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Everything posted by Amayii

  1. This thread has been moved to the Articles section of our forums. ~@mayii
  2. Hello MrM0dZ, The symbol is not directly a swastika as used by the Nazi regime, as you mentioned. But given that it can be perceived as one we won't be allowing the use of it in this manner. ~@mayii
  3. This thread has been moved to the Off-Topic section of our forums. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. ~@mayii
  4. The threads mentioned are from many years ago, since then the game has had a number of transformations. First from Fallen Earth LLC and co-developer Icarus Studios to Gamersfirst (under Reloaded Productions) in June of 2011 And then in May of 2018 to Gamersfirst (under Little Orbit). With each transfer the forums were 'reset' , which means that unless content is archived somewhere it may be impossible to find those threads. ~@mayii
  5. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  6. Amayii

    oh dear

    This thread has been moved to a more appropriate section of our forums. ~@mayii
  7. While we understand the Fallen Earth community has their own views on 'fun', let's keep the comments relevant to the topic at hand. A number of posts have been removed as they were not fitting to the criteria mentioned above. ~@mayii
  8. Amayii

    Error 11003

    This thread has been moved to the PC Bug and Tech Issues section of our forums. The '11003' Error usually refers to an issue with the username or password you're trying to use. Should you not be able to resolve the matter by double checking the username and password, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support Team. ~@mayii
  9. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our Forums. ~@mayii
  10. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our Forums. ~@mayii
  11. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  12. This thread has been moved to the PC Bug and Tech Issues section of our forums. ~@mayii
  13. This thread has been locked as per OP's request. ~@mayii
  14. This thread has been closed as per OP's request. ~@mayii
  15. Thank you for bringing it to our attention, the team will be looking into any possible issues there. ~@mayii
  16. This thread has been locked as per OP's request. ~@mayii
  17. Amayii


    This thread has been moved to the Off-Topic Section of our forums. ~@mayii
  18. This thread has been moved to the Game Suggestions section of our forums. ~@mayii
  19. This topic was moved to the APB General discussions section of our forums. The latest updates can still be found in the Tracking the Engine Upgrade thread. ~@mayii
  20. As this issue has been resolved I've marked it as such. ~@mayii
  21. This topic has been closed as per OP's request. ~@mayii
  22. As mentioned by others, the plans as they have been mentioned by our CEO is to rework the game to the newer engine, which console is already using, with many features up for a rework and redesign. This process will be done using the PC platform to be able to iterate more quickly than would be possible with just the console version. This reworked version will then also come to the console variants of the game so all clients are on the same codebase and version with the same content. For our teams to be able to update the market place on console the game itself would need to be updated as well, which is not possible at this time due to the requirements for approval by both Microsoft and Sony. A short summary of the issues at play there can be found in Matt's "Tracking the Engine Upgrade" thread as well as the latest info on our way to upgrading the PC client which will then be brought to the console clients as well. As for Crossplay: Full Crossplay between the consoles and optionally PC is something that has to be allowed by Sony and Microsoft, but we are not planning for that. Our current path is set on looking into Crossplay for the social elements of the game, not the action elements. This was mentioned in the 2021 Roadmap. ~@mayii
  23. Hello, We have been made aware of on-going disconnect issues on our Citadel servers, we are working with our providers to investigate and resolve these issues as quickly as we can. At this moment in time I'm not able to speculate as to the cause of these issues. When and if we are able to share details about that, only then will we do so. Our sincere apologies for these unpleasant issues. ~@mayii
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