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Everything posted by Seedy

  1. Just made a brand new character so I started at level 9. very fist game I got teamed up with 2 golds and played against 3 other golds rank 151, 170, 230. This was THE VERY FIRST GAME WITH MY NEW CHARACTER! The team took all of the people on my team for 11 kills to 2 deaths each. That was 11 death for us EACH and 2 death for them each. BTW I told my team this was a new character for me. I think both of there ranks was sub 50 and they were both gold? Fair? This must feel really great for new players. quick ninja edit! Think ill go send over all my good mods and upgrades to my new guy and play with noobs/reroles. See how I get on.
  2. I have been playing since day one RTW times. I also used to be gold but now I play alone so do not get the chance to team up regularly with a team which most gold are doing and rolling people like me who play alone. A deliberate strategy by them.
  3. I keep floating between bronze and silver (mostly bronze).. when ever i get to silver I pretty much immediately get made to play against 255 rank GOLDS! WTF IS THIS SHIT! Then they tell me im a shit noob when THEY are constantly playing in bronze districts. These pricks really need to be completely banned from bronze district. I had a 1v1 there v a 255 rank GOLD when I was JUST MADE silver. As soon as he killed me im was right back to bronze. Why was I even considered to play against this person? This was in a BRONZE district. Really disappointing. I think im going to hold off spending more money on APB for now. The game might be hacker free pretty much but the amount of people who are deliberately ruining the game by playing in districts then simply should not ever be allow in is epidemic.
  4. im driving down the road.. la la la.. listening to the tunes.. next thing.. spawned in new /d . right on top of another car.. dead or thrown right the fuck up in the air like we used to exploit for youtube videos.. Hey we might even get back up the the PCs and stuff on the top of that roof!
  5. i dont think props etc are important.. they are just decoration (although they need to be there to keep the /d looking like its alive). I think we will just need to see what you have in store. the way i see it is if you have a full district (50v50), to boost the backup from another /D will it be possible to have more than 50 v 50 at a given point? Lets say we are in a /d with 48 v 48 and we call backup, will we then be able to drag in 4 other people which will then make it a 104 person /d (if each side gets 4 extra). if this is th case, what if everyone stays? The district could end up with more and ,more people depending on backup called and the mission the player is on.
  6. from look at my cool tattoo (very cool btw) to hijacked about cheating.. well done you guys are the greatest! Heres the thing...
  7. This. Pls support I support this - just remove the visual threat and make all /D not threat specific
  8. Welcome back.. This too was my story. Im back and playing right now and loving APB. The servers are running great, there are no cheaters and LO are steering the ship in the right direction. As a bonus as well, the forum is actually a reasonably pleasant place to be now. I got banned from the forum back in 2014 for letting my feeling be known about the state of APB but lurked around here (and occasionally installed, played, rage quited APB after being quickly rolled by cheaters) until my posting privs were reinstated by the good people of LittleOrbit.. You will not regret coming back to our glorious game.
  9. i remember years ago standing listening to two people arguing about something.. Cant remember what it was though. It was behind a closed door. Must have lasted for about 10 minutes. Im going to go play and screenshot the exact door Here we go
  10. keeping APB alive for the time they did.. It was only a matter of time before someone came along and took the reigns. G1 was the guy that applied the CPR only for the chance that they would get a reward after the revival.. I hope the reward was slight. LO IS our new overlords and I am going to pile money (infact ive already started, new guns baby! perm across my account!) APB FTW. The servers are running very well, I dont see hackers, the Hack Sites are even saying they are not selling hacks now. This never happened when G1 was on the go. EVER. LO FTW.
  11. I agree with this - the forum has been like this for years but I think the forum will improve as LO gain more confidence from the community. The King is Dead. Long Live the King!
  12. yea i was drunk last night.. Cant remember much from around 7pm GMT onwards.
  13. if it was done on the fly then i see no issue. As long as it was seamless.
  14. Hey all. I am unsure how this will work but one thing I do know, if it works like it does in GTA Online where, when you get matched up with people, the game has to load you all in to a game and then you play on. When the game is over you all get loaded back in to some random district and you game on. I really hate how this works as it completely removes continuity from the game. Is APB going to have this as Matt said that we will have cross /d matchmaking. I really hope not! Please feel free to pipe in with your comments.
  15. i think we are going to get some fan daby dozee soon
  16. im sure you used to be able to jump at fences then climb them..
  17. great idea though.. Everyone always APB is pay to win. Stick EVERYTHING ON ARMAS! now we have pay to win. Simple.
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