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Everything posted by Seedy

  1. cant you ingame email the items to your other account? btw I didnt read any of the others posts so if this has been said then..
  2. wait.. someone ISNT paying attention? WTF! 3.5 screenshots or it didnt happen!
  3. been wondering this same exact thing.. Where are the new high res images of these things? I mean with anti shake and the new seriously good low light lenses and apertures, where are the non shaky, decently lit videos? This deserves its own thread.
  4. that pausebreak is the best tip i have had this week cheers
  5. ha ha man hey sorry didnt mean to get you out there spending dolla! I upgraded the shit out of my system back in 2010 to play APB and im not shitting you I have added nothing since then! I honestly have no fuckin clue what i have right now in my system.. Its an i7 some thing or other and 16 gig of ddr3.. and a shit hot at the time graphics card! Its still handing everything even now!
  6. hey man you know the script. you play it to so us nerds need to stick together.
  7. we have all been there.. with APB and in life. You just got to crack on and say fuck this shit im playing on. If you dont you would be as well selling your PC and going to live in a cave by your self with an 80s nudy mag and some toilet role. Just saying..
  8. he he I knew you would say that.. thats why i did it. Chill dude its just a bit of fun. oooooh 2 nerves touched.. man I am on a roll tonight! he he..
  9. I never get lag. The game is 100% playable. Just because your game is not playable doesnt mean the majority of the game is fucked up or anything. Get a better connection and PC. Yes you will say I HAVE A GREAT PC AND SOMETHING LIKE 300MEG INTERNET.,. but in reality you live in the sticks with a commodor 64. Game is fine. If it wasnt why are there so many people online right now having no issues? Me included. RTW deliberatly made a shit working game so that 10 years later people will still complain about it. No.
  10. where are you getting this info ?
  11. i want the old one back too. New one is pointless. Time wasted by G1 when.. well you know the rest.
  12. this is the only answer that needs to be in this thread and everyone should just vote this up. This is 100% true.
  13. You know what, you do listen to us and I can not thank you enough for that. Thanks man. Im going to buy stuff today! Onwards and Upwards I think RIOT should be an occasional thing and as you work on changing aspects of the mode you can tell us what you have done and then let us all play it. If you come up with something fabulous, i am 100% confident that we will all want to play it and ask for it all to be kept live on a full time basis. Just by thoughts on moving forward with it. Merged. hey man I read your post. This is like turf wars if i am not mistaken which we have been talking about since RTW day. If @MattScott did this I am sure we would get right in to it with open arms. The community pretty much as a whole have spoke about this and wanted it at some point.
  14. 50% off a free game is still free im afraid.
  16. this is probably the best solution i have seen. Great idea. Do RIOT missions if your pledged to the specific guy
  17. Look we have RIOT that no one really asked for and LO have had APB for a year now. BUT APB IS FUCKING HUGE and not an easy thing to handle! I support the efforts Matt and his team are putting in and I will be here to support them with general praise and occasional cash purchases. Good Job LO. Riot is not for me but I am sure if you continue with it people may like it. If it wasnt for Matt Scott and his crew I would not be playing APB right now. I left this shit storm behind when I got banned by that rank SHITHEAD! Tiggs a few years ago but when Matt and his crew came along I was back to play the best game ever! And Im still here. And YES I have used the word AND at the start of two sentences there but they are in context so fuck it! Long live the King!
  18. APB2 would be great but LO wont be able to make it. Took RTW 400 people, $100,000,000 and 4 years to make the game we have. Although I would love to see APB 2. btw i just voted no.2
  19. you dont honestly believe this will make a single bit of difference do you?
  20. i was told by one of the devs I know personally (i was his wedding photographer) that the every building in all maps are unique - there are no duplicated buildings at all in APB.
  21. this is very true. I dont want them to be on the back foot when it comes to telling us about new stuff but im not keen on them bringing new stuff to the game without asking use what we would like. RIOT is not that bad but it isnt that good either and i dont think it will get any better unfortunately. If it were to be turned in to an occasional event then i think it would be better. They can work on it in the background, add new elements to it and send it out to us. If we had a larger community it would work better but right now we dont. I also dont think the community is going to get huge any time soon. Also, more importantly, @AsgerLund Chinese curries are probably most popular here in the UK so this is why i used it as an example
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