Darkzero3802 615 Posted June 18, 2019 4 hours ago, Lixil said: Hello everyone, If you have any feedback regarding RIOT please post it here for easier information access, this feedback can help us improve this mode in the right direction. There have been many threads regarding this and we have been reading them. Please bear in mind that the RIOT is in beta and that your feedback can help us a lot. Please try to keep this thread constructive and without spam. Lix there are several problems with riot that can be addressed with a simple patch for thurs. 1. Decrease the player count to start riot. 16 ppl in a dead game is way too many hence why the mode isnt played in jericho. The number should be 8 but maby 12 depending on rewards. 2. Increase the rate of lvling the contact. Ive played in over 20 riot matches since it was launched and the contact is still only at role 2. tbh it should be at 3 or 4 right now not 2, the rate at which you lvl him is way too low especially again for a mode thats not played. 3. Decrease the money needed to respawn. right now its free for the 1st. 1k for 2nd, 2k for 3rd and 3k for 4th. Id suggest 1st is free, 2nd is 500, 3rd 1k, 4th 2k 5th 3k. This would allow the opportunity to pay to unlock equipped weapons easier. 4. make the riot dist visable in the selection tab. right now you cant see the riot dist in the adv tab and nobody can see the dist pop, if you guys listed it there ppl could see and would prob join the dist more making the mode played more often. 5. Decrease the start timer. ppl waiting for upwards of 30min for enough ppl to join the dist just to start a timer thats another 3+min is just a slap in the face, the timer should be 30sec if any timer at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RCooper 182 Posted June 18, 2019 19 minutes ago, MrChan said: If they did that, other people would complain: "EnGiNE upGRaDe Is UseLeSS wiTHOUt nEw KhaNtEnt". Engine upgrade is something everyone want,doesnt matter if u add new content that no one ask for with the engine that no one is gonna play it. Also i dont like how people camp when the truck appear 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leefekyn 203 Posted June 18, 2019 There are a ton of great ideas in this thread, and I'm sure I'm restating more than a couple here, but it's still good for emphasis I suppose. -Start with less people At least on Jericho, it can be near impossible to start the game. Start with less players and block off a larger portion of the map. -Groups vs Randoms This will always be out of balance. The bare minimum for the current iteration of the game to correct this is to auto-fill partial groups. -UI rework The text is extremely intrusive and distracting. For critical alerts, a small alert noise with some text in the corner should be plenty to notify the player. Also, if this game mode is truly to help bring in new players, it's going to need give some brief info on weapons before picking them up. (Single fire/burst/semi-auto, effective range, shots to kill). Also, let the players know where the money they're getting is coming from so they can strategize better. -Account Progression If people are expected to buy a battle pass, Progression should be account wide. No one wants to finish a long grind only to think, "Great only 4 characters to go." -Hazmat Rework I don't know how everyone would like this approached, but it seems everyone agrees that spawning in only to realize they can't possibly reach the safe zone with the allotted time, is a bad idea. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tysa 9 Posted June 19, 2019 INTERFACE TEXT TOO SMOLL PLS MAKE BIGGER no but srsly, the interface would be my biggest complaint 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cr0 328 Posted June 19, 2019 (edited) It's not as much the bugs or missing features etc as the game mode itself. I don't think it can be fixed. People would play classic, simple BR. Why do you think people like fight club and protested when it was going to be removed? Still more people do Fight club than RIOT. The players want to get in, simple game mode, play, shoot, win. They can't be bothered with all those mechanics. Scrap RIOT. Edited June 19, 2019 by SilverCrow 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Լіe 12 Posted June 19, 2019 (edited) - jump out of a blimp and parachute down in a unique way - add an announcer (maybe the one who announces for Halo) - make emotes infinite even with music (not just in riot mode but the whole game) - add vehicles preferably motorcycles - make players all spawn in the same area in the very starting when there;s a wait time. - make the map more Asylum like or just the same map. Even putting asylum as the riot mode map with bigger outskirts would be nice. - add a reward for winning the match like a weapon skin or clothing item or even a legendary of one's choosing. Edited June 20, 2019 by Լіe 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lZackl 9 Posted June 19, 2019 (edited) -Start with less people "At least on Jericho, it can be near impossible to start the game. Start with less players and block off a larger portion of the map." That would be nice Update: nvm we no lifed the server till it started Edited June 19, 2019 by lZackl 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Milim 32 Posted June 19, 2019 - Clean up the RIOT mode HUD, less is more. Make it simpler and use less of the screen maybe do something similar to APEX with teams remaining etc. - Make the objective more clear and simple(Faster pace even). - Start everyone in the same area during wait time and even possibly make it a fight club type waiting room with kills that count towards roles. - Adjust spawns. - Allow people to see how many people are in RIOT districts. V/R zeals Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtrcs 0 Posted June 19, 2019 Before I start, I think most of the people that give feedback here haven't played APB for at least 2000 hours and I don't think their feedback matters very much, seeing that they want to turn the APB BR into a completely different thing (e.g. parachuting onto the map, etc.), ignoring any kind of balancing problems that come with it for APB. But let's get to my own feedback now. Positives I enjoy the game mode overall. I do think that having more ways than one to actually win a match (bribing + killing every other team) offers another dimension, that most other BRs simply can't give. Furthermore, the bribing aspect actually makes your whole journey before the final zone more important, since it matters how involved you are in the match. I also like the aspect of being able to buy your gun (unlike what some other people say in this thread), since it removes some RNG in whether you find a gun or not, which additionally ads another dimension to managing your economy for the endzone. Same applies to the respawns being tied to your money, too. I like the map changes and I actually think the map is pretty balanced in terms of spots, unlike some spots on the regular financial map. I also like the fact, that the mode tries to use more "non-meta" weapons in order to level the playing field a little more (i.e. people like me having thousands of hours on guns like an NTEC having to play an LCR or other guns with a lower skill ceiling), however I do think guns should be spawned a little more frequently. Lastly I also like the fact, that players themselves can control when to trigger certain zones to actively influence the map, however there are some more gamebreaking downsides concerning this below. Negatives As some previous replies mentioned, please reduce the interface to the minimum. For example, seeing a huge riot symbol in the top center of your screen adds nothing to the experience and just takes up a huge part of the FOV for no reason. Furthermore, reduce the size of the arming messages, as again, a smaller text on the center right or top center of the screen would suffice. Unlike others, I think the spawns are mostly fine, although I do agree with the fact, that HazMats should not automatically equip on respawn, because you can certainly make it back into the zone almost always (there are some ridiculous exceptions, but similar spawn systems in other games occasionally also have hiccups, that is fine), if you time your HazMat correctly. As previously touched on, please add slightly more weapon spawns and spice up the variety a little bit, as there are some weapons, such as the FAR or NFAS/PMGs, that spawn far more frequently than others from what I have seen. Now let's come to the previously mentioned zones: while the overall idea is very good, not forcing players to arm these RIOT devices ASAP, you sometimes end up with stale-mate situations in games, where one last zone before the final stage begins is being camped by some shit-tier silver team, which does not understand how the mode works correctly. One match, my team and I decided to not be the team to leave the to-be final zone and fix the game state and we had a 10 - 15 minute stand-off until we decided - like in every previous match - to arm the last zone before the final stage. There has to be a method either force or incentivize players to arm RIOT devices ASAP or they should simply arm themselves after a while (obviously not giving any team the cash prize for arming it), to drive the game forwards. Overall I have to say it is a very good mode, that still needs some fine-tuning. I would like to say at this point, that I'd very much prefer it to focus on the engine update and wait for some finishing touches on the RIOT mode rather than first fixing RIOT and then focusing on the engine update. While RIOT is fun, what makes APB "APB" are the regular missions in the mission district. That is what APB is at the core of its DNA and it should always remain the center point of gameplay. So please: focus on everything that would improve that experience. And this should start with the engine update, that has been promised to us for years. Thanks for reading! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TurboBRCrim 29 Posted June 19, 2019 (edited) RIOT is boring; - No cool rewards for playing the game, JT is not enough. Also 5 levels for a skin?? Too much grind - Waiting to start a new match due to the low pop - Spawn system is way ridiculous - In the final stage you guys could've been more creative, like you have to drive the car to some place for example. - No sounds playing in the background, too quiet - Too much running around trying to figure out what to do RIOT is confusing: - What to do? Tutorial is not enough, the game mode is not intuitive - IU is inconvenient. Too much is going on and a lot of unnecessary messages - What to expect for new players? 1 hour for them to figure it out how to play it? Even if you read the tutorial.This games mode is NOT made for new players. - Bribe the driver or kill everybody. Why make two options if most of the time we use only one = kill other teams. - Buy a primary weapon or picking it up from the ground? Which primary weapon? My own loadout maybe? - The message that pops is very confusing - Disarming devices is not fun because it can kill you as well - Grouping with randoms: each player goes one direction and everybody dies in the end Positive: The map design is OK My opinion: just make a standard BR with the collapsing map(gas), very fun, quick and straightfowardYou guys are trying to make both new players and APB players happy, thats why a mixed mode was created. Result: FAILED Give new players BR and old players Engine upgrade Edited June 19, 2019 by Algoz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nanometic 265 Posted June 19, 2019 (edited) I'll do my best to summaries Will add more if need be. Respawns Problematic and need a rework, had times where I was spawning 600m~ away from the safe area. Spawn us with 1 hazmat rather than forcing us to equip it and put it on cooldown immediately when spawning in a contaminated area. Groups Playing solo it's very unlikely you'll win against a semi-competent team with comms. Give premade teams some sort of "debuff" of sorts like increased cost on spawns. Would also like to be able to group with people of the opposing faction, I have friends who main the opposing and we just have to fight or get lucky and random group it. Powerful Spots Areas like the roof of the city hall need a rework or to be removed, they're cool, but with no grenades in RIOT it makes them incredibly strong. FBW Starting Weapon With how good the FBW is there is no real reason to pick up or even bring another weapon to RIOT, unless you bring a CQC weapon and a fang. But, during "final stage" spawning with anything other than an FBW would make winning impossible so i'm not actually sure how to solve this. UI It's intrusive and needs reworked or to be down-scaled at the very least. Need a better way to display what mods are on guns(be it the one you have or ones on the ground) having to aim at them or open a menu to check is tedious at times. Start With Less People/Start Timer Really only seems to be an issue on NA, maybe have a secondary system for districts with <15 people that starts a smaller, faster version of the game with a faster shrinking zone and force people into to teams no bigger than 2. The 2-3 minute timer seems excessive, 1 minute max should do. Rewards Make them account bound, having to grind this on multiple characters every x period wont be fun. Bugs: Gresty merchant Worksite has an item spawn inside a cement cylinder that isn't reachable, located near the center between the cabins. Central Golden Mall has a legendary weapon spawn being indicated as a regular weapon spawn on the east side on one of the small bridges/walkways. Outside The Praetorium there is a car partially in the ground. Notes: I don't mind the running, if you've played a BR before this is pretty common. You guys complaining about no rewards need to remember this is season 0, content will be added properly in future seasons. Level progression feels fine. Being able to purchase your own loadout weapons feels fine. There is some uncomfortable geometry that is frustrating to traverse as @Ketog mentioned in his post. The nameplates showing/ not showing is cool in my opinion and fits the game mode. Current spawn costs and escalating price feels fine. Would like more creepy ambiance, like some of the sounds from asylum. Let weapon roles progress in RIOT. Edited June 19, 2019 by Nanometic 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beerdeliveryguy 