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About OnlyOnePro

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  1. well I just logged in and its working fine WTH
  2. I think you probably connected to APB servers via E-net cable that's why u don't have any issues and always online when everyone else is not LMAO
  3. hi I have been trying to login but keep giving me errors that's the game might be in maintenance and I couldn't find any threat about any maintenance , here is a screenshot https://ibb.co/9bNqcXD
  4. Well.., as a community manager my responsibility argue me to give all of you a 3 DAYS OFF soo, to OUR beloved community and amazing players as your community manager I'm giving all the players a 3-DAYS OFF vacation use it wisely as I shall never give it again and STOOP FUCKEN CRYING..... with all my love and respect, your beloved one OnlyOnePro
  5. okay I cant load now why? it just keep me in "contacting world server" after I choose my character whats happening?
  6. oh boy the engine upgrade came 2013 and still didn't see the sunlight yeet and they always missed it up I lost my 2012 account when the new server migrate came FML
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