AxeTurboAgresor 268 Posted July 24, 2019 3 STK JG and CSG? Rly?? EMP in APB? (for me its someting that does not belong. Id rather see some satchel charge buff so it has more uses) Also I ve never came across a gamebreaking nade spam gameplay, ...becouse there was none. Refilling nades is important to smoke off hard campers to break thro their unbreakable defence. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheJellyGoo 343 Posted July 24, 2019 I liked most of what I read, especially the Radar-Jammer ideas. My only concern is EMP-grenades being that high up in the unlock-tree. It would take new players a lot of time to get there. Just like it has been come up times and times again to make current endgame mods more accessible to even out the playing field sooner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ok 419 Posted July 24, 2019 So the new contacts will unlock the 4 slot cars that we are currently missing? And if they are Tier 3, does it mean we will unlock the 4 slot variants before the 3 slot, or will the unlocks get switched between contacts ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StraaZi 34 Posted July 24, 2019 I see no reason to touch shotguns and oca with eny type of balance they are good as they are.It will change the pace of the game too much and will only be a bottleneck for players. no one wants a slower game or make it impossible to challenge 2 players in CQC .I dont see where you get your feedback from if you think CQC weapons need rebalance.some weapons need rebalance but shotguns and oca dont need it. joker carbine is an example of a weapon that does not have a real role bad to use in CQC and have poor accuracy at medium distance vs AR,s so its bad in all scenarios if you ask me I think it should be better ADS accuracy with a hunting sight or better hip fire accuracy with less effective range depending on what you want the weapon to be right now it is completely useless and there are other weapons that do everything better with the same reason behind it. Joker RFP-9 and Obeya FBW effective range is too good.and I dont know what the problem with the FR0G hand guns is especially the Kokoe its like the bullets does not even go into the sight area. car spawner mod i have people who can spawn in cars if i stand 20 meters away do not know if it is a bug or if you changed the distance to 20m add a activator activate it you can spawn in the car for 3 min after 3 min you have a 2 min coldawn ?? and I think all semi rifles need a fire rate overhaul it need to be more responsive with the sight blooming upp instead to compensate for accuret spam Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thial 176 Posted July 24, 2019 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said: Ok, I will try that as well. Just for accuracy, how many is an entire team in this case? group size Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dett2 64 Posted July 24, 2019 Thanks for nerfing OCA NFAS RFP!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thial 176 Posted July 24, 2019 I definitely agree with most people having concerns about EMP being an end game item. Overall the current progression system is super flawed where you are basically getting nothing until R195 which might take months for some people to get. And car gameplay is in the game from the very beginning. Then again to all the people crying about the OCA nerf. OCA is a meta gun for a reason, you won't be able to outttk a good oca player at close range unless you are using OCA yourself. If OCA wouldn't be nerfed then all other SMGs would have to be buffed. And that would create even more problems. And for those concerned with the gameplay being slower, it won't be. It was sped up for few guns by G1 in the first place by introducing stupid buffs. Those guns are now considered meta. When it comes to shotguns they should be more consistent as it was described with the csg as an example. There's nothing worse than landing two seemingly perfect shots up close but then getting a +63 assist and wondering "HOW THE F...". If you can't land a two shot then most of the time you are dead and with how shotguns are currently you can't really land consistent two shots like in the past. Then there's the problem of corner popping and the simplest solution would be to force players to come out of the corner more by either changing the weapon offset or implementing a mechanic which detects if the player is taking cover behind the wall and using that to force the player to reveal themselves more. As it stands now, if you are good at it you are only revealing like a half of your body or even less if you are positioned at a good angle and it happens so fast that most of the time people won't be able to react to the first shot and even if they will react to the second one then only half of your body is sticking out meaning receiving less damage than the other dude. I would also like to see something being done against the crouch spamming as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mojical 161 Posted July 24, 2019 (edited) I agree with most of the changes to weapon balance, especially the return of linear pellet scaling. I did not dislike the mechanic itself but felt like the chosen values were extremely random and contributed to imbalance across the whole category. The problem is that the entire idea of "forgiving" this post showcases seems to be rather strange. If the CSG is supposed to be more forgiving than the JG, the current patch didn't do a very good job. In situations which would be an easy 2 shot kill for the JG, the CSG tends to fall just short of that causing +85 assists which really should have been kills. This is partly due to the differences in per ray scaling and also because the difference in maximum health damage is simply too big right now. On the other hand I do agree with the idea of giving it better range and better accuracy in return for worse anti vehicle potential and worse TTK. As for stating that the OCA is more forgiving than the PMG... well this is where things get a bit out of touch with reality. Let's go through all the comparison points (comparing 2014 OCA vs. PMG) mentioned in that paragraph: - TTK: The pre-RP-buff OCA was tied with the PMG at 0.7s. - Damage per shot: The PMG has higher damage per shot and at a given TTK, less shots to kill are better provided there are no other compromises to other statistics of the weapon. This is because a higher amount of shots to kill, as stated elsewhere in the post, requires higher amounts of exposure to secure a kill. In short, the PMG wins here. - Magazine size:. Of course the PMG has a smaller magazine, but saying this is a disadvantage over the OCA would be ignoring the lower shots to kill count of the weapon. Instead it is better to compare kills per magazine, as in the amount of kills a player could (ideally) get with one magazine. This is 4.20 for the PMG and 3.75 for the OCA currently, meaning the PMG has an advantage here as well. Rather surprisingly, the PMG also has the faster reload time of the two. - More bloom: This was particularly strange since both the OCA and PMG recover all of their bloom in between shots, so they effectively do not bloom. Cooling Jacket 2 and 3 do cause a slight bit of bloom, but the effect is extremely small and similar across both weapons. In other words, bloom is completely irrelevant