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Everything posted by Seedy

  1. he he.. people gona ask for some dumb shit.. Its APB baby
  2. Soooo.. Its pointless having segregated districts now. they would be as well removing the badges from the districts. Golds play in Bronze all the time so the badges dont mean shit these days. I preferred having no district badges. When you got a game V better players you tried harder then respected the players you played against. When the player better than you got the upper hand and kicked patootie, they still GGed you in /d Remember when a high prestige player entered /d Its was something to strive for. Bring it all back @MattScott Have a look at the history of APB and see what we want back. Cheers Seedy
  3. so many opportunities for new sigs here.. please keep them coming!
  4. 43 posts.. 41 of which ask for free premium. Quality community member right fuckin there!
  5. in RTW times, no premium ment no playing. There was no free game model with them. Probably the best way.. lol right enough. i think i recall someone from the dev team telling the forum that..
  6. fowa fiddy! digidy! G1 had no experience building games - they were a publisher and not much else. LO make games and publish. I have confidence in LO.
  7. youuuuuuuu stop it im not supporting this comment but it did make me chuckle if its make or break, and LO need to sell up im first in the queu for the IP. Ill put it back up and we can all play for freemium
  8. would probably be best to close down empty servers so that this cant happen. I remember doing allot of ramrading and the fuzz would be on my tail! Was great fun!
  9. true. perma centre dot would be a good option
  10. Some monitors have built in crosshairs. Are they going to ban specific monitor types? See Acer monitors. And ASUS (cant find acer screenie) https://www.asus.com/Microsite/No1-Gaming-Monitor-Brand/GamePlus/ Ninja Edit BAN THE HEATHEN!
  11. this as well. I think this would change allot of peoples perception of APB.
  12. yea thats cool.. I think I recall soeone saying they were trying to reduce the download size so I can only assume that the not so needed (in some bawbags opinion) sounds etc were binned. Shame really. Would be good to just go back to all these things and have a polished APB RTW style.
  13. didnt revomag remove that when he turned everything blue? I remember when he released his "new" shaders and it was just wrong.. Everything suddenly turned blue and dark.. Or maybe it was just me.
  14. just read a thread about 50 v 50.. I think I should have made it pick 3 things.. Which I am gong to do (quick topic edit) I want 50 v 50 /d as well.. yea that would be reallycool. I bet LO could even stick some in Armas and make some coin off it. Dont see why a particle effect woild cause issues anyway. Another thing removed from G1 when they didnt know what they were doing in the first place
  15. Quick boot up the rankings.. I will be adding to this soon. If your interested in playing after 6pm GMT, hook me up in game or add me IGN: SEEDY I work most days but have a couple of hours most nights to have a few games.
  16. you would not get the mag out. It is an AK styled body. The clip holding the mag in is at the front of the mag well so the mag needs to move forward (in the case of the view you see, rotate anti clockwise from the bottom) to release the mag. Plus when putting the mag back in it needs to be hooked under the clip then rotated back the way. The mag would neither come out from that position, nor could you put a new one in if the mag was not there. Although the foregrip can be moved forward on the 22mm rail no problem. Just incae you were asking
  17. yea i think ill turn off the chat.. Not too keen on fightclub. Its tooooo crazy for my liking. Also Im far to casual now to commit to getting in a crew, clan or any type of dedicated group.
  18. I have been playing EU server for a couple of days.. Not played for a few months. I never see any English language chat at all now? Its all Russian talk. Quite frustrating.
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