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  1. That's because G1 never had to move an entire server in a tight deadline based on a newly expired contract with said providers. With that taken into account, the lost data was something that is continuously being worked on and made up for, and in a world with G1, you'd get a sorry, a pat on the back, and a month of ignored tickets.
  2. Putting a down payment and one to create an account is used as a barrier. Losing an account that has not cost anything matters nothing, but losing an account that has a "cd key" or has cost 10 euros, at least something matters. if a cheater is caught 40 times it would be a benefit of 400 euros and I think nobody is so dumb to try a 41 times ... if there is no barrier, it does not matter to try 3000 times, do not you see? making people pay would not lower the population ... there are currently 20 people playing .... putting the "non-tradeable" system on the market is that it can be duplicated, there is a bug that has not been fixed. If you are going to proceed to make a "clean" version it would be to protect the game. The impression that the game gives me is that they are on the lookout and not driving the ship and that is why the ship has sunk.
  3. Hey everyone, Cell Phone here, not sure how many people remember me, but I was one of the first (if not the first) to beat round 10 of the dome without cheating, the video is still on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaOhl4mDRKs&t=301s I had lots of fun doing the dome and making the video. This is one of the most memorable moments in my video game history and I will never forget it. Although I moved on with my life (you don't stay young forever and life hits after your teenage years) I still play games occasionally, and as a very old player (from beta), I am still watching from afar and rooting for the success of the game and the comeback. I am sure you have many old players watching what is going on from afar and waiting for the day things are stable and LO is ready to relaunch the game. No matter what I am doing at that point in my life. I will come back for the opening, and I am sure many older players will come back as well. For those who remember me, I would like to say that I am still around and watching from afar. I am waiting for the day to meet you all again. (and all the new and old players I have not met yet). I hope you are all doing well and accomplishing and being successful in your personal lives. If you would like to get in touch with me, you can send me a private message on the forums and we can reconnect. P.S. Posting on my first account which was created in 2009, you can also find me on my second account which I created in 2012 https://forums.gamersfirst.com/profile/4716-zal80000/
  4. I got an ATV but deleted it It was bugged, had no cargo space and I kept having weird issues with it randomly disappearing etc. Neither my wife (old account) nor son (new account) got one. Just some random stuff going on with the server rebuild I'd guess.
  5. Oh.... looks like servers back up. Well..maybe...waiting for toons to actually pop up now..so..erm... Gets kicked back to account alrready logged in thingy..tries to force reload of account...times out. Ok..i try a relaunch.
  6. Technically I am, I simply made a toon to see if they resolved one of the many dupes. If my main account gets unbanned I'll probably be in-game sooner rather than later.
  7. as always you are disrespectful in the forums, putting my name in question. I do not know if someone in this forum can believe that the steam charts are my property and I put the numbers ... (I mean with this the supposed fake news that you mention) " https://steamcharts.com/app/113420". I know you do not like to see the reality of a "REAL" database, since it shows that the game is not going well. I see her with a critical eye, to try to improve the situation. On the multiple accounts you mention, you should read the rules. What's the point of creating 400 free accounts with a single character or two, when the game has the possibility of "expanding characters" after payment? This means that people evade payment for the same service, or in case of many, they do it to hide "illegitimate objects fraudulently copied" or use traps to evade the bans. - Therefore, it is being created illegitimately since the game offers the possibility of expanding those accounts with a character more previous payment On this I would like, that I could make pay "a single payment of 5 or 10 euros / dollars" to create an account, this would remove many of the trolls and the multiple accounts that use cheats read this, this is written by lixil in forum rules: - No Multiple Accounts A new account should only be made if there is a legitimate reason. Users that fail to comply to evade bans will be taken care of accordingly. And by the way, to say my name on the forums every time you appear, if you do not like my ideas, you just have to not see them or say I do not agree, instead of trying to put what remains of community against me or proffer insults. if you read the rules, read this: - No Flaming Refrain from using language that is abusive, aggressive, confrontational, slanderous, or provocative. ( you provocate me each time you put my name in forums) - No Harassment Acts of intimidation towards a community member in public or in private, sexual or otherwise, are not allowed. ( you do act intimidation againts me each time you put my name in forum ) have a good day.
