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Everything posted by Seedy

  1. array will start at 0.. i know. I am that array MUAHAHAH!
  2. its been out for a while now (as a paid game).. I dont have time to develop it further right now so ive made it free. I really should make a video of the open world version I have built.. cars, missions, lots of ai etc all built.
  3. Hi all. As you may or may not know, I have been working on a game for a few years called Linx Battle Arena. I built this because I hated what G1 were doing to APB and wanted a game that I am my friends could play together and have fun while not worrying about what Gamers First were going to do to spoil my fun! (Thanks god G1 are now gone! and LO have taken over!) I have made it free to play through Steam. Its a third person shooter you can play with friends or join public lobbies. Any feedback is welcome Download from steam below: LINX BATTLE ARENA Website: https://www.linxbattlearena.com
  4. where are you getting these figures? 90% of players are running some sort of cheat.. lol your delusional buddy. I would say its less than 1%
  5. Annoying I don’t mind that people are better than me. That’s life.. why do golds play in bronze district though. Then once the man ch is over they slag you up for being not as good as them.. i play lay alone all the time and I am pretty rap at apb so I’m bronze just now. Just played against a team of golds.. it’s a mess
  6. didnt know russians had their own server..
  7. Hi all. I would like to see Cyrillic turned off in chat. Reason is the chat is filled with it and its bloody annoying!
  8. My guy has a kilt on all the time. I am from Scotland. People wear kilts here all the time. Its normal.
  9. used to be very common with G1.. Armas is being fixed though i think
  10. Fuckin HACKERS! I stopped playing APB for almost 3 years due to hackers.. I read this just whole thing - another hacker trying to justify his wears. OP why did you blank out the guys name? Its not name and shame if he him self is admitting this is happening. RAGE INDUCING FUCKERS! and.. relax..
  11. fwa ha I nearly fell off my chair there.. + 1. Will read again! I will take your comments and foreach (Sarcasm in Comments) {if (Sarcasm > 1f) {this.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(round the back of someplace * infinity); debug.log("I just wrote some pointless C# for kicks boooya"); } else{ debug.log("WTF SEEDY YO CRAZY PUNK"); } multi talented baby..
  12. I too must +1 this guy. Its like "Hey everyone I tried to play today and got blocked for using a hack. Can anyone help me get back in to the game? After all, I am admitting that I am hacking but through my own ignorance towards hacking and the implications of such things for my own account and the reduced enjoyment of other people I am playing with, I think I deserve help to get back in to the game". if(Ignorance == "YES") { debug.log("the stupidity in this one is strong!"); } else { 1+1=3f; }
  13. i never check the maill.. I had hundreds of emails with guns. Ill check the date next time i play (if i remember to check my mail )
  14. i think this also would be fine.. name and shame can go the wrong quickly.. Alonso will be back. its obvious hes pissed off but hes addicted like the rest of us. We all want whats best for our beloved game but we cant all get what we want. He does have some very valid points though abotu new districts etc.. The district in my game took me 2 years to build and its only around half the size of Waterfront. A new district isnt coming anytime in the nxt at least 2 years..
  15. Please add Facepalm to the list of like button things to the bottom right of each post.. Everyone else seems to be asking for stupid shit so this is mine
  16. +1 im on that train also and I can vouch for this intellectuals point of view. it may however make it more easy to handle.
  17. What would you suggest? how is the game supposed to make the company money if they do not make things NOT free.
  18. yea seeing these "CAN YOU PLEASE FIX THIS NOW" posts is getting beyond a joke. People need to just get a grip and wait till the priority work is done then maybe LO can fix the very much less important stuff like languages and all this very NOT important stuff! Shit please give them time to fix the important stuff like LAG, SERVERS AND SO ON! People need to really get a serious grip of them selves..
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