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Nekrova Migration to Citadel (G1C Compensation plan)

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Hi all,


We have been waiting on Innova for any kind of player payment history, but they have finally come back and said they can't find any of the data we requested.

Here was the original proposal for migrating Nekrova players:


  • With the exception of a handful of accounts which were boosted above the normal amount, your APB$ and JT will be coming across with your characters.  
  • For those specific accounts, the ones we are removing APB$ and JT from, we will also not be bringing over their titles. All other accounts/characters get their titles brought across. 
  • Legendaries that are from Joker Boxes will be brought across with the character they are currently on as long as they are those exact weapons. This does not include any items that are limited by a lease time. These items will also be trade locked. 
  • Created symbols, themes, songs will be brought over. For symbols, there is a very small number of primitives that are not coming across. If your custom symbol was created using one of those, then the symbol will be missing that part of the symbol. 
  • Most preset Symbols and Themes will be brought over but there are some that will not, as they are not currently available on Citadel. 
  • When it comes to Nekrova ARMAS purchases, we will be redelivering all Account and Character bound items that were bought. 
  • We will be sending Joker Boxes to the character they were purchased on. If that character no longer exists, they will be delivered to the oldest character on the account. 
  • Any item purchased from Nekrova that has a lease time will be redelivered with the current lease time intact except for trial weapons, those will not be brought over. 


In an effort to compensate players for old purchases made through Innova, we have decided to use total account play time from before the Innova migration to Nekrova.

G1C will be credited as follows for total Innova account play time:

  • 0-10 hours = 0 G1C credit
  • 10-50 hours = 500 G1C credit
  • 50-100 hours = 1000 G1C credit
  • 100-300 hours = 1500 G1C credit
  • 300-500 hours = 2000 G1C credit
  • 500-1000 hours = 2500 G1C credit
  • 1000+ hours = 5000 G1C credit


We know this is an imperfect measure of how to award G1C, but we are all in the same boat. We need to merge this server, we don't have the payment records, and it's not feasible to migrate everything 1 to 1. Hopefully you will see this as the gesture of goodwill that it is. For context, the total value of G1C that we are issuing for all ex-Innova accounts is over $22 million in G1C value. While I don't have the exact payment records, I find it highly unlikely that Innova players actually spent that much money on APB while it was under their control.



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Ahahahahahahahaha oh god I have no words. Иннова соснула вялого у мэтта


It would be much better if you give 10k g1c for 5k hours else you're just deleting the huge community from the game.

Edited by Lign

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While I am not affected by this directly, it sounds like you are trying to do the best you can with the situation Matt.  GG

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Better than nothing and pretty sure it's the best you can do with no purchase records. Better than letting the server rot away with no population.

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Hi @Mina_ 366999782348292108.png



Hey at least this time the merge seems fair, they don't loose a lot except their weird exclusive stuff .


i hope this time is the charm, and if you're from nekrova and speak English, say hi to ketog when arriving in citadel ! 407619074466643978.png


Oh yeah also, when will this happen ?

Edited by Ketog
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lmao nekrova players complaining that LO actually gives them stuff when innova failed to provide payment history... can't believe some of them are so ungrateful...

be happy you can still play this game and actually have a server with people left to play with... god damn you got almost your whole account back and you're still whining...

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53 minutes ago, MattScott said:

 For context, the total value of G1C that we are issuing for all ex-Innova accounts is over $22 million in G1C value. While I don't have the exact payment records, I find it highly unlikely that Innova players actually spent that much money on APB while it was under their control.

poor russians

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35 minutes ago, Ketog said:

Oh yeah also, when will this happen ?

For the time being, we aren't going to be publishing any dates until we can get better at hitting them.

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100h short to recieve 5k g1c : (. Anyway this is some good news, thank you LO.

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9 minutes ago, MattScott said:

For the time being, we aren't going to be publishing any dates until we can get better at hitting them.

praise the lord 

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I won't be losing anything from my Nekrova account by the looks of it. There's only 1 thing that isn't mentioned and I'll PM you with info within a few days with the missing info @MattScott

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Pretty damn impressive.


A separate company not affiliated with Gamersfirst other than a licensing agreement for the use of a Gamersfirst product, shutsdown,

and Little Orbit makes an effort to compensate those players from another companies system.


Impressive !!




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1 hour ago, MattScott said:


  • Created symbols, themes, songs will be brought over.

What about songs/themes that are stored in mail? Due to the limited space for songs and themes, most creators (including myself) store these in their mail to 'bypass' the limited space. Will all mail + attachements be ported from Nekrova to Citadel as well?

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22 mill worth of g1cs? holy shit

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19 minutes ago, gogol said:

22 mill worth of g1cs? holy shit

i think thats almost as much as ive spent on joker boxes over the years :^)


haha not a joke tho i need serious help pls

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2 hours ago, MattScott said:

For the time being, we aren't going to be publishing any dates until we can get better at hitting them.

This is the smart way to do it for sure.

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10 hours ago, MattScott said:

For the time being, we aren't going to be publishing any dates until we can get better at hitting them.

Thank you for not marking any dates. You should do this more often. 

It must be remembered what kind of lies faced by the APB community.


Do not give false promises and dates. Never.

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Nice, can't wait to meet some new players.

Edited by Guest

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Edited by Osprey22
Obsolete information.

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the earth is the limit

Edited by Yood

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Hello again. You can find more reasonable solutions, but for some reason no one asked the players anything again.

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