  8. OK the rule you refer to is about forum accounts NOT the game. Many people have multiple game accounts with 4-6 toons on each. Which is fine and allowed. This does not mean those people are doing nefarious things on those accounts or are storing tons of duped items. They are legit accounts with legit items (this is not to say there are not people with multiple accounts with duped items on it but there would be less people than legit). So if you are going to spout rules, please use the correct ones hon. If you feel intimidated by people that differ in views and ideas to your own, I feel sorry for you. No human can grow intellectually without expanding their ideals by looking at and considering those of others. To live a stinted life, stuck in a limited view point of your own does not mean you are right. Many people are very happy that their items will be transferred over and this is great news. This means some who intended to quit will stay now. Those that return from time to time have no fear of having to start from scratch each time. Which btw has stopped a few from returning. The grind is real and some don't want to do it over. Stop putting up rules to suit your purpose when the forums are full of you abusing said rules. Just go back and look at your posts.
  9. Hello, I've recently installed Fallen Earth. The issue I'm having is not finding my account name. All I have to go on so far is my email address and the password I set for the game, which gives me an error. Thank you in advance for any help.
  10. your fourm account should be the same as your in game account. you will have none of your old stuff so it will be a fresh start if that doesnt work good luck with support, they try to not help you as much as they can
  11. If/when this new version of the game come will be able to log in with our accounts and will you save all of our characters and our achievements and if we are premium users will be premium also in this new version of the game?
  12. Wipe!!!!! and disable clan vaults. WIPE WIPE WIPE WIPE WIPE WIPE I suggest relaunch the current game for us with all accounts wiped and clan vaults disabled. This is all the game needs to become more popular than it was. I think it would build quite a bit of hype for your 2.0 version of the game which otherwise would go unnoticed unless you release it on steam.
  13. i missed this game, i played since 2011. meridean here, if anyone remembers me fondly or otherwise, i still miss you. not sure if theres any of the old devs around still..... but i made some of my best memories pvping in middleschool almost 11 years ago, and then many more. its been a long time..... cheers to all, and its open again to all... i lost my account, all my friends and all of that before, but id quit for years at that point. territory control, the TC sector which got canned was the most fun, enormous clan wars over harvesters..... those were fun. some of the best gaming memories of my teenage years were on this game.... the only truely post apocalyptic mmo. it was a ride, and now its been a long one. happy trails to all.
  14. as a player of 8 years and 7 accounts that would cause me to quit the game forever . and i log into each often thanks Matt
  15. Not sure about always. Sometimes the greater good demands a mean streak but the intention is not usually to create casualties that never come back. FE is a fairly steep learning curve, which can be frustrating and any rollback is bound to add to that due to lost player time and also the admin time to reprocess store purchases. LO are doing what they can, and keeping us very well informed. Patience can be very handy.
  16. From the Fallen Earth twitter account they are now doing 2 reboots per day. this may be the problem.
  17. got through the launcher, got so excited, your account is already logged in? wtf, no matter, pass to logout, pass to log in, server offline....
  18. Hi all, I am looking at the data issue with my team, and there is no easy answer. Right now we have two choices. 1) Leave it the way it is and work on fixing the accounts that lost paid items. We have records on the payment side, so it should be easy to restore those. The team is exhausted, but over time we can also try restoring some of the new data in a separate area which would allow us to verify some of the bigger lost progression items / in-game items in order to grant those back to players. or 2) Take the servers down and try another round of restoring data from a different set of possibly newer backups. We already know one of the databases from this newer set of backups is significantly out of sync and older. So there is risk that we will introduce a whole bunch of problems with incompatible data. Personally, as painful as it is, I'm going to recommend that we plow forward and escalate the support tickets for the players who lost real money purchases. Apologies for the issues. Sorry, Matt
  19. I have to say I have tons of rares and Max level accounts, and yet I hardly care.... Wipe the servers clean, give us our new image look and I'll pay hundreds of dollars over again just do it already please!!!
  20. Pick one weapon type and crafter. FE doesn't lend itself very well to people who want to try and do everything. Also, pay attention to the skill point cut-offs (you have 196 First Aid, but only need 186 or 192 for max skills). You also don't take into account auras and shirts that add skill points as well, that can save you up to 40 points to spend elsewhere.
  21. I couldn't log after the update it says "Error Code 10004 The account is currently in use from another client" is that normal?
  22. hi, i think this matter is maybe one of the reasons why the game's negative ratings on steam are so many. I have a question, could this problem also affect the account itself? I mean, they could ban your account if you come playing with the problems associated with the graphic card?
