerability difficult to attack upwards, easy to defend downwards slows down gameplay some of the scaffolding leads to alternate paths and some new areas, but there's still some that just exist on their own and are therefore useless buildings/trailers grey prefab trailers are basically useless, they're just large blocks of uninspired cover red trailers are pretty well done imo (lots of variation in stacks, open/closed, contents, etc - but there could always be more) but they only exist in 3 places red trailers also have an overuse of ladders imo misc - construction site easily one of the best map changes provides effective cover provides balanced cover adds to overall district vibe misc - planks (not marked) these are all good, as far as im concerned there's no such thing as too many alternate movement paths add more though misc - lmao (not marked) seriously wtf these statues (afaik there's only 2) should be claimable, so anyone can have a giant version of their character that looks like a moron alternatively use orbit staff characters, preferably whoever came up with riot misc - vehicles (not marked) i didnt mark vehicles on the map above because there are so many, although as you can see they are not evenly distributed across the map - in my opinion this is a mistake as vehicles are often the only cover provided for the wide open streets of san paro a majority of the vehicles seem to be randomly placed leading to an amateurish and sterile feeling environment, there's no sense of any rioting and there's very little indication of a mass civilian panic/evacuation almost all vehicles are in the street or on the sidewalk bordering a street (similar to other map changes), furthering the bland environment feeling the fact that all vehicles are all already destroyed further even reduces environment impact - forcing players to be more careful around functioning cars that can be blown up, having vehicles blowing up during firefights, and opening up av weapons as a more viable option all add more engagement and depth to gameplay abandoned vehicles should be largely undriveable but still damageable, similar to the way an enforcer can shoot and explode a criminal objective car but is not able to actually get into the vehicle (and vice versa) there should be a small number of vehicles that can be driven these should be indistinguishable from normal vehicles, the only visible difference being the "press F to enter" prompt when aimed at riot match however long it took, there are enough players in the instance and the match is starting first spawn [images courtesy of explosion - twitch.tv/exxplosion_] the initial spawn is completely random as far as i can tell, this actually eliminates an important mechanic of most BRs the ability to choose a starting point allows for more gameplay diversity - do you choose a good map spot (location/pickups/riot devices) and risk fighting other players early, or do you choose to start in a more remote location to avoid other players and slowly build up your character? the presence of groups expands on this - does everyone stick together and pick between busy/remote? does the group split up? removing the initial spawn choice almost certainly eliminates early conflicts and causes slower gameplay overall the rng locations of the initial spawn also have a ripple effect on the rest of the match - cash, hazmat suits, weapons, and access codes are not evenly distributed so anyone with a lucky spawn is going to get an advantage over others groups groups as a mechanic need to go, they cause too many balance problems either remove them entirely and make riot solo only or create separate riot instances specifically for 2s, 3s, and 4s if you remember earlier during the match countdown teams were 27/27 but now once the match has started they're 10/10 math geniuses will note that 27 does not evenly divide by 10, so there is at least one group that is missing a person right from the start money sharing leads to groups making double/triple/quadruple the cash off every pickup compared to a solo player, leading to: way more flexibility with bribing easier respawns easier preset loadouts less risk allows for more aggressive play groups can revive dead teammates by collecting enough cash to pay for an extra life initial map a little less than half the map immediately gets gassed at the start of every match, normally i'd say this is too much but even with only 50% of the map riot matches still feel frustratingly empty most of the time the gassed section does rotate (north/south/east/west iirc) which forces a little variation into each match id like to see various individual blocks get gassed instead of one large chunk starting weapon why? new players arent going to be able to use the fbw any better than the snub veterans will most likely get tons of mileage out of arguably the best secondary in the game fbw as starting weapon gives a passive $500 bonus to anyone decent with it, since they no longer have to buy a preset secondary im honestly not sure how to fix this, since most BRs start off with melee which apb doesnt have, my choices are: start with blowtorch permanently equipped as starter secondary start with nfa9 as starter secondary start with no weapons but have bricks equipped in grenade slot, then disabled once any weapon is picked up pickups pickups (cash/weapons/hazmat suits/access codes) are not evenly distributed across the map the sparse map additions aside, the lack of pickups further decreases any reason to explore or make use of the whole map ease of access - too easy running over a pickup while spamming F (or whatever key a player has bound) is dumb perhaps add the small item animation to all pickups, or have all pickups be in riot containers that have to be interacted with (similar to a break in objective) or destroyed to get the contents cash is uncommon but too easy to get the rarity is decent, but it could be made more common if need be - this is the item that basically powers the entire mode after all force players to expose themselves or waste time if they want cash pickups - put them on rooftops, at the top of ladders, on spray points, anywhere that requires players to go out of their way add more ways to spend cash (ammo machine resupplying, hazmat suit vending machines, legendary/meta weapon machines, etc weapons are too rare, but they should be fairly easy to get increase the amount of weapon pickups increase weapon diversity, ideally to valentines/xmas box consumable levels - wacky mod combos included weight weapon spawn odds so that more effective/meta modded weapons are rarer limited ammunition to encourage frequent pickups/resupplying add grenades 1 grenade per pickup make them very rare, 1 of each grenade type per instance legendary weapons arent actually legendary (they should be renamed to 'uniques' or 'exotics' but thats another discussion) and should not be labeled as such - no map markers, no yellow glow indicators, etc current legendary indicators should be used for meta weapons, or perfectly modded weapons hazmat suits are fucking everywhere given that we have extra lives, hazmat suits are way too common - having 5 or 6 per location is ridiculous having so many different locations is also ridiculous - there should be 10-20 per match closing down a district should be a valid way to eliminate players but hazmat suits make this almost a nonissue as far as i can tell there's no limit to how many hazmat suits a player can collect i'd suggest 2 or possibly 3 have the (now rare) hazmat suits marked on the map, to encourage players to fight over them lower the cooldown - ideally if your hazmat suit runs out the cooldown should last just long enough to put you at rock bottom health (starting from full hp) before you can activate another access codes are also too common make access codes rarer, something like 4 or 5 per match this should also help with hud markers popping in and out due to shitty UI issues the timer should be removed, once a player has a code it should be usable on all riot devices players carrying an access code should be visible to other players somehow, either: change riot device activation UI text to include the character name of whoever activated it make any player carrying an access code ping on radar every x seconds if they're within x meters make any player carrying an access code ping the vip marker every x seconds if they're within x meters system messages in chat whenever a player carrying an access code enters a block riot devices - not really a pickup but related to access codes rewards should be increased for activating riot devices to encourage conflict over access codes and conflict while chasing access codes possibly increasing rewards for each consecutive riot device a player activates without dying preset loadouts honestly just delete this whole mechanic its complete shit no reason to worry about finding a decent weapon pickup when i can buy my own perfectly modded weapons anyone with armas weapons has a larger pool of preset loadouts to choose from, adding further imbalance no reason to worry about spending cash on preset loadouts because i now have a perfectly modded ntec/obir/hvr/whatever and i can kill 10 people and steal their cash UI [images courtesy of explosion - twitch.tv/exxplosion_] its basically all horrible tbh unnecessary notifications for everything large UI text for teammates unlocking primary and secondary weapons large UI text for teammates getting enough money for an extra life large UI text for the current location even though thats shown on the radar large UI text stacked for RIOT DEVICE ARMING and riot device armed seriously why large UI text that the area is gassed even though the air is literally green large UI text to remind you to use your hazmat suit large UI text to inform you that gas is harmful large UI text after death to inform you of respawn large UI text to inform you of player kills, even though there's already a UI element large UI text to inform you of picking up a hazmat suit, even though the consumable slot is used for the same purpose large UI text informing you to find a riot code, even though there are hud markers pop ups for access code spawns even though they're marked with hud markers hud pop up for cash pickups even though theres a sound and a UI element already, above equipped weapon also cash pickup pop ups seem to get stuck on screen rather often, the only way to fix it afaik is to pick up more cash pop ups telling you to arm riot devices (including a timeframe) even though the hud markers for riot devices pop up and there's already a timer on the main riot UI element pop ups when you pick up a weapon even though there's already a UI element for that pop ups to purchase weapons safe area hud marker that appears and disappears im sure there's more that im forgetting system message spam in the chatbox crushes any chance of text communication between PUGs difficult to follow the scoreboard is bad not available until either the round ends or your entire team is dead doesnt show anyone else's information once dismissed for too long, its gone respawning [image courtesy of explosion - twitch.tv/exxplosion_] the concept of extra lives sounds good but i feel it quickly becomes tedious in actual gameplay everyone has to be killed at least twice due to one free respawn the larger the group the more likely they are to have several extra lives due to increased cash gains respawns are generally far away from the action, 200m or more in my experience teams can revive dead teammates by collecting enough cash all of this combines to drastically slow down every match respawning often places players in toxic zones or zones with activated riot devices this leads to wasting hazmat suits - one is automatically equipped (if available) when spawning in gas often players are respawned so deep into the toxic zones that they cannot reach a safe zone before dying - wasting lives, money, and time players exiting toxic areas are often at a disadvantage vs players already in safe zones its easier to see into toxic areas from safe zones than it is to see into safe zones from toxic areas players may already have taken damage from gas players usually cannot afford to take cover or find an alternate route in toxic areas due to time constraints possible solution to respawn issues would be to copy apex legends' system, with an apb twist teammates have to have enough cash teammates must go to one of several ambulances that spawn around the district (they could be static spawns, but i'd prefer them to be random each match) teammates must interact with the ambulance (similar to a break in objective) to deliver cash once enough cash is delivered, dead teammate revives the ambulance is destructible, so people could potentially hunt these down and blow them up for spite - perhaps ambulances only show hud/map markers if you have a dead teammate revived teammates should have no spawn protection and no gear the truck [images courtesy of zeals - twitch.tv/zealslive] it just appears out of thin air i find myself curious what happens if a player is standing in the exact spot the truck would occupy when it spawns the large orange circle for cash bribing is bad its visually distracting it allows players to fight at the same time as they deliver bribe money delete the circle and its dropoff mechanics, instead force players to interact with the truck (similar to a break in objective) in order to deliver bribe money the top half (red painted part) of the truck can be shot through im split on this tbh - i understand that having the truck act as solid cover makes it too easy to just hide behind it and deliver bribes, but it also feels very unnatural shooting through what appears to be a solid object its not explained anywhere that the truck can be shot through in fact the truck mechanics arent explained anywhere other than some UI text at the very top of the screen and the purple hud marker, and these only appear once the final block "round" begins rewards getting the same amount of cash for a riot match as i would for a mission is disappointing receiving consumable pack emails is irritating more irritating, consumables can't be used during riot matches standing rewards are bugged and don't show up on the end-of-match scoreboard, but they're also equivalent to mission rewards swapping instances feels clunky, at best loading into another instance adds even more time, on top of potentially waiting for players and the match countdown the group leader is the only one who can swap the whole group no prompt to swap instances until the entire team is dead if you switch instances before that, you don't get any rewards afaik final impressions final thoughts on my riot gameplay experience, complete with not-even-being able-to-play saltyness bland map while at first i was excited for new map changes, once i ran through a few riot matches the shine quickly wore off as i realized how little the changes actually do anything to truly reshape the district or alter gameplay a majority of the gameplay is boring the incredibly slow start of every riot match where everyone is spread across the map gathering cash is boring as hell, further compounded by the lackluster pickups (that are almost always in the same places every match) and the bland map (that offers