when comparing both weapons in their current (or 2014) state. - Slower fire rate: The PMG fires slower, but given that the TTK is the same as OCA this is not a disadvantage in itself. - More range: The PMG's dropoff starts at 35m and the OCA's starts at 30m, giving an advantage to the PMG. Another thing that hasn't been mentioned here is the PMG having a slight edge once again in terms of accuracy (33cm vs 36cm spread), and also the ability to have both a crouch bonus and equip red mods at the same time. The conclusion is that reverting the OCA to 0.7s TTK will essentially make it a downgrade compared to the PMG due to the above reasons. This does not mean that the OCA shouldn't be nerfed, but perhaps the PMG should be at 0.75s TTK rather than 0.7 so the arguments for and against each weapon are similar to the current patch where I feel that they are balanced relative to each other. Surely high skill players are going to favor the higher skill ceiling weapon (OCA) but that is far from the big picture. Also, I feel like some changes to the N-Tec are in order. There is absolutely no reason why the N-Tec should match the STAR's magazine size but have a much faster reload time, as is the case now, The N-Tec should match the FAR's 24 round magazine size at best, not the STAR's 32. Edited July 24, 2019 by Lyfeld Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hausman 34 Posted July 24, 2019 will the 3 skins from riot be in a pack are single to purchase, because if someone unlocked 2 or 1 skin already it waste of money to buy a set with all 3 to get just 1 (ye i know, you all say its waste of money to buy the skins) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boba 51 Posted July 24, 2019 Nerf OCA? For real? This would make the OCA useless against shotguns (even after the "rework"), the complaints about OCA being overpowered comes from people who have less than 10 hours in game. I would actually argue that the OCA is actually a little on the underpowered side as it suffers from really bad hitreg. How about instead of those reworks, the team would put their efforts into making new secondaries, since the secondaries are a mess with the current case with RFP, Nano, and Thunder being insanely OP against all other secondaries in nearly every aspect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nitronik 348 Posted July 24, 2019 1 hour ago, StunStick said: I don't like the weapon changes. I personally think that instead of bringing the RFP down to the level of the other weapons, why don't you buff the Act and the RSA? I think that right now both weapons feel really clunky. While what you said is true, the RFP still needs to be knocked down a peg or two. 40m drop-off doesn't belong on it. Same with IR3 on the Fang - I think they should drop it to IR1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6183 Posted July 24, 2019 1 minute ago, Boba said: Nano being insanely OP against all other secondaries in nearly every aspect i wonder a lot if everyone is playing the same game 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
asence 6 Posted July 24, 2019 nano is useless for years imo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted July 24, 2019 45 minutes ago, Hausman said: (ye i know, you all say its waste of money to buy the skins) Not me, that Koi skin is sick. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keshi 436 Posted July 24, 2019 oh hell..YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this is great @MattScott this is fantastic 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted July 24, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, Thial said: ~snip~ Just finished testing the PMG @40m and man did it do better than I imagined. Without EM it came down to RNG, sometimes one clip getting a kill other times not. Certainly MUCH better than I thought. With EM it was able to score a kill nearly every time. I was unable to test the team wipe claim (only have access to two PCs at work), so I wont comment on that. I want to thank you for bringing this to my attention, seems Ive been switching to my secondary far too soon. edit: for shits and giggles I just tested the Whisper @ 40m, and while it was all down to RNG, it actually did worse than the PMG. Edited July 24, 2019 by CookiePuss 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shui 225 Posted July 24, 2019 Ayayay ... its obvious who suggested/enforced all these changes Please dont make it to his game ... However, can you add the long awaited Low Yield nerf? @MattScott Only 2 Low Yields instead of 3 and reduce the damage. Or even better just delete them, Also revert the HVR changes and only reduce the damage to something <775. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thial 176 Posted July 24, 2019 2 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: Just finished testing the PMG @40m and man did it do better than I imagined. Without EM it came down to RNG, sometimes one clip getting a kill other times not. Certainly MUCH better than I thought. With EM it was able to score a kill nearly every time. I was unable to test the team wipe claim (only have access to two PCs at work), so I wont comment on that. I want to thank you for bringing this to my attention, seems Ive been switching to my secondary far too soon. team wipe purely depends on your luck in how the enemies are positioned but i can be done with a single clip. Everyone claims that PMG is rng so it's fine but this "rng" favors you more often than it doesn't somehow. So if they will nerf OCA people will just switch to PMG once again like in the past, simple as that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted July 24, 2019 Just now, Thial said: team wipe purely depends on your luck in how the enemies are positioned but i can be done with a single clip. Everyone claims that PMG is rng so it's fine but this "rng" favors you more often than it doesn't somehow. So if they will nerf OCA people will just switch to PMG once again like in the past, simple as that. check my edit.... Im blown away right now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sayori 311 Posted July 24, 2019 Quote Strife - The Strife currently suffers from an insanely high TTK, not just by CQC standards, but by weapon standards overall. This is the only shotgun to remain a 2 STK, but the damage has been reduced with the fragile modification in mind, Why do yo adjust the damage with Fragile mod in mind? You are giving free pass to people who run with Fragile but it's like they won't bear the downsides of the mod. It's called Fragile for a reason. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thial 176 Posted July 24, 2019 3 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: check my edit.... Im blown away right now yup. My guess is that OCA was meta for so long that people actually forgot how destructive PMG can be. They will be reminded soon lol. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Uhtdred 242 Posted July 24, 2019 what about thumper? i don't want to read 6 pages... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6183 Posted July 24, 2019 1 minute ago, Uhtdred said: what about thumper? i don't want to read 6 pages... what about it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toodamnmuch 12 Posted July 24, 2019 RIP shit-kids with nfas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites