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Everything posted by BrightNightLight

  1. GM accounts cannot play the game. Whoever is selected won't instantly become a GM, there is a further screening process and ultimately an interview. Be that as it may, GM identities will not be revealed. That is final and not subjected to change.
  2. I'll go ahead and close this one before things get too sour. To address the original point: the people that work with/for Little Orbit are not one trick ponies - meaning that the tasks they're assigned tend to vary. That doesn't mean they neglect certain some, however - everyone's still here, but some of them are simply working behind the scenes.
  3. Support will solve each and every ticket in due time. We can't just make thousands of tickets disappear in a day or two, so bear with us. Also, locking this for derailment and the less than civil tone the discussion has taken on.
  4. Your issue will be addressed, that I promise. The only problem lies in the massive amount of tickets our help desk has to deal with. We'll get to you, it will just take some time.
  5. Edited your main post to remove the links. Thank you for your cooperation.
  6. There is no set date. We know you have been waiting, but be that as it may, we can't risk rushing it and implement something that could have a negative impact on the game. BattlEye is coming, just sit tight.
  7. Implementing an anti-cheat system is not something that can be done in a day. It takes time, plain and simple. More GMs will be recruited soon enough, specifically to address any situations that might arise within the game. As it stands now, we simply can't be everywhere; but we are working on it.
  8. Keep in mind that while the people you mention in this thread might be good for the position, it doesn't mean they will be picked. Our selection process will be unbiased. I commend the effort that went into making these lists, but ultimately, the last word belongs to the people in charge.
  9. There is no concrete release date as of yet. We will let players know as soon as we have news.
  10. I'm aware of that. Regardless, something as big as an engine upgrade takes time. Things will change, we just need to wait.
  11. The engine upgrade will come after BattlEye is implemented, which will happen when the next patch goes live. No set release date as of yet, but it's on its way.
  12. We have no hard date as of yet, but as soon as we do, the players will be the first to know. Hang tight.
  13. We will let you know as soon as anything comes up. Some prices will, however, be adjusted; that is to be expected relatively soon, once the engine upgrade goes live.
  14. A graphics card with a minimum of 256mb of memory is required to play the game.
  15. We contacted Matt Scott himself, and he had this to say: There you have it. The uniform itself is fine, as long as it doesn't bear symbols that represent hateful ideologies.
  16. It goes beyond symbols. While hate symbols are not allowed to begin with, a case could be made that a uniform without them is fine. On the same note, even a "clean" uniform would still unmistakably call back to its more offensive roots. At the moment we can't give a clear statement on whether or not something like Abu's creation is allowed, but we will let the players know as soon as a decision is made.
  17. The unban wave will hit alongside BattlEye. "Known" cheaters might or might not stay banned, we can't be sure of that yet; Regardless, should they attempt to hack again, the new anti-cheat system will take care of them.
  18. Your only option is to open a ticket. You can do so here.
  19. The dev team is looking into it to ensure no issues will arise. Nobody is at liberty to say what will happen (at least for the time being, there is no news on that) but as soon as word is out, we will let the players know. On top of that, some of the launcher's features might be added to the game itself, so chances are it won't be needed in the first place. Again, only time will tell.
  20. With the engine updates there will also be quality of life changes that will hopefully remove the need for config file edits. While allowed for now, keep in mind that BattlEye might flag it - so tread carefully.
  21. Calm down, everyone. If you want to argue, take it to private messages.
  22. As far as I'm aware it's not possible to outright ignore them, though you can collapse the main sections instead.
  23. New content will be added once the game is updated. We don't exactly know what will be added, though during the QnA there were talks of adding in new weapons and skins. On the same topic, the prices of some items will also be readjusted.
  24. You are allowed to promote your content in this section, but please adhere to the following guidelines. You are only allowed to advertise your content in this section. Doing otherwise (as in advertising in other sections) will result in a punishment. The content you are advertising has to be legal. (No pornographic material, it has to follow Code of Conduct and Forum guidelines) Do not try to pass off copyrighted content as yours. Be civil when posting your content. Tag your submission accordingly. (So that people can easily distinguish between different kind of content)
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