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  1. SwiftsScout

    Error Code 11003

    Each time I try to play on my main account I get this message when trying to log in. I sucessfuly am able to play on my alt account but I do wish to play on my main. But after a long time loading, I get this message. "ERROR / Login Failed" "Account Login has Failed!" "Could not reach Playstation Network (error code 11003)"
  2. Hi there. While I understand your frustration, the forums are not the place to receive help related to account issues. Only the support team is able to help you with issues of that nature. Trust me, you are not being ignored and you will receive a response in time. Do remember to check your spam folders, just in case the reply ended up in there somehow.
  3. How was my title even remotely clickbait? Actually i don't even care. What i'd like is for some helpful ideas on how to get it resolved. I already have an existing account with the email/pass thats non-steam related. So it'd just take me in this account, not the one connected to steam. Good idea though.
  4. Hey all, So I heard about all the hype about APB revitalizing with a new company and wanted to see what was up. But when I tried to log in it said that I needed to change my password. Right when I saw that I new I was in trouble because I didn't have access to that email anymore. The email is an old yahoo email and whenever I try to log into it, it says that I need to get a confirmation code sent to another email that I also do not have access to. And when I try to get into the other email it says I need to get a confirmation code from the email I was originally trying to get into. I made both of these emails a very very very long time ago. So yeah, you can kinda see the problem I am having here. Is there any way I can get my email changed so I can play on my account. Thank you so much to whoever responds to this. Love, me. :)
  5. If you have the credit card information you should be able to get the account back. Contact support with your new account and explain the issue in detail. Keep in mind support is back logged and short staffed atm so it may take a few weeks if not more for them to get back to you.
  6. I never used credit card because i was to young to have one i did donatens with 2 apb retail boxes and only paysafecards. but i dont have them anymore... I couldnt play the game cause my pc was tobad but now i got a new one and the game will work without probs. is that the only way i can get my account back? btw i Wrote an ticket 2 the support but i got no answer its 2 month later now still nothing.
  7. There was same issue not that long time ago that can hold you up to even 12-20 hours tust write support ticket to let tenicians update your status on account and free up ur account from being locked to log in this could be happend in a few stances -you get kicked from server and right away u reconnect / you reconect long while after disconnect -your internet connection blocked game so it cannot send packets and server still thinks that u are on server: *if u got kicked from social (write support ticket) *if u got kicked from normal district it could free u up in at last 15min-1h -you switch internet (ip adress) etc. like changing LAN internet to your phone internet or similiar
  8. Many players are having this issue. I have an old G1 account that I'm having the same issue with. Support took about a month to reply, but they replied with the generic account recovery message, asking for the last IP address, purchases, and other stuff. I have no purchases on it, and I don't know the last IP since it's dynamic. Regardless, that info seems unnecessary. We just need the password reset link sent to our email.
  9. I cannot log in to my account after typing my password. I use the two-factor authentication for APB Reloaded on my account. I get the same issue when login to the GamerFirst website. When i type in the code from google authentication it gives me the error of an invalid code. I have tried it more than multiple times and i still have the same result. Before, it gave me invalid code; i typed it again and it worked. Usually the 2nd time works when i put in the code. Thankfully i had my forum account still logged in. When i am trying to login into the GamerFirst website: If it is possible removal of the authenticator would be fine. P l s halp LovelyJasmine
  10. Hi. If I try to add the above mentioned item in the cart I get the following message: "You have previously purchased this Account Lifetime product." It's only for 5+1, it works just fine for the other quantity options and joker boxes options(at least the few I tested). Oh, I have never purchased 5+1 before, it was 20+5 and few 1's. edit: It's not on this account in case you need to look it up. You can message me or find it your logs.
  11. @WitchQueen If I may ask... 1) "Saturday, March 30th, 10 PM"... in which timezone? 2) I have a separate character who looks like Matt Scott. In other words, I have a character on my account who looks like Matt Scott, but it isn't my main character. Can I still enter the contest on that alternate character?
  12. Just to summarize. I want to migrate my account that is invalid email by the platform, hotmail (current outlook).
  13. I already sent you an email last year and this year was no different. I can not migrate my account because the email in which I registered my account was invalid by the new outlook and old hotmail. I strongly urge you to reply, I would like you to change my email so that you can send me the migration link. As I said I had already sent an email of the genre to you, but your response was teaching you how to migrate, but my problem is not NOT to know how to migrate is that the email is invalid. It was spent good amount of money on it and I would like you to get it back in hand. As proof I have channel on youtube with the account, my documents were with the hoplon and my responsible signature, because at the time I was underage. I have friends and clan who know that I am and that the account is really mine. GamersFirst, please help me recover my account. Thanks in advance and I await an answer This message has been translated by Google. So I do not know if it's going to come out with the same characteristics that I wrote it in Portuguese ... (I ask that if some word sounds rude I ask, immense excuses)
  14. I have sent two tickets in to request they cancel my subscription. That was TWO months ago. I see that my bank account was dinged for August. I don't think the customer service is slow, I think it is non-existent.
  15. Jesus I remember you guys - worth getting into this again (this is Jakkaron I had to make a new account)
  16. Looking to see whats out there for active Crim clans on Jericho server. Returning player but have to restart on a new account since I lost my old account info. Currently rank 42 19 years old, from Canada, Central timezone. I have discord and a working mic. Dont have a specific time that I play regularly due to my job. I have about 4-5 years of experience with gaming clans and crews on both xbox and PC.
  17. If you have access to it, the Raptor is quite similar in functionality and play style, a little harder to use due to the fire rate, but still easy. But yeah, if you really want the ATAC but aren't willing to fork over the IRL cash, JT's are the best way. If you're wondering the best way to earn Joker Tickets, @Kevkof made a useful post that might help. "Per day you can get: 25+25+25+20+20 = 115 JT On top of that you can get the weekly maximum amount in both fight clubs: 2x (50+150+200) = 800 JT If we combine that all you can get up to 1605 JT (7x115 + 800). Taking those 1605 JT/week and doing that for 7 weeks = 11235 JT Now let's make the same calculations as a R9: Daily activities: 10 JT/day Fight club/week: 800 JT Total per week: 870 JT (This doesn't take into account the other daily activities you'll be able to do as well from the other contacts as you're progressing through them.)" Good luck.
  18. Pocket Heart is a separate account I made at the time. It was a complicated and emotional time, and I don't want to get into it, but I appreciate your question.
  19. 2FA is nice and I'm glad its finally been added. Until I got a new phone and don't have access to my Google Authenticator accounts anymore (my fault, I didn't know I had to transfer them) since they don't save on the cloud. I messaged support to hopefully recover my account a few days ago but no response yet. I know you're all busy, that's okay I guess. Backup codes/SMS fallback need to be implemented to avoid situations like this.
  20. Would it be possible to change the subject line to be more descriptive for e-mailed weapons, vehicles, purchased items, etc? Currently it shows [purchase] and I think [rewards] (I'm at work and can't verify this right now) for when you get items from joker boxes and from other methods. The problem with this is that if you have lots of e-mails (I have 15 pages of emails), some from joker box purchases others from account weapons, etc I don't believe there is any quick and easy way to see if the weapon is a permanent item or how long of a lease it is (i.e. - 10, 30, 180 day lease). For permanent items, can we at least change the text to read [permanent] or something along those lines? And maybe add something to the body of the e-mail that tells you if the item is a permanent item, account or character bound, or a lease for x amount of days? Part of the problem is that when you buy a pack of joker boxes and open them, it does so in one action and you don't see what you get. You have to go back in to game and check the e-mails to see what you opened. And then you can't tell if it is permanent or leased without retrieving the item. Back in the day, when you opened joker boxes, it was one box at a time and it showed you on the same screen what you unboxed. Thoughts on the above? Merged. Also came across [gift] last night. Still, no way to know whether or not it is a perm item account wide, perm item character bound, or a lease of x amount of days without retrieving the item. If changing the subject line is too cumbersome, it would be super helpful if the body of the e-mail explained the length of time and whether or not it is character or account bound. For the subject line, I was thinking something like: [PERM, ACCT] [PERM, CHAR] [LEASE, 10 D] [LEASE, 30 D] [LEASE, 180 D] And, nothing fancy in the body of the email is needed as you can see what the item is in the subject line, as well as by clicking on the attachment (but not retrieving it), just something along the lines of: Permanent, Account bound Permanent, Character bound Lease, x days Anybody else have other subject line and email text naming suggestions on how to differentiate between permanent - account, permanent - character and leases?
  21. Amayii


