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Everything posted by Haganu

  1. While we're talking about traffic lights, they're positioned on the correct, safe side of the intersection.
  2. let's just go all the way back to 1.4.2
  3. Used to run it on that resolution, but since another game makes my GPU literally run in the 90s I toned it down to 1440p. The chat was so blissfully small on 4k resolution. I haven't tried scaling down the UI, but it would be great.
  4. I appreciate LO trying to test and feel where they can and cannot make changes. While I do agree that the balance changes were rolled out way too quickly, I'm glad they're trying to change things up where Reloaded left them untouched for years. IR3 is indeed used by many guns, because it's more of an upgrade than a sidegrade for weapons. The downside is just not apparent enough to consider using other mods instead, which is why the entire population wielding rifles and assault rifles prefers IR3 over CJ3 other than a few people. LO, keep doing what you're doing, but remain careful.
  5. just like the hvr doesn't instantly kill but you see the amount of complaints about that weapon, and yes, if you look for the pvp in Asylum it's very easy to be pre-damaged, which is exactly where, as I said before, the PIG's stun damage sees the most of its exploits in mission district land nothing is ever wrong right? maybe if you play Asylum as crim for a few weeks you'll see for yourself Wondering if the next argument will be "Asylum doesn't count" or "Don't play Asylum then".
  6. I wish you good luck not facehugging anyone in Asylum where CQC combat is pushed so far by objective and overall flow of players that the PIG is actually an exploit there. Or what about enclosed areas in mission districts where you have to CQC? 10m maximum reach is in no way an excuse to make a gun instantly stun you when you stub your toe. On another note, I like how people always ignore Asylum, while Asylum is the ideal place to showcase and exploit everything that's wrong with APB's gameplay. Pig percing is outdated despite still effective (you can't fully prepare yourself for it in Asylum since there's so much CQC combat going on and other than 1 idiot one day in the week everyone's always using Carbine/NTEC/OCA/Shotguns). A lot of people rather shotgun pig these days. Even if half your shot misses it's such an easy +200 points. It takes only a few shots from the pellet to go past 50 stamina damage. IMO, in present-day APB combat the PIG feels very, VERY out of place. In literally no encounter I've ever been in I can say I've been stunned by a PIG because the player fought well or had better gun control. There's just no need for gun control when your gun deals 950/1000 damage. It's literally as broken as the HVR.
  7. Gave it a read before trying out the guns on OTW. Interesting update. Glad the friends system gets a well-needed change, next to that the slots are maximum instead of having extra slots locked behind a paywall. The new weapon balance is interesting. Shotguns seem more effective, and the new reticle makes the Anubis a lot more reliable. The accuracy curve being removed from the COBRA is nice, though I haven't noticed a substantial increase in performance. I'm not sure if many people will use the rebalanced guns much. Especialy compared to the guns everyone prefers to use, but we'll see!
  8. CAP40 player here. That gun has never, not once, been an equivalent of the OCA. In stability and forgiveness it feels similar. That's where it ends though. The CAP40 is great as it is. It feels completely fair. The OCA however is a broken piece. It's way too reliable for the low TTK it currently has. I'm fine with it being stable and accurate, but then it deserves a slightly higher TTK.
  9. I'm amazed how dense people can act still after so many years when it comes to the case of dethreating. Multiple posts in a row Cookie mentions obviously that it's about blatant dethreaters and NOT about those fluctuating in threat naturally. And yes blatant dethreating can be detected. If it has an outcome, it can be detected. Just needs to be figured out how to detect it.
  10. just a little larger than your average birthday
  11. Can this thread die please. There are already answers given to OP's post. Why keep throwing mud at each other. Grow up.
  12. Bit late to the party here as usual, but one thing that definitely needs to improve in fight club is the amount of spawn points available for selection. They're way too few. There are quite a lot of times where all spawn points except one are unavailable.
  13. DOW Thumper all out favorite
  14. @MattScott, is LO reaching a point regarding Unreal 3.5 where any further details can be given?
  15. This is some good popcorn lol. Claims he's not toxic, then responds in awful toxic manner to pretty much everything that comes in his face. I'm kinda amazed that someone can be this sad.
  16. You must be fun at parties. Please don't respond, you'll only embarrass yourself even more lol.
  17. I agree there should be some faction exclusivity, but not in the shape of vehicles. Both factions can have the whole car list available to them without it making the game less cops vs robbers. I'd rather have faction-specific customisation for vehicles being more indepth for both factions, but that's a thing for the future. Since APB is still on the old engine there's no need to worry about it now anyways, but in all honesty I think cars are a pretty poor excuse for faction exclusivity.
  18. The problem is how often respawns would happen. Because APB is quite basic in combat (as in there's not a lot of preparation going on before a shootout happens compared to more tactical shooters like R6S and CSGO), a shootout happens quite quickly and most of the time obviously results in either of the 2 parties dying. How basic the combat is makes it quite dynamic. Mission districts won't have much of a problem, but Fight Club would literally be hell. A full Asylum for example already is quite chaotic. Some of the changes you suggested would make it even more interesting for mission districts, but all the changes you suggested would basically be a requirement to make such a system work in FC. Or just exclude the system from FC.
  19. APB's combat is way too dynamic for a weapon drop/pickup system mainly due to respawning. Especially Fight Club would suffer from it. The changes suggested would make that system do a 180 turn though. Could make it interesting. Also if the weapon drops, I'd appreciate the weapon to lay flat on the ground, not upstanding like it's some quake gun pickup floating.
  20. The NTEC is far more reliable in a vast majority of the situations as an AR than the STAR. It has always felt that way and always worked that way. The strangest thing is that everyone's defending the STAR, while all these people would instantly switch over to NTEC the moment they could. And that's not because the NTEC requires more skill. An assault rifle that's more versatile requires less skill, because it's more capable over more situations. And no, before anyone comes up with any nonsense, the NTEC isn't a jack-of-all trades. That's what the COBRA used to be before they changed that gun up entirely. The only thing that makes an NTEC require just a slight amount of skill is Cooling Jacket, yet when you put that on a STAR the gun loses what comparatively little reliability it has left. The NTEC, especially pre-curve mechanic was superior in every way. Even the go-to mod setups for the gun had more variety than the STAR had. A lot of people that can play NTEC can play STAR, that's something that can't be denied. But since the vast majority still rather plays NTEC means that the NTEC has an extra edge the STAR doesn't have, making the NTEC more useful than the STAR, thus overshadowing it.
  21. Instead of nerfing the NTEC I'd rather see competing ARs get slightly buffed. A gun like the STAR is also very capable, just slightly less than the NTEC. If the STAR can be buffed just slightly enough to be on-par with the NTEC you have 2 versatile ARs to cover most of the situations about equally. The Misery is a terrible gun and the Cobra could really use a significant buff. The Cobra deserves to be buffed within the niche it's in (or supposed to be in). And the Misery could for a start get a niche where it could compete with other guns in. The ATAC is fine the way it is.
  22. On PS4 and Xbone, the shaders look so awful in Unreal 3.5. On the other end, Asylum looks absolutely amazing in Unreal 3.5 from what I've seen in screenshots.
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