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  1. Recently, the developers turned off the threat level in the districts. You are aware of the negative consequences of this decision. But there are also pluses. Now you don't have to hold back so as not to become gold. Now you do not need to specifically lose missions in order to reduce the level of threat. Now my friends can easily switch to one copy of the area. Matching opponents has become faster and easier. To combat the negative consequences, it is necessary to develop a difficulty system as in conventional games. This system should change the difficulty of passing missions, focusing on the level of play of players and teams. This system should compare the level of play of teams and players at the beginning of the mission and change the difficulty of the game for the team. After completing the mission, players should receive a reward corresponding to the level of the game. There will be no division into gold, silver and bronze. The system will change the complexity of the step for the team. For example, the speed of a player or a car carrying a load, the speed of breaking a door, the number of kills at the last stage of the mission. Also, the action of the system can be applied to the player without changing the parameters of the mission. For example, the stock of ammunition, and the speed of recovery of consumables. Correct system setup will automatically correct the balance of teams and players. The system should change the level of difficulty of the game after each mission, focusing on the result of the previous mission. There should be no delays when changing difficulty, this will eliminate the problem when the player throws grenades at his feet and injures the team. The reward for a difficult mission must be worthy. If one player pulled the whole team or fought one against four, he should receive three to four times more points in case of victory. Let's consider the situation from the point of view of a beginner. He will have more ammo, equipment is restored instantly, the time to capture a point is minimal - he has every chance of winning. BUT he will receive a minimum of points at the end of the mission. This encourages you to level up your game. At the beginning of the next mission, the system will increase or decrease the difficulty level. It is important to avoid a situation where the old player decides to cheat, creates a new account to defeat newcomers. The system should increase the difficulty after the first completed mission. If a player has not entered the game for a week, the difficulty of the game should decrease. How do you like the idea? It is interesting to know your opinion.
  2. Could you name me a few examples? I know a bunch of recent changes (namely the N-tec one) haven't been received all too well by the 'top players' as they think it adds more RNG to the game. The game shouldn't be balanced just around top players neither should it be balanced around just the average player, it has to be a mix of both so striking that would be ideal. If you think top players enjoy farming new players / lesser skilled players then you are wrong, speaking from my own personal experience, it is not fun to go up against players far below your own skill level and to me there has been a noticeable decrease in missions where I feel like I'm playing against players close or equal to my skill level. This might sound bad when I say it like that but for the average player, this should mean that more missions after the change will result in matches containing players that are average in skill. For every mission I have that is unbalanced because of me, there will be 4-5 other missions that are balanced in return, is it great that 1/5 currently running missions has an unbalanced factor in them? No, not at all, but the upsides in my post above still stand, there are more districts and the game is playable far longer throughout the day. This is an example of what I mentioned above where it isn't exactly fun for the top players to play against new players either so they will try to have some fun by going FBW / .45 only, this also makes it a little more fair for you as their kill pressure goes down noticeably but a lot of players won't see it this way because their mentality has been crushed by this change. All in all, players need to start thinking to themselves what is really going on, there have been 2-3 Bronze districts at peak times and ONE Silver district as well as ONE Asylum / Baylan with mostly Gold players in them. Now, if we break that down into actual data it is going look something like this: https://i.imgur.com/tBEXOAv.png Obviously, data like this is very complex and fluctuates a lot but we can get a pretty good idea of player threat percentages by doing this. We see that up until threat segregation was removed up to 40% of players that took part in any of the PvP districts were considered gold, however, only 34 to 31.1% of those would play missions at the time. Now that districts are no longer segregated will change but the majority of players will still belong to either Silver or Bronze threat and I myself, while playing have seen A LOT more Bronze / Silver players than I saw Gold players. Another thing is that Gold, as a threat is relatively easy to achieve by inflating your MMR through doing Objectives or other passive score gains, you can achieve Gold threat with zero kills on your account given that the majority of your missions are attack missions and you are doing objectives or are near them when they are finished. This means that while some players might be considered gold, more often than not they will still be below average or at best average at the game but have simply gotten a couple of attack missions in a row in which they did objectives and managed to achieve an above average score by doing so. In short, just because they are gold doesn't mean they are good, let alone unbeatable, most of the Golds I've had in missions were consistently getting beaten by high rank silvers and could not stand their own whatsoever. Another thing to talk about is that the better players (Who will usually play on their Max rank characters) will always prefer to play on Financial as its the district with the better design and combat flow overall. Waterfront still has good players playing on it but they shouldn't be as common, another thing is that there are 2-3 instances of Financial at peak times meaning that if you want to play Financial, there are multiple ones to choose from, some of which might not house as many Golds or top players. Don't think of this post as some sort of justification for the change, while there are upsides there are some apparent downsides to it, I know a lot of people have been upset by this change but its one that aims to keep the game sustainable for the foreseeable future and I want to say that they will change things back to normal the second 2.2 launches. What this post really aims to achieve is an attempt to calm people down a little and explain to them that they are still far more likely to face Bronze / Silver players than actual Gold players that are above average at the game. I urge those that look at Golds and think that they are much better than them to take a step back, start to ignore threat levels and actually see how those players play first, if you afk against most golds you face you will be surprised that most of them really aren't that good and even some of the best players can be beaten with a little bit of teamwork.