0 Posted June 19, 2019 you need to fix this lag issue. why is so lagging so hard now. remove riot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FakeBungo 248 Posted June 19, 2019 remove riot mode, that is all 2 hours ago, SilverCrow said: It's not as much the bugs or missing features etc as the game mode itself. I don't think it can be fixed. People would play classic, simple BR. Why do you think people like fight club and protested when it was going to be removed? Still more people do Fight club than RIOT. The players want to get in, simple game mode, play, shoot, win. They can't be bothered with all those mechanics. Scrap RIOT. yes riot doesnt even have any vision, its just "BR". if i want BR ill play minecraft hunger games or fortnite, or some other shit. not apb, apb is made for mission districts. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goabea 196 Posted June 19, 2019 (edited) 6 hours ago, Hexerin said: I saw you in that hellhole, you were clearly barely invested as I had no trouble whatsoever wrecking you (compared to the usual where you're usually a fun opponent to fight). dun make fwun of mah rustieness. But on a serious note, something came up and I was unable to progress further. I managed to hit level 4 with the contact. After i had free time again, the population dropped hard. And adding to the fact leveling up level 4 of that contact is like leveling a 195 contact, just makes you lose interest. Playing solo is awful. Edited June 19, 2019 by Goabea 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotZombieBiscuit 3146 Posted June 19, 2019 If you delete it we can forget that it ever happened and just move on. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OvermoderatedForum 71 Posted June 19, 2019 1 hour ago, Goabea said: dun make fwun of mah rustieness. But on a serious note, something came up and I was unable to progress further. I managed to hit level 4 with the contact. After i had free time again, the population dropped hard. And adding to the fact leveling up level 4 of that contact is like leveling a 195 contact, just makes you lose interest. Playing solo is awful. I'm in this same exact situation. It's nearly impossible to progress just because it seems harder to get more than 10 people in an instance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Awesum 68 Posted June 19, 2019 Despite the server lag and crashes the Yakuza Skin was worth it. Riot is an okay game mode once you learn how to play it. My FeedBack: Add Respawn Ambulances: You would basically have to pay to the Riot Ambulance to re spawn a teammate. This will: Limit amount of spawns. allow players to stick with teammates when they spawn Can tactically decide when and where to spawn your teammates while also looking out for enemy teams spawning. The respawn system now isn't fun because separates you from teammates, places you too far in the gas (sometimes), and you constantly have to look behind you after you killed a team/player because they may randomly spawn behind you Add a Ping System: This is a very teamwork heavy game. Since most people don't use chat; typing and opening the map to show locations is a hassle. A ping system will promote teamwork allowing players to quickly ping locations, weapons, and enemies they spot. Chaos mode in waiting room Because of the low population waiting for a new game sometimes takes forever and if you afk for too long you can get kicked. Allow players to run around and fight each other until enough players have joined Remove buying weapons Just remove buying your weapons off spawn. You can still find your favorite load out on the map. Keeps from well coordinated teams from always having their best load out every game. Players should always have to adapt. Moving/Better Escape Truck the escape truck is sometimes in areas where it can be impossible to break the winning team's setup. Example: When the Truck ends by the skate park under the bridge. A winning team can easily set up players on the bridge and the apposing building with the ladders and spot/shoot incoming players with ease. A moving truck keeps teams on the move or just have better positions in which the truck can't be easily defended Consumables I wish you would allow them so we can test them. I don't imagine the Med spray, Epinephrine Injector, mobile shield, and the satchel charge are game breaking consumables. I think we should be allowed to use them or have them available for pick up. Final Thoughts I love the map design just wish the there was somehow to make the environment feel more alive (protesting sounds, running civilians, random alarms/sirens) Will this attract new players? Maybe. Players will have to learn the many weapons and their attachments and how they play while also learning the game mode. Overall its an okay game-mode. I'm not a huge BR fan because of the RNG of it but regardless; with these changes I can see my self playing a few rounds of it again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flaws 1033 Posted June 19, 2019 (edited) Currently, everything seems to be working as intended by the devs. Ever since the hotfix, I haven't had any real issues with the mode. Someone I talked to said their entire game would crash if they didn't manage to load into the district before the starting timer ran out BEFORE the hotfix. I don't know if that is still a thing, I haven't experienced it myself. Aside from engine limitations, one of my biggest gripes with RIOT is definitely the HUD/UI which effectively blocks visibility in a shooter game in a mode where visibility is everything. There are too many pop ups and texts coming up for information that is irrelevant and not needed such as 2 different pop ups that you've picked up a hazmat suit, one of them blocking your view. The massive DEVICE ARMED text with the red timer which is pointless, you could literally add that little timer in one of the corners, it becomes pretty obvious what it shows without needing a huge text piece. Also, does anyone REALLY remember all the district block names well enough to know exactly where on the map a device has been armed? Well enough to justify having 2 different pop ups right above the crosshair telling you that it was armed AND where? I've personally fixed as much as possible of that through configs but for new players that would be a nightmare. It's way too stressful, it gives you information that is completely useless and new players will probably try to keep up with it all, thinking it's somehow important to winning. Overall, RIOT is an excessive RNG mode in a game where RNG is king already. Your best bet is to play in a full premade group of good players to minimize the RNG through teamplay like in the base game but in a BR/pseudo-BR mode like RIOT, it's still no guarantee. Also add in the fact that there are no solos, duos and squads so that makes it even worse for anyone playing alone and getting random team mates has proven to be abysmal just like in the base game. But we all know why this is the way it is. P.S: Fix the stone riot walls/barricades so you can consistently jump on/over them pls. And remove the "Item is not ready yet" red text that comes up whenever you try to re-use a character/vehicle mod that is already on cooldown across the entire game (it came with the RIOT update). It's absolutely terrible. EDIT: The game still crashes entirely if you load into a RIOT district AFTER the starting timer has ran out. It happened to me today so I can confirm that it is still a thing. Needs fixing ASAP. Edited June 19, 2019 by Flaws 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheMessiah 430 Posted June 19, 2019 This topic 1 week later really?Well my feedback:run Riot for 1 more week and after that take it down and end the season.When we start testing 3.5?Can u tell me what we are waiting right now.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DragonHummer 2 Posted June 19, 2019 Ok , so my comment is for the good of the game if you guys are really looking at the feedback I'v been playing APB since ever , like 9-10 years i think , my first impression i got from RIOT is that whoever made it he has no idea about how APB is supposed to be , also low creativity . Its kinda hard to explain how APB is meant to be but its more like common sense , its always about Variety and ability to be creative with your playing style . We feel so limited in RIOT , ZERO cars in the district is really annoying as if we are playing on MARS with dust around -Spawns are terrible -We should have a higher movement speed in the fog after re-spawning cause we all get really mad when we die in the fog after spawning DEEEP in the danger then run till we die with no chance to fight at all -Also a suggestion about danger zones , they shouldn't NOT be that random , it makes no sense that i didn't die but i still need to run through fog to be able to reach the next safe area , you have to make it with more logic that devices spawn on pattern that safe area will always be in the middle , and fog around the map is like a closing circle , that way we will not need to run through fog if we are not dead -Now about the main point of RIOT which is having a Battle Royal content , Yes ofc Battle Royal is needed even tho that APB already has a small version of it called "Fight Club" Fight Clubs are working pretty fine cause people are divided into TWO teams only (Enf vs Crim) which is how APB always been , but having all these small teams fighting each other is very annoying in APB and useless if you cant build your own pre-made group before joining the game on the other hand in Fight Clubs you can join and random match and