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Everything posted by Seedy

  1. Seedy

    server down

    im going to add this as my sig
  2. Seedy

    server down

    the king is dead.. long live the king
  3. Seedy

    server down

    was doing well as well.. Citadel is dead..
  4. haters gona hate.. People who are having a good time are in game.
  5. well im having fun. I have no issues with lag or anything
  6. So ive been having some great fun in APB. Feels just like when I used to play back in the day. Big thanks to LO for buying APB over. If I knew where @MattScott 's office was, I would send him some goodies like cakes and maybe a bottle of Scotch Whiskey (as I am from Scotland and this is where the good stuff comes from! Not that pish you all drink over there in america) Thanks again LO. You have saved APB for me and for thousands of other stupidly mega fans like me
  7. @Regenance things are moving good bud.. If you can do better get your million pounds out, buy the game from LO and DO IT YOUR SELF!
  8. CHEATER! HACKER.. where can I got one though just for experimental purposes ?
  9. I paid 200$ for my monitor I'm not putting tape on it. why would you buy such a cheapo monitor to play APB? You need a decent rig to play this game bud
  10. little bit of tape right in the middle of the screen there.. its not against any TOS or anything!
  11. Griefing is a crap part of APB but it is also APB. It cant be removed and will not be cured. The game is after all, a city that has been taken over by rowdy criminals and enforcers who are a law un to then selves. The game is not always about the mission you are on. It is about the atmosphere of San Paro. Take out the griefing, take out the lame patootie AI as was suggested in another thread and the game will be boring as shit. I know poeple are complaining about griefing such as people crashing in to you when you are on route to a mission. How many times have you done it your self? If you say never then your bullshiting.
  12. 1 minute 11 in.. Guy says "didnt think it was going to be this AIDS tonight".. that bigfarger needs to leave the house and try to find a girlfriend. What a stain on humanity. Glad these muppets are getting serial griefed.
  13. my new sig should be this... Dude your right.
  14. cheaters are like my dogs farts when he is sitting under my desk.. Im like "FFS man wtf you little prick!".. then 2 minutes later its gone never to be sniffed again.
  15. that seems to be the way people around here like it though. Toxic to the very very end. There are some really good guys and gals around here but one bad apple spoils the whole damn bunch (to quote Axle Rose). APB was made to be a community game for fun. Not to drive people to the edge of sanity and then.. some little toxic wanker (anonymously) pushes a wee bit more.
  16. if you dont post cookie I will be disappointing!
  17. unfortunately this is pretty much it in a nutshell. I too really want APB and LO to succeed with the game. People who are always toxic here on the forum and in game towards others need to GTF right off the case. If they dont like whats going on then leave LO to do what they need to do to help APB.
  18. I mean, he isn't wrong though. The guy has supposedly been around forever yet still makes some of the weirdest/newbiest posts I've seen on this board over those years. And at an oddly high ratio. got it from the market place my hero! Ill start tomorrow.. Dont want to get in there too quick
  19. Got to love the people out there... Maybe just get in a few games with minimal toys and rank player? I am positive that we all want LO people to come play with us. Dont be disgruntled by this Matt.. We all (or at least 99.999% of us ) know you mean well. APB community has always has scum toxic arseholes. They will always try to bring the rest of us down at every turn.
  20. Just for you, I WILL create a dumb post every 2 days
  21. i hope this is a counter troll post just for kicks!
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