    I have moved this thread to the PC Bug and Tech Issues section of our forums. Error 11002 can have 2 causes: The account is not verified (via email) The password has expired, if you're not able to change the password on the account or the linked account directly, you can contact our Support Team so they can work with you to resolve this. ~@mayii
  22. Hello! My friend got hacked and can't get any access to his email or to his account on APB. Is there any way that he can get some help to change his Email and username/ password even though he can't access his email?
  23. I support this idea, this would make all those character slots useful that i don't most likely never use, we could farm tickets faster assuming that JT's are mailable between characters on your own account at least. Another thing of course are rewards from rare daily activities, Nanos and STAC 10 should be made mailable between characters on you own account including JT's and $. Better idea would be that you get rid of all these difficult rare activities and give these rare weapons as rare rewards after missions, this would give everyone equal chance to get all these rewards regardless of skill.
  24. I tried vpn, same thing nothin changed.. I tried using repair tool with gamersfirst client...nothing i tried restart router...nothing i never had any similar issue with apb, until this crash today, and permanent loop of the message i screenied. I can access my char list... so after i fill up psw and username, game lets me to the char list to choose from. I choose char and then proceed to enter game, n thats where it keeps instantly breaking to the message above. I am still waiting to fix itself, i dont know what else i can do really.. I think its due to corona virus and some server locations , server being down and people from LO dont know it because they work from home. But its weird that only me has this issue yet, at least nobody else got this today.. Its driving me insane -_- world server is down for me, but login server is not. I got char at citadel and jericho, both give same message. I tried creating entirely new 2nd account to login, its same message. So it has to be for world local servers for east europe not working
  25. Definitely do a support ticket. Your account is likely locked in an instance that isn't "up" and therefore likely cannot be released. This happened about 3 years back when G1 still owned the game, and they had to go in and manually purge peoples accounts from the hold.
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