still feel comfortable ( having too many teams = having too many enemies which is actually causing the spawning issue cause you will always find some enemy near by ) One last thing , UI of RIOT .....its terrible and needs some creativity...a lot UI isn't clear and too simple that makes it feel like a dead game , i am not a designer myself but this is how i saw it (icons , colors , marks...etc) all just very boring Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SunnyMonroe 180 Posted June 19, 2019 I tested the first version i think lot of things are better now but are still some issues in my opinion 1. Make clear how to win this Its not last team standing and its not most money droped on exit van 2. We have a problem with the Teams Would u play 1 v 4 on action districts? I dont think so Maybe u make it 4 man teams only If ure not teamed up u get random mates If u make it all vs all ppl still will team um using clanchat, TS or something else 3. FBW is a bad pick for newbies An fullauto pistol would fill that role better 4. Spawns are much better now but sometimes u spawn in an infected zone and u have to pass 2 or 3 infected zones more U die instantly from the gas its not even worth to run Honestly i dont even have a idea how to fix that 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mitne 727 Posted June 19, 2019 My entire rant about this is here: So I guess nothing really to add. Just freaking do your shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eg0r 1 Posted June 19, 2019 1. fix Rewards I dont get any rewards sometimes (no Contact Progression and no money) and some better reward for the first place would be great. 2. fix Spawn sometimes its imposible to run into the safe zone, because its too far away 3. I think giving money at the last "Safecar"-zone isnt right 4. Close the zones automaticly, if there are 2 or 3 zones left, so the people dont just sit in their zones and dont wait till the time runs out 5. Team count doesnt work right, I had a game where at least 3 teams were alive, but the text said 2 of 14 teams left, and I got a -2 place at the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dett2 64 Posted June 19, 2019 (edited) 1. FIX terrible spawns.(spawn in gas and 500m away from safe zone GG) 2. change starting gun FBW to SNR 850. 3. Extra life shoud be reduced. 4. Add more rewards. 5. Do not allow Grouping. And don't make solo or duo team. 6. Fix game crash. 7. delete Buying guns. and put more guns everywhere. 8. reduce waiting time. 3min30sec is too much. 9. minimum starting member should be reduced. 16 is too much in jericho. To be honest ,other BR games are much better than RIOT. And I don't need BR mode in APB. Missions and Fightclub are Fun. So I suggest to give up RIOT at this moment , and please just focus on fixing server , engine upgrade. current state of NA is worst. Edited June 19, 2019 by dett2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnifuWaifu 499 Posted June 19, 2019 Another plug for this thread just in case. My issues are already stated in both threads but here's my $0.02 just to add more voices to the choir. 1. Problem spawning inside a Contaminated Zones and dying because both hazmat suit and hp run out. - Pretty self explanatory. 2. Problem finding enough players to start. APB pop. isn't big enough for number requirements, either make the mode diverse like in FC/Missions (I'm sure that the population size effects what mission types you get, but I could be dreaming but I've never seen a FC do anything other than TDM when it has minimums and VIP when it has max players.) 3. The Mission District maps weren't made for long distance running, there isn't even an in-game auto run function - vehicles are a huge part of this game for a reason. RIOT either needs a custom runner friendly map or vehicles returning. 4. Can we make it PvE? 5. Problem with time/action ratio - The mode seems very clunky getting to the action. Waiting to find players, then when enough there's another wait for the round and I've seen players drop out in that 3mins. Then waiting as you run around the district or search for weapons or do objectives. Then running again if you die. And if you're knocked out you either sit and wait for the mission to finish or load an entire new district to start the waiting again. Just compared to FC and Missions where you load once and it's pretty much constant action, this mode is very disconnected from APB, the ttk in this game is too high to not rely on a faster spawning, finishing, and starting of new missions. It's just a very different game style than other APB areas and I think we can see from the reaction, most players prefer FC/Missions to this mode because what goes through my mind is "Why am I waiting here when I could be doing x y z instead?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites