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  1. my account with my main enforcer is unbanned but not my main criminal account rip
  2. Good. Taking Joker Tickets and ingame money away is not enough. I think legendaries should be deleted for all unbanned accounts in general. I mean, the could easily sell some themes, symbols or one legendary and there you go. Rich again.
  3. Well I mean, when the state has insufficient evidence to convict, you are found to be "not guilty". Also I was never involved in trading on this account. Also also LO said these items wouldnt be removed. And yes, Ive sent in a ticket. And no, I dont think they will be able to help. You guys can stop picking on my now. Buncha bullies. Thanks homie.
  4. Paradigm

    Character wiped?

    Hey all, I used to play APB probably two years ago and decided to come back to it since Little Orbit has taken over, I tried logging into my account and my character has been deleted, I tried looking online to see if they wiped progress but couldn't find any information on if they did or didn't, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Didnt exactly go off without a hitch for me, but I do want to say thank you. Its nice to have the old account back.
  6. They didn't find that you were innocent. They found that enough of the bans didn't have sufficient evidence to prove that they were for a good reason and they have done a blanket un-ban which does NOT equate to innocence of everyone being unbanned. Tiggs is still around working with LO, perhaps if they asked her, she might be able to tell them if (for example) people banned for scamming had all the legendaries removed from their account during the banning process.
  7. Oh Lord, now I'm scared to check my account when I get home...
  8. Contact the support and explain your situation. Then provide the details to verify that its your account. And pray that you know the details of your account.. When my account was hacked, support even asked me the EXACT DATE OF ACCOUNT CREATION AND TIME.....
  9. BTW @MattScott And @Lixil I think their should be an official Announcement "Hey you're unbanned come play apb" Unban's are great but everyone needs to know they got a second chance. Send emails to the banned accounts?
  10. Just be happy you got your account back... This is why we cant have nice things...You were fine with being banned, now atleast you got your account back and now you are making a fuss about missing items??? Also legionaries are items which you MAY have bought from market place , probably thats why they got removed... Stop whining n be happy and while you are at it, sent a mail to support instead of bashing the people who gave you a second chance !
  11. Give it some time they've got thousands of accounts to go through.
  12. I'm unblocked. Maybe you need to send in a ticket, cause the auto system didn't cover your account?
  13. My account shows blocked aswell, just wait, its not even the deadline yet, and it will probably take about 24 hours to unban everyone
  14. You can have as many accounts as you want. There is no limit.
  15. So all bets are off on what the hell it is i got banned for then. Probably some fabricated bullshoot. Now that we all know the dirty little secrets of the old support/GM team and their corruption, at this point I'm not even gonna bother guessing. I'll just have to wait this one out. Nevermind, just saw your edit on the post above. Well shit then, long wait for me. Also congratz on the unban and i hope you have a great time back in-game on your old account! Maybe i'll see you one of these days! Haha
  16. Already? They are in the process of unbanning literally thousands of accounts. Just be patient.
  17. Hello APB community and moderation team, I have a question regarding blocked processes and battle eye messages. I'm sure many of us will also have similar questions. What is the best way to address them? Personally, I use an application called Prio Found here It's a small application that fixes a minor annoyance in the Windows OS that came about with the advent of Windows 7. It basically automatically sets the CPU priority for an application. From the website: When I upgraded my PC and added a new graphics card and faster processor APB was subjected to constant crashes. I found that for whatever reason the OS was not lending the appropriate resources to APBprogram so I have to manually set the CPU priority to High or Realtime in order to prevent crashes. I am one case and I'm sure there are many others that have done what it takes to continue to play the game we love. I am a clean player and have never been banned for anything across my MANY, MANY, MANY accounts. I love this game. I don't want to login and get beat on for using an application that made APB playable for me Please advise!
  18. Poggers Was your account on Blocked status though? Or was it on Unblocked Soon? Hmmmmmm
  19. I want to cry now. I don't even know what i did to get banned. And most likely i won't get unbanned automatically which means waiting for weeks for a reply from support, only to either be told I don't fall within the requirements of getting unbanned because i didn't cheat, or to have my account stripped of everything I had because i was abused by some GM who had it out for me, so basically starting from square one. I can't catch a break.
  20. i feel you. i really do. but being able to log back into an account you lost for doing things that are not allowed is a privilege for which we should be grateful. take losing your items and your currencies as a ticket to your old account. had they not given us this privilege, we would never see our old accounts back. that's how i see it at least. who says i wasn't affected?...
  21. I know guys I know. Its just... I spent a ton of money to get those legendaries. Like real money. And other than the name, its all this account had of value to me. My new account is higher ranked and better equipped. Im not trying to be ungrateful, its just this wasnt part of the deal. .... Im not going to get any sympathy am I?
  22. Funny how your signature quote is exactly how G1 worked under the old team. Such a hypocritical quote. I am sure all of those who were falsely banned are very appreciative they are getting their accounts back, however many put a lot of work into their accounts, spent real money to obtain certain weapons, etc. Why is it beyond you that some people might be upset their accounts are missing items? Isn't the progression, money, mods, weapons, etc what makes your account your account? Just because you weren't affected doesn't mean you should lack all empathy.
  23. check this link: https://www.gamersfirst.com/myprofile.php if there is BLOCKED: its banned UNBLOCKED SOON: means the account is earmarked for an unban, which will happen at any time ACTIVE: means the account is good to go; play the game if you have Blocked here then you dont need to wait since its not gonna happen probably.. mean that you are probably same unlucky one as me and we are gonna stay banned
  24. Thanks for unfairly wiping a huge amount of resources of people's accounts. Okay.
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