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  1. Hey guys from the title im sure you know my issue, ever since the forced password reset i have lost my main im not sure what the email to it is, but i know if i am told what it is i have the passwords and such, can an admin tell me if he can find it out characters on account are Jericho server |Vendetta| |Wizardy| CIowd Please do reply ASAP as if i dont find this email iv lost like 800USD worth of stuff over nothing :(
  2. IGN: Clippoh (Crim) Playtime: On and off since early 2015, (about 500h split into two accounts) Country: Spain Why: Just looking for some friends to play the game and own everyone :P
  3. Welcome to the Fallen Earth UI modding guide! This guide's attempt will be to provide a complete reference for the aspiring UI modder. Now, I'm writing this up as I go along and trying my best to test all assumptions I make (exceptions will be labeled as such), HOWEVER, due to a rather complex behavior of the different UI elements there are bound to be errors and misconceptions in here. There may be a few entries in the guide erroneously referring to "WMM" files. Please note that those do not exist and should be "WWM"s (Major updates listed below; minor updates, corrections, and additions will be made when the need arises) Index Getting Started Introduction to file structure and icon map What’s With All That Talk About That “windi” File? Wnd.ini breakdown Breaking the mold Tutorial on custom shapes Outside the box Advanced modding features like transparency and radar Eeeeewwwie, gui! grfx_gui.tga breakdown Miscellaneous things all the little items Limitations, restrictions and possible workarounds Things you should be able to do... but can't. Really a must-read before modding Suggestions/Ideas Want something implemented? Add it to the wish list! FAQ Frequently asked questions here UI creations and discussions Your fellow FallenEarthers have been buuuusy... Update 1: Typos, added Chapter "Breaking the mold" Update 2: Chapter "Outside the box" Update 3: Chapter "Eeeeewwwie, gui", added radar section and found a stack more limitations Update 4: Completely mapped grfx_game.tga, edited for opinions Update 5 (final): Expanded the first chapter to include all available files Added chapter: "Miscellaneous things" and mapped grfx_mail.tga Rebuilt grfx_gui map to include significantly more detail and included links to high res pictures of all maps Added a significant amount of color to the text in the guide, which should help to make it more readable Added community links section Added one of my concept screenshots to the suggestion section including 120ish different concepts Updated multiple chapters with the latest of my findings ________________________________________________________________________ Update: (5/28/2018) #8. "Suggestions/Ideas" have been removed from this section so players can post in the appropriate forum area with a more current list of ideas. Feedback and Suggestions Subforum #10. "UI Creations & Discussions" is technically its own forum. This post will be locked and players are welcome discuss mods on unlocked threads. ________________________________________________________________________ This guide was originally posted in the old GamersFirst Forums on August 20, 2011, by the retired Reloaded staff member, "Radash". Little to no content within has been changed other than to remove bits and pieces that are no longer relevant (such as him asking users to send him a PM because well, he is no longer available to PM), correct spelling/grammar, or to provide changes to the format of the post. This will take me a little bit, so please be patient and enjoy! -Shy The original post can be found in the link below, however, the old forums will eventually be retired and this link may break. If you see the link is broken, please poke me over PM and I will remove it if I haven't already. Original Post
  4. FFbanned over 16,900 accounts. (Let it sink in.) Surely a number of those were duplicates but... at the time LO took over, about 40 players were left actively playing. Mike Scott of LO said the majority of the FFbans plus the G1 internal system anticheat bans were UNFAIR AND INACCURATE... obviously a system that emptied out more players than left playing is an EPIC FAIL. *That said, I was against the original fubared and idiotic Threat Segregation patch when it rolled out. I played this game when it was actually fun and threat segregation didn't even exist. No one wanted it. No one in the community asked for it. And when it rolled out the vast majority complained, if you ever want to look up the old threads. But G1 in it's idiocy... or because they actually wrote over the old code and did not preserve an original... were unable to restore what they had fundamentally changed... and the game became severely imbalanced and abusive to "actual" lower threat and often lower ranked players EVER SINCE... WHY? Because the matchmaking system was altered to more quickly reward actual silver players who played stacked matches into becoming fake golds. Early in the game a gold player was rare and recognized for his actual SKILL LEVEL. Many of these true golds took a lot of time to mentor lower skilled and new players and help them out. A lot of them became part of the San Paro mentoring program. What G1 created by tampering with the original RTW system was an easily exploited system which allowed rampant abuses. It was obvious where the weaker players were congregated, and instead of a PVP game... it became a PK game of steamroll the op so they don't even have any chance. Like, who wants to be killed 42 times in a match? No one, so actual "new trainees" fled the game, and cheater reroll rage hacker trainees took their place... sometimes TKing the hell-o out of their own team, because they were alts and clan-mates of the op who wanted to play WTFpawn and Steamroll lower skill players out of existence. This was a corruption of the original game that went unchecked for YEARS and was entirely G1's own doing. Even now if LO were to revert the game back to it's original state and simply start over, learning from the mistakes of G1 and re-implementing the successes such as the new contacts and some of the new mods and guns... and with a bit of advertising might actually recapture the time when APB had two million active accounts playing.
  5. Why wasn't Armas products made account wide form the beginning? I wish character bound content was made account wide but I doubt it would happen.
  6. Well I assumed we had moved on from the removing the vehicle comment but i guess not. This issue comes down to griefing or removing player interaction. You either play GTA and play alone. Or you play apb and all the ups and downs that come with it. I agree that a passive mode would be nice at least while in missions. Additionally, New players/early rank players rarely spend money on a game. ( i work marketing for another game, so this isn't an assumption) While it is important to not abandon them. But its the curse of being really bad at a video game. If you cant get out of the worst of the worst in terms of servers. You are bound to have rerolls. As soon as people can get over the fact that "rerolls" will ALWAYS exist, be it in a free game or paid game. The sooner we can get into actually resolving issues for the other 99% of the player base. Short of going to their home and blowing up their computers/consoles and draining all of their money from their bank accounts to prevent a new pc and making all of their friends hate them to prevent them from loaning them their PC. Nothing will solve that issue so lets stop grasping at the straw-man case and deal with the majority.
  7. If they do infact resolve the deranking/up ranking issues. New accounts will be irrelevent unless you are completely trash and end up in their server again. Additionally, they wont own a pioneer to grief you with. And if your not playing in nub-tastic server. They'll have to re-rank up repeatedly. to then seek you out and grief you. I wont say it wont happen. but griefing in large margins would stop. It would also give mods/support time to look into it.
  8. Griefers will simply create new accounts and circumvent IP bans with VPNs. Not only that but admins won't get around to the report for hours or more likely days.
  9. There was a time half a decade ago when APB was an unknown game to most of the gaming community. It was also a time when the idea of a GTA-esk cops and robbers game was still very relevant (GTA 5 released in 2013). This was also a time when the game could have taken advantage of Twitch, a powerful streaming platform that has the ability for a single person to expose games to tens of thousands of viewers. A very popular streamer, in 2013 streamed APB and genuinely thought it was cool idea of a game. Unfortunately shortly after him and his friends finished customizing their characters and started a mission they were bombared by mobs of griefers. As a previous streamer myself who has experienced griefing and had to give up streaming to play, I knew the streamer wouldn't enjoy the game if he'd stream it. Not surprisingly, griefers constantly pushed him and his team around with cars during gunfights, pit maneuvered them as they reached objectives, and sat in cars over and on top their objectives. It was painful watching his stream, to say the least. Every day he would get on to try to get some games in but would continue to get griefed again. It got to the point where he had to stop streaming, to his tens of thousands of viewers, in order to play the game. Can you imagine the impression that his viewers got from that? Being forced to stop streaming, which is the streamer's livelihood and source of income, just to enjoy a game that he genuinely wanted to play? If I were one of his viewers nothing would convince me to ever touch APB. If the streamer continued to play and stream APB longer than he did more of his viewers would have played, possibly purchasing things from the ARMAS marketplace and producing more revenue to the game. Now while I acknowledge that there are a plethora of other issues in APB that would have made many of the new players quit, there are bound to have been many of them that would have stuck through. Regardless, with a new company picking up APB that hopes to make a lot of changes to improve this game I highly encourage that changing how collision works in this game be one of the first. This would allow content creators and streamers to have an easier time to enjoy the game and share their experiences, and in turn foster growth. After all without the power of multi-million dollar advertisements, word of mouth will be key in bringing in new players. The issue of objective griefing isn't specific to just streamers though. It can happen to anyone. You beat someone and they're a sore loser? You lost and the guy is just a bully and wants to rub salt in the wounds? Maybe some random guy got up one day and decided to grief anyone they see? It could happen to players in a green district where one green thinks that the other has to be a cheater. Objective griefing can happen to anyone, and due to how easy it is to do it it can be done on a whim. There are several ways that the company can decide to handle this. One example that satisfies both sides of the fence is to have a zone in a small area around active mission objectives (phone booths, store fronts, doors, etc) that makes vehicles outside of the mission not collide with players inside it. This way players that enjoy the chaos of crashing into people on the way to objectives get to keep their fun, while still allowing for players in the mission to actually complete the object. I would like to hear your thoughts, do you think griefing hurts the marketability of APB to popential players? How would you suppose Little Orbit fix this issue?
