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Everything posted by Seedy

  1. nice attempt.. All you need to do now is skin all the models (3 times over due to distance and detail changes) and make the game mechanics for it.. See you in say 5 years for your alpha preview if your quick
  2. i already asked about this,, nothing is going to happen.
  3. not bored.. been here since RTW times.. San Paro FTW!
  4. back to school? People in my country leave school at 17 which would make them too young to play APB.
  5. New game I have been working or recently. A remake of the classic 80s Arcade Game Defender! Coming very soon to Steam
  6. what if your monitor has an over lay ? the whole thing becomes pointless. another tiggs adventure went fuckin feminine features up
  7. back in the days, G1 treated APB like a cash cow this was why there were so many shitty discounts - to bleed every penny out of you.
  8. ive been suspicious of some people but I think BattleEye is working correctly so I put my suspicions down to paranoia.. As you have 5k hours in the game you will readily remember the amount of cheaters that were around PRE LO. I see exactly what your saying. I am Silver and getting rolled by golds allot - some are 255 god mode like but you have to remember they are playing in groups with mics on and calling out your positions constantly so people will be ready for you coming round that corner. Also the new Shotty Super Buffs from the recent patch is making people that were already very good, even better. What is this supposed to mean? "You shouldnt care at this point". APB has battleeye now which is a proper anti cheat. It has got rid of 99.999% of cheaters and made the game playable again.
  9. if you had spent almost 4 years building a game wouldn't you shamelessly plug it ?
  10. i play PC... Game was made for PC. G1 made it CASH COW for Consoles. If they had just swerved the console we would have the upgrade by now but no.. TechMEch is a greddy fucker who wanted to milk more than just us PC players.. and so we have now 3 disgruntled communities instead of one.
  11. I already did that tbh i havent checked what my FPS limit is since the patch. I have my control panel set to 144 or what ever it is. Didnt notice any diffrence.
  12. it was your buddy who was dethreating. Thats why I have left your clan and the group at the time. Was hoping for better as well. I was also in a few games afterwards where people were doing the same ole shit.
  13. you need to make your own FPS limit in the control panel.
  14. would just mean that the fucktard golds who are dethreating would put in more effort in to the dethreating they are doing until yet again they are bronze..
  15. I would be more than happy to help new players. I am looking for regular people to play with at the weekends. When a round ends I pretty much always press invite to group. It never fuckin works! Either that or no one wants to join a group ?
  16. Just been playing with a clan in Financial 4. I have now left them.. They were deliberately dethreating and talking about it in our group chat. What has APB come to? Im trying to get my rank up! Constantly! I get put in games with these dudes and they dont play. So I get right in there and get shot up to fuck! Then its back to bronze for me! Guy said to me hes not coming to play because I am dethreating! I was like ftw dude. He said you cant be 219 and bronze! I was like maybe I would get up in rank if people like you came and played the actual match instead of sitting back waiting for the guaranteed win. Threat segregated districts in a total joke. It need to be removed right now. All they have to do is turn off the labels next tot he district selection and its sorted. Golds complain they cant get a game in gold. If there were no threat related districts people woudnt dethreat and things would automatically even out.
  17. dethreaters are rife today as well in EU. Amazing how many people are running in not shooting and dying.. All golds.
  18. what i find the most frustrating is when people just out of high speed cars and they are suddenly well back from the position they should be at.. Seems like an obvious exploit.
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