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Everything posted by Seedy

  1. so many open letters - your putting the postal service out of business! An open letter to this that and the next boring shit thing.
  2. i think this will be fun! Looking forward to it (trolls and sooth sayers ignored)
  3. so do you think that LO are doing nothing? If so what do you suggest? BTW I pretty much NEVER see cheaters - maybe 1 out of a thousands players I play against I think, there is something wrong with this guy. I have used report 1 time in my whole time playing APB. Now looking back on it though, I think I was probably wrong to do so and I should have maybe just played much harder as I played against the same people again a couple of rounds later and pissed on the guy who I had reported. I reported him as he seemed to be pre firing when I was getting to corners as if he knew i was there before I got there. I ended up putting it down to Lag in my opinion. Again what do you suggest?
  4. hey if my game drops 10 fps no worries.. I get 100 fps consistently anyway. I think putting it back up to 50 v 50 will make the districts more dynamic and more alive. PLus there will of course be benefits to the amount of people in a instance. BTW I dont hate you
  5. i think G1 did it to make it look like there were more sever instances to play on.. Which of course, if this is the case, was a stupid idea. 50 v 50 were much more fun. I think anyone who has not experienced them is really missing out. I think if LO and @MattScottwere to put up a couple of 50 v 50 districts and see the impact they would never go back to the 40 v 40. 40 v 40 made no difference in performance and by the time they were implemented, GamersFirst were starting to stop caring about the game anyway. Probably a reason why they never put them back to 50 v 50. It is worth a try. All you need to do is up the limit and announce it. Will take what.. less than 5 minutes to set up?
  6. not chaos. APB used to have 50 v 50 as standard
  7. why not give the dethreaters a dunce hat like in GTA. Then they are not being name and shamed but simply being shown that they are not playing by the rules in game
  8. Hey @MattScott would it be possible to turn on a 50 v 50 district on a temporary basis? There are more than enough people on EU to fill and test this out (dont know about NA servers though). You have new servers etc and the performance of the servers when the game was changed to 40 v 40 didnt get any better so adding at least 1 server with 50 v 50 might be a good test. Just a thought.
  9. i didnt know you can report people specifically for dethreating, and you are right: It should be an offence that gets people completely removed from the game. New people will constantly be leaving because of this. They WILL think people are cheating and never return. Its obvious they will also tell people they were right to call apb a hacker infested game as this is the exact impression it gives new players. Merged. this happened in EU server at around 3pm saturday. There were around 6 full districts. No reason what so ever to be in bronze.
  10. this i too am quite high rank (223 or something) but I am very low average skill player. I have been silver for months but spent most of the start of the year as a bronze.
  11. new image with names removed. 3 in a group - 2 gold 1 silver (this was one of the groups - it is the ranks of the players though that is concerning as the other players in my group were sub 60 ranked). You can see the group name but I will assume it isnt identifying anyone directly.
  12. wait wtf. Why was my image post removed? If these people are doing nothing wrong then this is not name and shame. If its acceptable then what is the issue with the image?
  13. no worries. group of 4 golds in same team? There were no other colours.
  14. Just jumped in to a district (bronze). Played 3 matches. All against teams of full Gold. Infact 2 of the golds in the last game were ranked 255 Golds. Nice. When is this bullshlt going to be sorted out? Think Ill pass on APB today.
  15. some guy yesterday said he was reporting me. I was like to my self "shit im actually getting better now!" i took it as a compliment.
  16. ah right i dont think you can do that. The items inside may be emailable when you get them to your characters email in box in game but im not 100% sure.
  17. you really stuck the knife in there man.. Meanwhile on EU servers 6 full districts and 3 semi full. plus 150 in 1 social and 80 in the other. Also I very very rarely see anyone i think is cheating now. even if i do think so i can probably put it down to me not playing hard enough so i dismiss my own speculation.
  18. im sure I used to remove fog but I cant remember how I did it. this was many many years ago. My game runs smooth as butter 99% of the time on full right now though - I built my rig back in 2010 specifically to play APB. I did like the look of the no fog though but im sure it made everything too dark at night or in carparks under ground. I do think though that adjusting the configs to show outlines like borderlands, removing the smoke from grenades etc is cheating. Using the latest hacks though from those paid sites it fine though. I think someone should go buy it and let us see how they get on Disclaimer: Buying cheats will get you banned. I d not endorse the purchase of cheats. If you buy one after reading this recommendation, you my friend are and always will be, a muppet.
  19. where are the HD photos and 4K videos? In this modern day and age, we dont have shaky cameras, grainy film (ISO settings as such) so why isnt big foot in full view just looking and doing nothing. Why do we not see that UFO in all its glory? Come on alien species. There has to be more to you that a revolving set of lights!
  20. the person who made this is a genius.
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