  3. see a guy go 14-2 in fightclub that ive never heard of. look him up on bans, oh look he got banned in 2016 for cheating. LO literally just gave hackers a free account to cheat on all over again.
  4. Yes a better matchmaking need it real. The ideas here are good. Realy i like it. And i think same first we need gm s who ban the people who real hard cheating. With all your shit macros i can live. You use it all so long its for me normal to play vs this ca.. sh.. . But what makes me and everybody who plays normal (with this i mean legit). Very angry is to see people with high rank accounts and full cheat and real full hacking and not banned since many month. It is soooo havey to see that it realy dont need a anticheat for it . 1 gm who ban this its enougth. When he do this 1x in week im happy so people can become a ban. At moment they dont have to fear nothing. And ohhh you must not say but they will make a new account. And? Let they do it but then they have no mods and nothing then legit player have better equipment. And we can use other mechanics vs cheater runing hiding useing better guns and cars. So it was in the past that was my feel where g1 was cheater banned !!!! And yeas it was good feeel to see people are banned. And then i have no problem with a no thread districts. So liidle orbit i hope your mods here read it and give the information to mattscott. You know what is to do now.
  5. Tomorrow is Wednesday and thus the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held! As it always, takes place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be in one of the Waterfront districts. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (September 2021), and thus threat districts, there might be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if CCC can even take place in the specified district. It is also impossible to say if there will be enough space for all who want to participate, if the district is not empty. The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, which seem to have almost ceased entirely, making our usual RP patrols pretty much moot. So - unfortunately - the future looks VERY bleak at the moment. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
  6. a certain someone on twitch literally admits to cheating, and yet hes playing on the same account that got banned (he admits he was NOT falsely banned).
  7. I am. It's not a silly question to ask. But my account is linked through my steam.
  8. ... I don't wanna be one to ask silly questions.... but are you sure you logged into the correct account?
  9. It'll all be well, no worries. A lot of people also use VPNs to play since latency and routing are horrible (especially from Australia), so your IP being different won't really stop you or Support from seeing evidence and supporting you. One more thing, you may sign in to your E-mail and search for: gamersfirst - validation This will bring up the very first E-mail when you signed up, from which you can easily and accurately know the date at which your account was created. It should look like this: I'm hiding MY date for security-reasons but it is straightforward. I hope this comes in handy.
  10. I'm hoping. I just was trying to take the jump to see if they'd respond on here rather than me having to assume when I made my account in the first place. Also given that I have moved from where I originally lived when I first made the account, my IP address is different I am sure.
  11. You logged in to APB and found your things missing, meaning you have access to your account. This is good You may browse ARMAS history to show Support that you really bought these items before. Purchase History is no joke, it exists for such reasons. I heard people using it and got their things back, perhaps you can do the same.
