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Everything posted by VanilleKeks

  1. Except that is what makes the players casual. If the majority of players had a competitive mindset they would happily join the appropriate district for balanced missions so that they can improve and have a competitive environment. Yet alot of players purposely de-threat to lower their threat because they lack commitment and effort to play competitively (There's other reasons for de-threating too). You are arguing against yourself here.
  2. I think you see the terms in a black or white manner, a game will never be 100% casual or competitive. It's a greyzone in which one might be the majority but never an absolute. You can be competitive in APB if you want to approach it that way, but it won't make the game a competitive focused game. The people who take their time to complain, criticise and discuss in a constructive manner is a minority in APB, most people do not put in the effort to properly discuss the game and instead say a few words to people they know about how X thing is Y. This majority lacks the commitment and effort, which is what casual means. As for "pros" having a difficult time in APB? That's a matter of inexperience. You can take certain skills with you but you will have to learn new things regardless, this lack of knowledge will most likely hinder the performance of a player. If Summit1g played APB consistently for over a year he'd be good at the game too.
  3. APB is a casual game, focusing on social aspects. The slogan was "be all you can't be", urging players to create their own identities via the (at the time) insane customization (that still holds up to date). It's not CSGO where you are just another soldier with a different name tag. This game wasn't, isn't and won't be a competitive game unless some major changes happen and I highly doubt LO will rewrite APB like that. Sure there are some competitive aspects, but it's not the main focus of the game. You gotta keep that in mind when you change the game. Saying "lets make APB more casual" just doesn't make any sense because it's never been anything other than casual.
  4. There is a reason why this community is scared of silver HVR's. Come on man I just finished my PTSD therapy
  5. My argument isn't that using HVR makes you not a good player. My point is that you don't have to be a good player to do well. There's a key difference here. A gun with that amount of impact should only have that impact when used well, in my opinion. Now everyone has their moments of course, but overall I feel the HVR rewards bad usage of it too well.
  6. And you are just like upset that an average player can do well? For me is an incentive for that player to keep doing well and try in the future other guns... and probably more fun having a challenge? Well it's not real, it's essentially an illusion. That player thinks he's doing good when in reality he's mostly carried by the imbalanced gun. I get your point and I agree to some extent, but wouldn't you rather have that person actually do well? What's gonna happen when they swap to another gun is that they will most likely get bamboozled big time because the skill they thought they earned was all fake.
  7. We don't necessarily have to lower the damage of the gun. We just need to make the damage justified. Since you brought up OW, I was in a good ELO in that game and before i went into a coach role, widowmaker was one of my best heroes, making it into the top 100 widows in EU multiple times. Widowmaker has insane damage, but players need to be good to make use of it. That's why most widows on your team are either really good or really bad. In APB, without headshots and with the gigantic hitboxes, you don't have to be good to shrek players. Being good certainly helps, but an average player will do way better with an HVR than he should be able to.
  8. Well I wasn't referring to quickswitching, I should have mentioned that probably. Even when you leave quickswitching out of the discussion the HVR has still too much value for the effort required. Regarding quickswitching, whether it takes skill or not might be an interesting discussion but for me quickswitching is a gimmick that completely ruins the intended use of the weapon. Sometimes gimmicks in games are good, sometimes bad. I'd say hvr quickswitch is the latter.
  9. Good players being still good is almost irrelevant to the discussion really. The point being made is that you don't have to be a good player to take someone out of the fight when using an HVR. If you really want good players to shine then you should be for making the HVR take more skill, shouldn't you? Because when you do that the actual good players will shine even brighter.
  10. if it rewards bad aim too much, they could just tighten the spread, i think its a good change to make shotguns consistent, tweaking the stats a little should fix the remaining issues
  11. Here's something people tend to forget when comparing the HVR to snipers in other games: 1. There are no headshots in APB 2. APB hitboxes are massive compared to the norm It's alot easier to be good with a sniper in APB than in most other shooters. This means the snipers in APB need to be balanced differently. The value vs effort balance for the HVR is completely screwed. How someone with I'd assume thousands of hours in the game doesn't realize that is ridiculous.
  12. Sofar I've only tested the misery extensively. It is a better weapon than before but it can't compete with an N-tec in both feel and effectiveness. Now it doesn't have to be better than N-tec but it should atleast be a viable alternative if it ever wants extensive use by the players. Here are my thought put in a list: - The Bloom: While it has been reduced by quite a bit it just doesn't feel right to me still. After a few shots the bloom still just almost doubles and that just feels so weird to use for me. Now ignoring the feel of the weapon, this bloom is also a major downside. I have missed multiple kills due to the bloom making the finishing shot miss. If you shoot slower to prevent all bloom, the ttk increases by about 0.5s which is enough for someone next to cover to make it into safety. The misery can be devastating on enemies that are in the open, but that's about it. Now surely with more practice I could improve the bloom control but there's really no point in investing that time since other weapons are just better alternatives. - Medium/Long range: Keeping in mind that I couldn't put HS3 and IR3 on the weapon, the range is enough to a point where I was able to compete with and beat some of the more popular weapons on multiple occasions. I would say overall the conversion to tap fire has mostly been a success for medium/long range, but it still isn't quite there yet, mostly to the above mentioned bloom curve. - Close Range: It's now possible to consistently corner pop people in marksman mode with the misery as long as they are within 0-12m (ish). You can essentially full auto and secure your kills. Hipfiring isn't something I'd recommend though. - Suggestions: Now if it were up to me I'd remove the weird bloom curve, but I understand it would take away the guns uniqueness and turn it into a slightly different N-tec. I would say reduce the bloom a little more to the point where the gun is really accurate, but reduce it's damage so that the TTK stays the same but if you miss a few shots the enemy is able to heal up enough to survive (with CA). Sort of like the scout, where you can two tap people but if you miss a shot and/or take a little too long you turn it into a 3STK sniper. I would say that could turn it into a weapon that really rewards players with good aim. Opinions aren't final though, gotta test it a little more.
  13. When I'm P5 I only kill friendlies that are visibly afk (mostly). That's my code of honor I guess.
  14. To be honest I have maybe thought two people were fishy since BE. Cheater situation is alot better, however the weeks of perma lag jericho have driven out players to a point where on off hours there's only a 25% full district now. I can't really enjoy the game that way and I don't feel like maxing char on EU (even though I'm from EU :^) ). All in all I*m hopeful for the future.
  15. I estimated around 6.78425 cheaters per 100 players after BE. I came to this conclusion because no one can win against the OSMAW, which is a weapon I have mastered to an inhuman degree. But, how come I still lose missions? Must be the matchmaking? No, I've never had this issue before, clearly BattleEye is not as good as we thought given that the actual number of cheaters is 3,392125 per 50 players. Suspicious.
  16. I wonder how you came to the conclusion that there's a free version of BattleEye lol
  17. I would argue the reason the N-tec is so popular is not so much because of the ttk since it's a pretty average one. Using an N-tec just feels good, there's no illogical bloom/spread, it has a decent range curve and it rewards skilled players. That is what you want in a weapon. Nerfing one of the remaining weapons that give a player this rewarding feeling sure is easier than buffing the other weapons, but it is an unhealthy solution. The game won't grow if the good weapons are made to be as crap as most of the other stuff. Making the other weapons feel similarly (preferably equally) as fun to use as the N-tec is a much better solution, which will let the game grow in a healthier state.
  18. No, no, no and no but yes to perc removal
  19. You need the direct link for your image. Open the image on its on by rightclicking it and then "open image in new tab". Then post that link in here and it will show the image automatically, like this:
  20. Wow what an unbiased and fair poll that I'm definitely gonna vote in.
  21. Know? I don't know it for sure. But I've played this game for so long I'd like to say I have a grasp on who is a good player and how good players generally tend to play. With those ultra aimer dudes there's usually only a mid tier or lower amount of game sense and thought behind play/decision making. Where as an actual good player tends to be equally skilled in that part as well (relative to the aiming part).
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