no incentive to explore) there are fun moments the final block/bribe stage is chaotic, dynamic, and usually a lot of fun - the only problem is its preceded by 10-15 minutes of Running Simulator: Reloaded there's just not enough payoff for the buildup - i could get the same chaotic, dynamic, and fun gameplay from fightclub over and over and over and over, without any of the bad elements that come with riot rewards are trash i understand that this is a "beta" but a single skin for 5 levels of progression isnt enough at least throw in some exclusive titles or preset clothing to encourage people to take part the daily rewards (5 day leases of various guns) after maxing out the riot contact are pretty worthless if preset loadouts are removed (as they should be), then players will be winning rewards that they can't even use in the mode why are the leases so short? other f2p leases (purchased with apb$) are 10 days and 7 days - was there really a need to add more complexity to f2p players' lease renewal schedule? the minimal amount of JTs awarded throughout leveling and from achievements are just that - minimal performance lots of crashes minimal fps stability improvements over mission districts - likely only because there are typically less players and less player vehicles per instance visuals a very personal opinion, but all the glowing pickups and the tall toxic "clouds" make the already dated game look even worse its very obvious that a lot of the "new" UI features were shoehorned into existing UI elements the loading screen is a decent attempt at keeping with the existing art style replayability for citadel - very low, riot just doesnt offer many positives that can't be had from other modes for jericho - zero, the population is so low that riot instances have remained below capacity for a majority of the last few days overall too many problems to be worth playing, and even if all issues are fixed (if thats even possible) i worry that its too late for second impressions miscellaneous random shit that i don't like in no particular order, this section is going to get whiney tutorial this is the only place the radar/map icons are shown the starting handgun (fbw) is very good "dark blue" text isnt actually colored dark blue "large numbers" means maybe 4 weapons, usually all the same the starting handgun (fbw) is very good the "light blue" text isnt actually colored light blue "large numbers" means maybe 4 weapons, usually all the same from my experience, secondaries tend to spawn less frequently than primaries hazmat suits have a "dark blue" radar icon, but have a "purple" glow effect ingame access codes arent all that contested because there are just so many of them cash glows "green' ingame, this is not mentioned cash pickups award $250 arming riot devices awards $300 there's no mention of needing cash to bribe the truck during the final block riot contacts who designed these awful characters? they're almost as boring as the map changes this would have been a perfect opportunity to hold a contest for the community to create these contacts my mans holland is in the floor where is the quality control? contact icons these really stand out, which could be good or bad depending on your preference i hate it why do these contact icons not look like all the other contact icons? block visuals i realize this is a super minor issue that would require crazy amounts of work to fix but it still looks bad this also results in weird borders with the toxic gas itself (not the same location) car spawns car spawn icons still show up on the ingame environment vehicle props some float a little some sink a little some sink low enough to sneak past all the testers honorable mention to this unreleased content missing prop [image courtesy of explosion - twitch.tv/exxplosion_] there's a vending machine prop missing from this corner in riot instances nametag bug dying and respawning occasionally results in your player tag getting "stuck" in place even while you run around like a mong city hall this awful spot is back for no reason other than to further fuck up map balance church its now possible to get to the very top of the church building a weapon will spawn on the back corner, which is basically useless to most players uneven pickup spawns idk it just triggers my ocd, there are a few of these ok im done, finally tl;dr - riot sucks, what the fuck are you doing little orbit? 5 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen of Love 455 Posted June 20, 2019 12 hours ago, Seedy said: I dont know why someone down-voted this. Is is exactly correct. I have a lot of fans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dead_Game 73 Posted June 20, 2019 Engine upgrade ? But more money grab content and garbage contents and your supporters Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seedy 324 Posted June 20, 2019 (edited) 6 hours ago, Kewlin said: I'm going to skip everything that's been said a thousand times (no, I didn't read the whole fucking thread) like that the mode needs to be aborted, and that it has a thousand issues, even though all of that's true. (Sidenote, it could be made into something not awful, but I doubt that will happen.) I will say though that you need to reduce the standing required to get to rank 5 with the contact or increase the standing gained, as the current requirement is absolutely ridiculous, especially when I can wait over half an hour during "prime" hours and not get a match: and there's no way I'm doing that on top of working a full-time job. Hell, let me buy it for $10 instead, 'cause I don't have time for that. My number one complaint with RIOT is that the lore is fucking smart, and not only has nothing to do with APB but is entirely against it. It makes everything in the lore thus far a mockery. Here's a list of a few talking points: Red Hill is a place, not a company, what the fuck is with you just naming the company "RedHill." That's like if there was a company just named Bronx County in Bronx County: that would never happen. No, the company is not really named the RedHill Institute of Technology, because AFAIK RIOT is just a subsidiary of the company, (I could be wrong on this part,) and the site itself repeatedly just refers to it as RedHill. Also, it should be RHIOT, not RIOT TBH, just as a quick aside. If you replaced all references to RedHill with RIOT, I'd give up on this point. Uhmm. . . How is RedHill supposed to be getting away with this? Like, it's a fucking speshul plan. Here's how it plays out: RedHill takes over San Paro, then RedHill gets taken out by outside forces (if the police don't do something to begin with, because BTW, there are still cops in San Paro, and they're not even really that corrupt from what I can tell from reading the lore.) It's that simple, there's no other way to look at it, this isn't a superhero movie, the plot of RIOT mode is far stupider than anything else in APB lore. "It's been almost a decade since the City Security Act came into force in San Paro. . ." Uhmm. . . what? How about no, nothing has advanced in San Paro, as far as I'm concerned current APB can't possibly be more than a few years after 2010 when the start of the game takes place, given that A] technology and society has not advanced at all and B] a decade of civil war would have entirely destroyed San Paro, financially if nothing else. Both the Praetorians and Blood Roses care about money, but let's not forget that they both rich and are based on money in San Paro. Either the Torians or the Roses being basically bought out by RedHill is like if I threw you a twenty to burn down your house and you did it. On that note, most of the player characters in APB are millionaires at this point AFAIK, why are they fighting over a few thousand dollars? That's not even to mention that San Paro is generally espoused as being more about standing out and being a rockstar than becoming rich, and being hired as a pawn to destroy San Paro really isn't a very good way to be a celebrity. For all their faults, the Praetorians are still a largely moral organization. Remember Aletta Cadagan? Remember that her whole point, and what made her cool, is that her plan is so over the top that they have to hide it from even Teng himself? Aletta's plan makes sense to an extent, and yet Shadowstrike had to keep it hushed so that it didn't get shut down. . . and yet you think the Praetorians are going to throw in with RedHill? Teng, or better yet Shadowstrike, would personally make sure each and every Praetorian who worked for RedHill was killed as far as I'm concerned. Jane Derren was tricked into handing out the vaccine, and I don't think anyone thinks that she would support RedHill's plan. . . so. . . how did she not shut down RedHill after the G-Kings revealed their plan? Despite how insane her plan to save San Paro was, Jane Derren is without a doubt supposed to be purely good, and even the fact that she's implied to have given Holland a lucrative deal simply because he was her friend seems out of character. All of the in-game lore you made entirely skips the part where there are gigantic chemical diffusers everywhere? In fact, not even the A.R.G. lore covers how RedHill did a complete makeover to San Paro. . . I feel like there would have been some. . . uhh. . . resistance? You know, from the police, Tigers, Gs, Praetorians, citizens, and heck, the National Guard? The bios mention vaccines, not gas, in fact they just jump straight from saying the flu vaccine was revealed to be bad to "the common citizens fled." Which brings me to. . . who are we spreading this gas for in the game mode? Because literally everyone else has left. Really, who the fuck are we spreading this gas for beside ourselves? This reeks of TF2 lore, except it's supposed to be serious: we're literally just anti-aggressing opposing mercenaries for no reason. What happened to the G-Kings and Tigers? It's mentioned that they resisted, but that's it, like, how the fuck did all of this happen with them resisting? Especially when the Praetorians should have been resisting alongside them TBH. On that note, why can't you actually resist RedHill in the game mode? I personally have sworn never to activate a diffuser or whatever they're called, so there's that, but when the entire theme of the APB is supposed to be the complex play between good and evil as well as law and crime, how come you're basically forced to be evil in this game mode? Perhaps most importantly: where's Luke Waskawi in all of this? Waskawi's entire point is that he has unlimited money and nearly unlimited power, and all of this certainly seems to go against everything Waskawi has been doing all of this time. . . and yet. . . he just let all of this happen? This may well be the biggest shit on all of APB's lore, as it entirely destroys the mystique and buildup of APB's lore TBH. . . . and that's basically just what I thought of off of the top of my head. I get that you probably think people don't really care all that much about APB's lore, but APB is basically our home for many of us vets, and has been for about a decade. APB's lore is important for many reasons, but not least of which for creating the setting of the San Paro we all love. What you've essentially done though with RIOT is bought our home, come in, laid a steaming pile of shit on the rug, and then proceeded to spread said shit all over the walls while pretending your redecorating. You're not expanding the lore, you're kinda' destroying something you either don't care about or don't understand. TL;DR: I don't mind all that much if you keep the game mode, even if I think the whole season pass thing and blatant incentivizing of RIOT is bullshoot, but please strip the "lore" you made off of it, or at entirely rewrite it to actually fit if you're feeling ambitious (something more akin to the Anarchy districts wouldn't be bad.) @NotZombieBiscuit Do you have anything to add? (P.S. You use both "San Paroan" and "San Parian" in the same bio, I personally prefer the latter, but just don't use both in the same bio please, lol.) this is brilliant. I too have been here for said time and while I am not heavily in to the lore I appreciate that allot of people are and RIOT just shits all over it. LO do not know enough about APB to write the story. And This: (P.S. You use both "San Paroan" and "San Parian" in the same bio, I personally prefer the latter, but just don't use both in the same bio please, lol.) Maybe a spelling mistake i dont know. LO please listen to us and turn back the clock on this mess. We dont want RIOT. @Glaciers Never been here before Need to go explore! Edited June 20, 2019 by Seedy 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Westford 182 Posted June 20, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, Glaciers said: finally got around to making a semi-proper write up unnecessarily detailed list about riot, altho i probably could have just reposted my otw test feedback and it would still be 95% relevant -some images taken from streams, because i was too lazy to get my own footage and now jericho riot is a ghost town this is going to be long and boring tbh, you've been warned /snip I thought this was a great write up. Very detailed..., walked us through the whole process. I have not played RIOT yet, but your synopsis gave me a detailed view into this gameplay. The RIOT mechanics, as I understand it, is a bit confusing, not intuitive. I think @SilverCrow had made a similar analogy. Appreciate the time and effort you put into this, Edited June 20, 2019 by Westford 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrChan 337 Posted June 20, 2019 16 hours ago, GhosT said: Problem here is that Battle Royales usually have their own queues for groups, duos and solos, while APBs BR is just 4-man teams with randoms. Now you could argue "but apex has forced 3-man teams", but apex is also a lot easier and you can hold your ground alone well enough. Now for the "lol get friends" thing. The main problem with this is the population. Everyone that's left is just their own private "clan" with their few friends, and no one else will get into that circle. There aren't really any clans left you could join, most people on discord refuse to play or even use voice chat. It sucks when APB is in a dying state and all those people you've played APB with stopped playing it years ago, for understandable reasons. I wouldn't argue with separating groups and single players in RIOT, except as you said, there's an issue with population. It can't support it, Citadel seems to be only running one RIOT instance at a time. (We could also get into the greater debate about whether there's population to support additional game modes at all) Setting that one instance up so that people can't play with their mates cos it isn't fair on solo players isn't the answer in my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoolAssDisplayName 93 Posted June 20, 2019 (edited) 6 hours ago, Glaciers said: this also results in weird borders with the toxic gas itself (not the same location) I'm not sure about how they made this, but I feel like they used just meshes to implement this and whenever you enter general fog changes to create this illusion of being in toxic cloud. This is why you can't see shіt in fog, but can see through fog being outside of it. As far as I know there's a type of fog in EU3 that looks like a block wich have a lot of options to make it look like a toxic cloud and I'm pretty sure it doesn't have this weird lines and looks much better when you enter\leave it. But let's pretend their version of UDK doesn't have these or something. Lmao, I don't think LO even have level-designer in apb team at all, RIOT-Financial looks like it's been edited by 10 years old me who had only 5 hours to learn UDK and "edit" the district. If I had a month and this as my full time job I could literaly edit every single corner of the map with objects APB has and make it look like it's really a fuсking riot. But seing all these "edits" being just cars without a slice of debries makes me mad! Seriously man, APB is not that poor on meshes, fuсking use them! BTW, jumping on blocks could've been avoided simply by using blocking volumes (it's like a invisible block, that blocks player, obviously). I see people complaining about icon while they just reused same icon for everything. Voicing contracts? Nah bruh we even didn't add any sounds to our map that probably APB already had. But who am I to tell how to do their job. Edited June 20, 2019 by Soundwave2142 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esc597 0 Posted June 20, 2019 I thought mission districts were broken... you guys somehow manage to create new mode and even more broken than mission districts. I'm not mad, I'm more like surprised! Main issues about just RIOT mode: -After first death game keeps you spawning in the gas! -When the game starts teams are way too close to each other! -Hazmat suits pointless because all have 50 sec. around cooldown but around 30 sec. you can die in gas! -Most of the weapon spawns in the map, are way too on the middle of no-where...And YOU CAN easily camp around them for people who try to pick them up! -Generally, need more cover or obstacles around the city map. -Red names should on enemy characters like in mission districts. -If you stand just behind the gas line(wherever the gas area finishes) you can easily see enemies but they can not see you. Gas is way too thick! Needs to be less visible than already is! -Currently, wooden towers pointless... because you can kill people from behind tower's destructible billboard covers. -Yakuza skins suppose to be arg event winner ONLY rewards! That was a promise! -Whoever activates gas emitters should earn assist from people who die in that area! -Rıot access codes sometimes spawn all around but sometimes just so rare. -The starting pistol is OVERPOWERED should be replaced with a much weaker pistol like a snub-nose pistol or act pistol! The current starting pistol is way too accurate and gives you huge mobility! Sincerely ... YIGIT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TackoGirl 130 Posted June 20, 2019 I do not have much to say. I enjoy the mode! everything goes well, I have no crashes or other problems the only thing that is annoying is almost every round one of the team members is afk would be nice to have a kick function. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GhosT 1301 Posted June 20, 2019 36 minutes ago, esc597 said: -The starting pistol is OVERPOWERED should be replaced with a much weaker pistol like a snub-nose pistol or act pistol! The current starting pistol is way too accurate and gives you huge mobility! Wouldn't necessarily call the FBW overpowered, but it should be replaced with something like the OCSP, FR0G or whatever. Buying and looting secondaries makes no sense when you spawn with the best one in the first place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esc597 0 Posted June 20, 2019 3 minutes ago, GhosT said: Wouldn't necessarily call the FBW overpowered, but it should be replaced with something like the OCSP, FR0G or whatever. Buying and looting secondaries makes no sense when you spawn with the best one in the first place. could be replace anything else too, yeah Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ryanc229 15 Posted June 20, 2019 Car spawners need to be added in, won't even touch the mode without them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hausman 34 Posted June 20, 2019 would be good to have the permanent option to buy your secondary or primary weapon and not wait until u get asked again everytime but also tbh focus on Engine it's more important than actual RIOT mode Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esc597 0 Posted June 20, 2019 Yes; I know but doesn't finish what u started is...not my cup of tea. I hope devs. think like that too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ketog 1034 Posted June 20, 2019 9 hours ago, Glaciers said: [Extremely long post] I can honestly agree with a good 95% of what you said. The glowing effects everywhere look super dated, the random exploded cars models scattered around looks like xXRyan455Xx 's first map in unity. The overall mode feels clunky, and the last stage when you bribe is actually fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6184 Posted June 20, 2019 8 hours ago, Westford said: I think @SilverCrow had made a similar analogy he’s right tbh riot is a battle royale at its core but it’s so needlessly overcomplicated that it ends up losing any sense of gameplay direction i have no idea how orbit thought this mode would bring in new players 5 hours ago, Soundwave2142 said: Lmao, I don't think LO even have level-designer in apb team at all, RIOT-Financial looks like it's been edited by 10 years old me who had only 5 hours to learn UDK and "edit" the district. If I had a month and this as my full time job I could literaly edit every single corner of the map with objects APB has and make it look like it's really a fuсking riot. But seing all these "edits" being just cars without a slice of debries makes me mad! Seriously man, APB is not that poor on meshes, fuсking use them! from what we were told by g1 the map tools and the maps themselves are all custom built and therefore kind of suck not really an excuse for how poorly the new map changes were done, but idk if it’s as easy as you say Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GhosT 1301 Posted June 20, 2019 What even is this update. Not only is RIOT a complete failure, but they also managed to break the whole game. Constant crashes in any district. I've never had crashes in APB before. 8 crashes in one hour of gameplay is anything but fun. The game not being able to remember me after ticking "remember me" in 2FA is mildly annoying too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gusvato3080 75 Posted June 20, 2019 Can we ditch this already? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salvick 248 Posted June 20, 2019 I think I might want to try the game again if they could remove this game mode, is way too discouraging to read all the detailed feedback that other players were providing, and these actually match with what I was thinking about this, just the "riot" logo with that 90s graffiti style is so ugly that made me feel like I'm going to play a player-made mod or something. Just when you think there couldn't be anything else in this game that could be broken...they break the lore and added senseless elements to back a game mode that doesn't even match the title itself. Everything looks like its been designed and created by players and not actual developers imo. I wonder if we could have new missions designed in a way that actually improves the game as it is instead of trying strange things that might like to a few and dislike to a bunch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMessiah 430 Posted June 20, 2019 contact progress is super slow..i just want to get to lvl 5 for dat skin but takes 4ever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seedy 324 Posted June 20, 2019 2 hours ago, Glaciers said: he’s right tbh riot is a battle royale at its core but it’s so needlessly overcomplicated that it ends up losing any sense of gameplay direction i have no idea how orbit thought this mode would bring in new players from what we were told by g1 the map tools and the maps themselves are all custom built and therefore kind of suck not really an excuse for how poorly the new map changes were done, but idk if it’s as easy as you say i was told by one of the devs I know personally (i was his wedding photographer) that the every building in all maps are unique - there are no duplicated buildings at all in APB. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GhosT 1301 Posted June 20, 2019 Yeah, financial does look like someone imported it into Garry's Mod and placed a bunch of props, but there's only so much you can do to existing maps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
finnvg1998 0 Posted June 20, 2019 i love the riot update is super great. but what I think is cool if you give the players the option to make your own hazmat suit that you can use and the hazmat suit that is now in the game can be used as pre-set and that you can make your own. there are clothes that are perfect for it. I think it will be really cool if you do that !! : D are there more people who like it? 1. customizable hazmat suit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6184 Posted June 20, 2019 8 minutes ago, finnvg1998 said: i love the riot update is super great. but what I think is cool if you give the players the option to make your own hazmat suit that you can use and the hazmat suit that is now in the game can be used as pre-set and that you can make your own. there are clothes that are perfect for it. I think it will be really cool if you do that !! : D are there more people who like it? 1. customizable hazmat suit a customizable suit would be a little more suited to apb imo or they could just remove the hazmat suit altogether and when you activate it puts only a gas mask on your character, that way it doesnt take away from your character 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yood 345 Posted June 21, 2019 (edited) viable regime - «Hit Squad» . to apply it differently ... delete the video !!!! (not applicable in working mode) Edited June 21, 2019 by Yood Share this post Link to post Share on other sites