  12. these are all questions that are intended to validate that you are the actual owner of the account previously these questions would be asked in the first reply to your support ticket, so orbit has actually attempted to streamline the process by including them in the initial ticket, instead of wasting time letting your ticket sit in the queue only for them to have to request additional info before actually trying to resolve anything it also doesn't appear to be mandatory that you fill out the extra validation in order to submit a ticket (i didn't attempt to actually put in a ticket so i could be wrong), they'll likely just attempt to confirm account ownership with other information its being focused on because its the only thing relevant to other players on this forum, we can't help you with anything else
  13. Unfortunately no one but support can help you, and that means first proving you own the account.
  14. The last time I had to write to support it wasn't "When did you make this account?" BS Those are extra hoops I never had to worry about before. They just asked what the issue was, you filled out the report, and you got a reply. I've had my account for a decade, and I would have to say it was far more convenient to have a line to GMs without any extra questions. Either way. That's the minor detail to the greater problem, and actually disappointing that's what people are focusing on.
  15. Most likely, the account was hacked.
  16. just make a new account its only pixels that you lost
  17. I've been recording some footage for a tribute video since the game won't probably be around for long if things don't work out so i wanted to know if using NinjaRipper is bannable, some people said you can still RIP them from the login screen but since i don't want to risk my account can someone from LO confirm if this is allowed?
  18. Quick note: That's not a fact. OSMAW's range is far longer and Players already camped objectives at 142.5 meters with it. Bullet-based weapons in APB are completely hit-scan as real bullets do not exist. There is no compensation from the player needed to account for gravity, wind, etc.. Therefore, Sniping in this game is one of the easiest things one can do. Therefore, the skill ceiling isn't high at all, especially for N-HVR 762. What feels satisfying is subjective and irrelevant to balancing. In theory yes but in practice, Mobile Supply Unit and Resupply Box exist. That would be interesting and immersive but won't really make the weapon easier/harder to use in a hit-scan game.
  19. Needs to be account bound like many other Armas things. Don't wanna buy it on my... many different alts
  20. Char bound. If there's something Account Bound, it's noted Red in description most likely. IMO better option is KTTC pack, it unlocks emotes and most useful one unlike KTTW.
  21. Is the Emote VIP pack character bound or is it account bound?
  22. So my situation atm is my "144hz" monitor set to 120hz (it has problems and since I can't hit 144hz in most things I just set it lower and it helped alleviate said problems) The monitor is supposed to have AMD freesync but I have my doubts on whether it's working or not. The situation im in at the moment is I have my laptop setup in a desktop manner (gaming laptop: gtx 1060 6gb + i7 7700hq) I already turned down most graphics settings without turning the game into wet clay but trying to maintain at least 80fps is impossible as fps will drop to about 60. So for (another word for fecal matter) and giggles, I set "smooth FPS + double buffer". Now, I am aware that having either of these settings enabled in pvp shooters is generally not the way to go. I would like to keep testing more, but I don't think I noticed any degrade in "skill" since turning these on. I was curious if something like RivaTuner is allowed for locking FPS (I'm kind of paranoid about my APB account and don't want to risk it) My whole thoughts on why im even trying this in the first place is I feel like it's easier to be more consistent with a stable frames vs getting the occasional 90fps then hard dipping to 50.
  23. nah g1 only forced everyone to do a password reset to get rid of all the blatant accounts using 10 minute email without having ff actually ban them
  24. Tomorrow is Wednesday and thus the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held! As it always, takes place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be the Financial Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (1. September 2021), and thus threat districts, there might be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if CCC can even take place in the specified district. It is also impossible to say if there will be enough space for all who want to participate, if the district is not empty. The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, which seem to have almost ceased entirely, making our usual RP patrols pretty much moot. So - unfortunately - the future looks VERY bleak at the moment. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
  25. There are 3 or 4 blatant cheaters on NA, although I'm not sure if all of them cheat or if they share accounts. LO don't care, or more likely, their support staff ignore all reports due to the lower skill players reporting everyone. It's near impossible to get evidence of someone cheating without recording the cheaters perspective, but when they live stream on twitch with an aimbot and nothing happens for years I doubt LO give a damn.
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