  23. oh boy the engine upgrade came 2013 and still didn't see the sunlight yeet and they always missed it up I lost my 2012 account when the new server migrate came FML
  24. OTW Stress Test Personal Feedback Hey! What's up guys, how are you? I hope everything is fine. Today, im here to share my Own Personal Feedback about RIOT, after played all of the time avaiable given by Little Orbit on the Open Test World, NA. I wanted to remind that i played with a minimum of 150ms and maximum of 320/330ms, because i am European, but i've enjoyed it so much. Just, i won't ruin the fun for you so, here is the beginning. - I will answer firstly to questions made by MattScott and then some suggestions followed by some bugs and strange things found. 1. How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? Answer: RIOT is unique, finally something fresh and new in the world of APB, related too with the story of many contacts involved. 2. Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? Answer: Yes, but they will not be obligated to go ahead, i would suggest firstly to try it out and then if they like it.. you know.. make a team and go to shutdown some others. 3. How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? Answer: Battle Royale with a bit of twist, extra lives, with some other exciting features like arming bombs, make the district to become more small, can choose your favorite loadout before jump into the field and be a badass guy, maybe too with your team. 4. What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? Answer: UI is 99% missing, seems like you playing "realistic style", like when you turn off everything just for fun on other games or take screenshots. 5. What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? Answer: Like i said before RIOT is unique and special but my favorite aspect of it is that lore version of BR is different from others, and i do liked that alot, really, i swear, this wasn't totally expected by me before playing it. 6. What about RIOT do you like the least? Answer: The thing you can't quit but need to wait the end of a match, i would prefer like in other games where if you die, you can spectate or exit from the district and choose the next one to go into. - Suggestions i would like to see added/removed or adjusted - Unique, different and futuristic UI / HUD elements, including TAB, statistics and everything related it; - Way more ambient sounds like strange music in the background; - More vehicles to can pick up but maybe with less health on them, alredy damaged or with missing doors/hood/trunk; - Can switch between players when in Spectator Mode; - Adjust and limit some custom vehicles and weapons to avoid major problems and spams of same items; - Replay Feature like other games where you can use Free Camera on it and spot from where you get shot; - Rendering distance to low for ambient objects added with RIOT; - Better spawn locations, isn't possible to spawn behind an enemy and get killed after few seconds without even the possibility of revenge; - Final Stage to way long; - When in Spectator Mode make that when you looking at someone you will not able to see exactly how he/she is aiming, because is annoying to see the zoom too while you are dead; - Increase the amount of guns/money can be found on the field; - Queue System ( i think this will be integrated with the Engine Upgrade or after that), but still.. im just being honest and smart; - Be able to customize how show the chat and other HUD elements; - Make a start lobby when waiting for players instead of having the full district alredy loaded in; - Can find granades like other items, but less; - Changing the starter pistol with FBW; - When died, allow the player to can exit, go to the next round, respawn or get into an elevated zone from where checking the entire match, without disturb alive players; - Increase the price for buy weapons and vehicles, i prefer to climb, search and find things on the field instead of using mine, if i would use mine i don't need RIOT as complete different mode and then use my stuff, no fun; - Warning messagges on screen with blips/little sounds when zones get activated and dangerous; - Better tutorial, abit confusing; - Be able to Pledge with RIOT Contacts via J Menu like you do with others, maybe adding a new category called "RIOT" or something like that; - Prevent griefing by applying the damage the gun of the grifer should hit you but in reality when the bullet hit you the damage will be given to him/her; - Possibility to lose a stash of money during the death, just because you haven't a true bank account with you while running and shooting around; - Destroyed cars should be moveable; - Can drop off weapons or lives + suits and other items related the mode; - End Screen/Scene of the match like in other games showing the character/s maybe running away with the truck from San Paro; - More places to cover/climb, pass through/under or above; - Popup System feels like you are in a normal mission, would suggest to rework it; Probably more will follow on my next feedbacks i will going to share after the open tests on Friday. Bugs / Strange things - Sometimes when in Spectator Mode contaminated areas aren't reallt there; - Garage doors and other parts become green when in Safe Area; - System Event Messagges spam into the chat; - Kicked for inactivity while in Spectator Mode; - Drops aren't always fully visible, hidden under physical objects like unmoveable boxes etc; - Primary gun automatically disappear after buying/unlocking the secondary. At the end i wanted to say thank you Little Orbit for this opportunity and again good luck for the future, i can't wait to see more from you. Always ready to engage. PS I am sure this mode will become something really interesting by the right time, obviously hard work is still needed but i trust in these guys, more than never before i had with others. \ RIOT | SECURING THE FUTURE /
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