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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I have a complaint........ no crabby pattys in this pic.... lol
  2. no cars no civilians kinda creepy to be there at night like that
  3. Fortune Runner


    If that's toxic then I'd have to call birthday party's wacko nut job conventions *shrugs*
  4. that was a different thread which means this thread is over then
  5. Exactly why you're their new Senpai See you have it going on
  6. that was oddly random Who else can teach these bums how to cook for themselves? What better way to get them to fit in. Just no kumbaya singing please when everyone meets up lol
  7. If you know how to fish , BBQ , and to teach these guys how to cook stuff camping style or even street vendor style then it don't matter if you fit in it matters if you show them how they don't fit in especially with how public schools don't teach crud now a days lol
  8. Does citadel have any good street food? I don't want to move there just to be hungry I mean even the tasty burger door is stuck so I cant go inside. I still need to update APB then I'll log on and check Jericho hopefully its fine now
  9. uh no..... by far the worst idea I've ever heard on pay methods
  10. Assuming that you also know the engine upgrade is needed for optimization Little Orbit is working on the engine upgrade and other things that need to be fixed as well And after that upgrade is completed then APB can finally be optimized for today. G1 kept ignoring it and now Little Orbit has been doing all the work. Give them time please they have only been here a few months and the engine upgrade is no small task.
  11. No idea what this thread is about anymore
  12. 1. Battleeye - yes working 2. Armas weapon is showstopper - ref a friend is no 3. engine upgrade - unknown date but working on it.
  13. By deeds we are known.... So yes it is valid as evidence on your character (although you are attempting to twist my words there some) Any court of law would use that to show character witness And by how a court would show character witness this would be 6 years and you didn't care until now *shrugs* As for your topic of the game being dead - its not we still play it and there more players than there used to be but many went back to school and college at the moment as well. And for the comment on how Little Orbit did not listen to the community..... yes they did its why they started rebalancing the guns. Little Orbit is working on APB and they've done good work so far sure they make mistakes now and then but they didn't give up on it like G1 did they kept working on things and they still are.
  14. Wait its real? I thought he was joking lol
  15. whats the 4th world? the moon? weird otaku anime pillow marrying freaks?
  16. On a different thread it was suggested to debundle everything and offer discounts for bundles (reworked prices of course to balance income for Little Orbit) and to also make sure stuff already owned was taken out of the price properly similar to how blizzard does this. edit : p.s. I don't expect you to find one single post in a thread somewhere in this haystack so I posted that here for you to share info with you.
  17. wow write a book !!!! you sound good at it !!!
  18. Wouldn't that be a 2nd world server and not a 3rd world from it being Europe? How does the world title thing work anyways I'm not sure.
  19. leaving aside the fact that low yields are unlocked though rank progression and not from using grenades, low yields were never intended to replace frags - that defeats the purpose of having multiple weapons Forgot about rank unlock on them thanks Still though some guns are unlocked by different methods as well but its still an unlock earned I pretty much see any grenade being used regularly but that orange stun one the enforcers have which is why I just don't see it this way like you guys do
  20. yeah I can and it's a nightmare to think of that around the jumps around the districts.... gotta get that air !!!!
  21. I use it as well as discord at the same time.
  22. An ntec with mods is an upgrade earned from an ntec being used and to unlock the grenades you have to use them enough *shrugs* It looks like the same thing to me , just an upgrade unlocked
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