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Everything posted by Seedy

  1. APB took $100,000,000 to make (but im sure this also was spent on Project MyWorld by RTW). I was told face to face by a dev at RTW that G1 purchased the IP for APB for $500,000. I live pretty much 2 miles from the old RTW offices in Dundee. Used to go out drinking with the RTW devs and I was the wedding photographer for the lead Artist (who also told me before the game was announced as purchased who purchased it which I announced on my own APB Forums prior to G1s announcement back in 2010). The good old days (may return with LO)
  2. what is the spec of the current servers?
  3. would be very interesting to know what LO paid. I would think though that the monthly fees/costs for APB is probably not that far from the price they paid in total.. G1 got the IP for £500k if i remember correctly. they have surely milked that super dry and made a shit load more money than they paid so making a profit from APB, if purchased for very little would look like too much of an uphill struggle. I would say the community is priceless though Also I get that LO own the game servers we use, so they are not paying a rental fee. But they will still have to rent a space in a data centre. If you consider that you your self can rent a very decent gaming server for around £30 per month, how much do you think it costs to rent space in a datacentre for servers that have a concurrent user base of less than 3000 people? Now they I come to think of it, I dont get why APB doesn't have amazingly good servers if they are not super expensive to rent?
  4. i would say all of your points are probably valid.. ill have to check my mouse
  5. could take a while to work out what was replaced with boner. whos going to start guessing?
  6. i had no issues at all today.. no lag, no stuttering or anything bad
  7. from what I have seen, golds are mostly playing in Bronze districts, not silver. When I join a silver district it is mostly populated with silvers (shock horror)
  8. yes but it will put you in a district according to your threat level
  9. If there was no indication of rank before people joined a district then everyone would be on a level playing field. Golds would not be able to farm Green and bronzes for cash because they wouldn't know who was in the district prior to joining. Isn't this how it used to be in RTW times? I think that rank should be ONLY shown once a match is over in the final score board. Why do we have segregated districts anyway? Its a target for farming! G1 were clueless game sellers; NOT (prior to taking on APB) game designers, or producers - please LO fix this horrible sick and twisted mess! I also used to think it was very cool when a high ranked player came to a district and it was announced to the district at the top of the UI. This is something that should also be reintroduced (or simply turned back on!) becuase APB was built to make the top 1% of players feel that they were there for a reason. They were the very best! Being Gold is an achievement that a player should be proud of and should only be achievable my the seriously upper skilled players (the top 1%). Showing the whole player base that there is a place where, when you get allot better than a specific group of players, you can go and farm them for extra rewards as is happening across the board right now, is seriously toxic and needs to be removed as soon as possible!
  10. Bronze Farmers are out in force today.. Is there any real point in playing APB in a bronze district? I would be as well playing in Gold District. I think I will run in to less golds there. My team of bronzes just got steamrolled in two matches by the same set of 3 golds in bronze district. Last match, none of us got a kill and the gold went around 9 kills to 0 deaths for all of them.. There was also one green in our team. Must have really enjoyed him/her self. How can anyone get back to being silver or gold if every match in a bronze district is never against people of your own or slightly higher level?
  11. Ingame Name : Seedy Time played : since RTW times (around 700 hours in game i think ) Country : Scotland Why do you wish to join ? : looking for people to play with for a few hours a week on a not so serious level.
  12. this level of communications is really annoying.. I cant take this level of feedback from the guy that owns the company! You need to stop posting so much good stuff! Your not fooling me or anyone here! (please post more info asap )
  13. vote is pointless as most people never read the forum
  14. fight club was always bullshoot. RTW never made fightclub. G1 made it to farm money from people. Its wank and must be put to death asap.
  15. @MattScott dude your defo on top of things. Kudos to you and your team,.
  16. i would start premium again.. Not paid a bean since 2014 when TIGGS banned me from the forums.. I will start premium soon when things change for the better..
  17. people are going to have to stop posting stuff like this. I am spoilt fore choice for my new sig now i need to play tonight.. Server better be working like its fukin 1999 baby! Wait erm.. no nm..
  18. i enjoy going to silver districts. there are less golds there than in bronze districts. i think ill be silver soon then im going to farm some bronzies (jk obviously)
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