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Everything posted by VanilleKeks

  1. I estimated around 6.78425 cheaters per 100 players after BE. I came to this conclusion because no one can win against the OSMAW, which is a weapon I have mastered to an inhuman degree. But, how come I still lose missions? Must be the matchmaking? No, I've never had this issue before, clearly BattleEye is not as good as we thought given that the actual number of cheaters is 3,392125 per 50 players. Suspicious.
  2. I wonder how you came to the conclusion that there's a free version of BattleEye lol
  3. I would argue the reason the N-tec is so popular is not so much because of the ttk since it's a pretty average one. Using an N-tec just feels good, there's no illogical bloom/spread, it has a decent range curve and it rewards skilled players. That is what you want in a weapon. Nerfing one of the remaining weapons that give a player this rewarding feeling sure is easier than buffing the other weapons, but it is an unhealthy solution. The game won't grow if the good weapons are made to be as crap as most of the other stuff. Making the other weapons feel similarly (preferably equally) as fun to use as the N-tec is a much better solution, which will let the game grow in a healthier state.
  4. No, no, no and no but yes to perc removal
  5. You need the direct link for your image. Open the image on its on by rightclicking it and then "open image in new tab". Then post that link in here and it will show the image automatically, like this:
  6. Wow what an unbiased and fair poll that I'm definitely gonna vote in.
  7. Know? I don't know it for sure. But I've played this game for so long I'd like to say I have a grasp on who is a good player and how good players generally tend to play. With those ultra aimer dudes there's usually only a mid tier or lower amount of game sense and thought behind play/decision making. Where as an actual good player tends to be equally skilled in that part as well (relative to the aiming part).
  8. Well most of the dedicated cheaters are afraid to try it with BE. However I think that BE might have been bypassed right now. I have noticed some players that have not been playing at all since BE but have come back this week to become some big aimers. The good players have been playing almost non stop but those people seem to have magically appeared out of nowhere. My guess is they refrained from playing until something had bypased BE.
  9. I don't want APB to be like other games, I want APB to be APB.
  10. I'm not giving you any either. I've been scammed when I was a kid and since then it has never happened again. I'm just giving you some advice so that you hopefully don't lose your hard earned weapon again.
  11. Scamming happens in every game that doesn't have a secured way to trade. This game isn't any different. In general you shouldn't trust total strangers on the internet. You let yourself get scammed so I suggest you learn from this experience. Do note that by no means am I excusing scammers here, they are total twats for sure, but it's not like they have control over your actions. If you do a trade, always send your item last, whether you will be a scammer or not is, well, your choice I guess. The few times I've traded I always have the other party send first and luckily due to my activity in the community people tend to know that I'm trustworthy. However, anyone can make up anything. It's the internet after all.
  12. Well I'd say it still applies. From my own experience it seems rank is also a factor in matchmaking allthough threat has priority. I noticed that while playing on a low rank in EU. Against some max rank golds in a 1v1 they could call backup. So in that case my threat was significantly higher than theirs, making the system ignore the rank difference. However in some matches that I considered pretty equal in terms of skill I could call backup cause I was a low rank. Now since I can't see the actual hidden threat, this is just a theory. However I believe in the example you posted, all of the 6 players' rank + threat nullified the difference and was considered equal by the system.
  13. High rank silver on your team was probably treated as equal to the lower rank gold on the enemy team. Threat doesn't represent skill anyway so it's just unlucky.
  14. I posted multiple videos now of people cheating, and others have too. It isn't a question of name and shame, None of us are mentioning names. Were only showing a video off that is clearly showing content of people cheating who are evading bans. If you like watching videos of people cheating and think it should be allowed as long as they're making good content and bringing publicity to the game, then that's a different discussion. From the forum rules: - No Naming/Shaming If you believe someone is cheating please reach out to our support or to our GMs Also, 1. You don't have any objective proof they are cheating, 2. Your opinion is not objective proof. 3. The videos you linked belong to active players. Posting more than one youtuber doesn't change anything. Due to point 1 & 2 this makes it name and shame. It's really not that hard to understand. You seem to be rather unwilling to understand, so I won't bother anymore.
  15. It doesn't matter. Discussing whether an individual is cheating is not allowed on the forums. OP seems to think this doesn't apply here because anxiie posts public videos, but it still does. That's all I'm saying. Remove the name and shame and the mods shouldnt lock this. Aslong as people don't point to specific peeps.
  16. Where not talking about him, were talking about youtubers posting videos of themselves chearly cheating. I don't care if you like they're gameplay and content. Cheating is cheating and that's all that matters. Your discussion is alright. However the second you linked videos as examples, you have broken the name and shaming rule. In this context you are using videos to prove your point about cheating youtubers. Additionally, just because you think that is definite proof, doesn't mean it is. Since there is no objective proof of him cheating, using him as an example is bound to cause slander. Which classifies as naming and shaming. Remove the example videos and you can have this discussion without mods locking it soon enough.
  17. 1. The name and shaming rule is about not naming ingame players to harass, bully or otherwise negatively discuss an individual. Because the forums are not the place for such discussions. If you want to report a player for whatever reason it goes to support. I think you missunderstood the rule there. 2. is someone I occasionally watch and you should too. Look at anything other than his aim and you will notice the whole package. The gameplay is from someone who's a veteran like many others. Of course he could be cheating, I don't know. However considering the way he plays, his years of playing etc. Most likely not.
  18. On topic: I've been max cop for years and I occasionally do LTL. I've experienced this stuff too (not as often as you are claiming though). Keep in mind that in FC there is alot more players that could potentionally kill your stuns by accident or on purpose. I found LTL to be most enjoyable in premade missions. Still, I'd like to see some demerits for stunkilling etc. Off-topic: Now I've had several whispers from you over the years and they are generally not that friendly. I personally don't mind and I often try to reason and explain things to "rage" whispers. More often than not it works too. However even though it doesn't bother me, your behaviour seems to bother others so it's natural (not saying it's justified to grief you) that you would experience some flak back.
  19. For anyone else thinking about buying secondaries. The Joker RFP Fang (the one with IR3) is really the only secondary worth buying imo. The Colby .45 is often considered a viable alternative to the FBW, so try it out if you can first. However I find the FBW to be more reliable in most situations. If you want to learn the FBW way, buy the Sight Zero preset (it has RS1) from a contact, imo that's the best pistol in the game atm.
  20. Since your so keen about seeing and believing, how about you open your eyes and realize that not everyone that kills you is a cheater.
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