  10. what if the market can stay how it is, putting your gun for sale/trade And someone who wants to make a trade can make an offer(putting his item(s) and send the offer. And you can also accept if you agree, combined with 2step authentication to make sure its not someone else on your account(hopefully doesnt have your cellphone either) to complete the trade.
  11. I can replicate your issue at steam -> do a file verification (it's always replaces several files) -> run game = new DXinstallation. close a game and repeat as described on top. at point maybe you need wrote down to steam support as they are responsible about file corruptible and why steam "thinks" it is new launch. I'm one of players who used only G1 direct account no steam punk
  12. Hey Gamers, I just wanted to address something that we have been getting a lot of questions about. This is specifically related to accounts that have been banned in the past for cheating. Im going to be using some quotes in this from Matt Scott. If you would like to see everything that is mentioned here in its full context please follow the link here: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2018/05/two-week-update-q-notes-from-my-stream.html This is all talked about in the answer to question 1. When it comes to bans in the system for cheating we are going to be unbanning a lot of accounts but there are a few things to keep in mind: "- This isn't going to happen until we release the next patch with Battleye. - We will not be unbanning players that violated other parts of our terms and conditions. For instance, credit card fraud or other forms of illegal activities." This means that it is going to be a little bit of time before we get to the large number of support tickets that we have related to banned accounts. Once we have patched out Battleye and done the automatic unbanning we will be able to deal with the more specific cases. This game has a large player base and we will be doing our best to help each and every one of you. Thank you! Selali
  13. Yea...I had to buy weapons before account wide for each of my toons. When I make a new toon and get 50 pages of account wide stuff I get 3 of the same perm account wide weapon.
  14. It would be nice if L.O. went through Armas and made the prices more realistic. An account wide permanent gun shouldn't be $40. I'd never pay that much for pixels no matter how cool they look. That being said G1 did have some weird(Read; ballistically crazy) sales that made Armas more wallet friendly, like I got my ATAC account wide perm for 805 G1C($10). I'm ok if L.O. wants to do a lot of sales, like one a week, but as Armas stands now I'm keeping my money where it belongs; my wallet.
  15. Good lord people, get some imagination You could limit it to x amount..As for scamming/hacking, if you report a player with good enough proof they could easily identify the account based on the nickname, they gotta have some stored data related to events prior to the name change And seriously, what even is abuse supposed to mean? Are the servers made out of wood that they can't process this or what? How about you buy it for me?
  16. it will be possible to transfer a character from one account to another ? this would be so nice!
  17. I was wanting to ask the new developers, or anyone who had an insight into the development plans, are there plans to increase customization in places not previously allowed, like changing Gender, and allowing cosmetics bought on Arma's to be used across the account, etc.
  18. Hi everyone, I’m the real owner of Vintorezz (255 crim) which is banned for cheating. I know no one will believe that wasn’t me. I just wanna know is there any chance to let me back? I never cheated.. One of my old friend get the access and he is banned. I have a lot evidences. I paid a lot of money for that account and never cheated. If FF can check somehow they can see the IP adress of the ban’s day. (My ip: Nyíregyháza, Banned ip: Budapest) Sorry for my bad english!
  19. Might aswell just give us access to a public API which offers all match data for characters / accounts. Would also give us the chance to create unofficial leaderboards and so on.
  20. The banned players would reroll anyway. So they are giving them a direct second/third/100th chance. And also, how could all of them go through BattlEye? Some might have the huge amount of time required to code private cheats. And the paid cheats scene is extremely private in APB. So, in spite of many accounts being unbanned, the amount of cheaters will be significantly lowered by BattlEye.
  21. It is, because the previous "Migration" from Innova servers, they lost their accounts with high levels and other stuff. Now they just don't want to suffer again.
  22. It was the name I used on all my accounts on everything at the time, and I didn't think I would care about it again. Yes, but those were the old days, so anything can be changed Free works too, thought that people would disagree even more with it being free
  23. I wasnt able to post with this account until last week! Got banned from posting in 2014 from GotItDone.. Asked many times to have posting returned but it fell on deaf ears. Im back now though so BOOYA!
  24. I'd clarify by saying a limited amount of joker mystery box bought whatever the one chosen per account. Like if someone as bought for 600$ there's a gambling problem and this image isn't something that should be practiced too much if you don't wanna look too greedy on your clients.
  25. How the hell did people carry over their forum account? Signing in with the same exact email made me make an entirely new forum account.
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