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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Any ideas for what they can use or do? I wouldn't know.
  2. Correction : I will be using a shotgun soon but in the testing grounds to help Edit : Still prefer other guns though. Testing what I own and other guns I prefer since its what I normally use
  3. if you read the announcements and still think there's no spaghetti coding for them to fix then you're not eating spaghetti you're eating worms
  4. If voice goes down and nobody hears it was anyone really there?
  5. It feels like someone stole my candy lol
  6. Our life was a lie all along The cake is a lie , yours sounds like a joke played on you and mine is a potato spud....needs butter
  7. No new player enjoyment - explain what you mean please. Hacking - have not seen any on Jericho since BattleEye hear there is on Citadel but unknown to me Toxic player base - not as bad as it used to be on Jericho since Battleeye took over and people quit doing witch hunts Server lag - they are working on it but it takes time. between DDoS attacks , mitigation causing strain , the engine causing strain , ping from various team members and whatever else , it takes time to fix. Players get rolled into fighting experienced players = match making which they are working on. Programing takes time. Opinion on hacking - Once again on Jericho have not seen any since BattleEye but no idea on Citadel I do not currently play there. I have however witnessed plenty of greens bronzes and silvers who have not played long claim a silver or gold was cheating when the one accused simply blew up a car and/or knew the map from years of playing last paragraph I do not understand well enough to comment please explain more
  8. This is one of the worst ideas I have seen in a long time The APB coding is none of your business and only someone who either is admin who needs access to the server to update it , or hackers who want our info would need this coding. Also it was announced new content comes AFTER the engine upgrade so that it is easier to do rather than try to do it with this spaghetti coding which is making the updated engine difficult to begin with. Seriously do you guys making these "new content needed" threads even read up on all the announcements?
  9. No I do not use shotguns..... The last time I used a shotgun was 2 months ago I have more fun with other weapons and staying out past 30m away so that their shotguns mean about nothing
  10. There are numerous threads on this already...... Many many MANY threads and posts. Give it time.
  11. I suspect its a bot program spamming them out. I do not believe people alone can stop the spammer account alone. Using multiple ways together can limit its annoyance though.
  12. There was an exploit in Armas gifting. When everything is fixed and /or better they will update us.
  13. A few of us like BXNNXD , CookiePuss , and myself talk a lot on the forums. Some of it important and some of it sociable. Limiting posts I don't feel comfortable with but limiting topics and a time limit on posts , like a spam guard so they cant be one second after another would be good.
  14. Title : really? Topic : what is real ? Reply : Your pic is creepy and disturbing as @#$% STILL ROFL
  15. Was it an accident or is it intentional?
  16. I meant that as in listen to the community. They did .....the community said to rebalance the guns so they are rebalancing the guns *shrugs*
  17. if you think its that easy then try it against golds *shrugs*
  18. Change / Buy a gun takes to much time. I would prefer if the Vegas and the Han Veo would get even a higher Nerf in speed and acceleration. Maybe even make a car with an item or a VIP (inside or on the roof) more vulnerable A lease is for a few days and unless its someone who doesn't play often then there's no real reason not to have one for those missions. Finding it in a mess of guns and equipping it might take a minute but its not ops job to make it easy for anyone *shrugs* Sure its annoying when some run just to troll but its your responsibility for your points as well. It's just how it goes when there's work to do *shrugs* I mean for the armored car mission you'll need it anyways so .....
  19. I wonder if this is worth adding to the game
  20. Is this a gun you guys would want in game? sorry I'm curious about it.
  21. Elaborate please about this weapon There is much I do not remember about this gun Stats , why did it get reported for deletion , whatever else on this as well.
  22. I completely forgot to comment on this rofl See what happens when someone gets me drunk They've done a lot to help and sure they made a mistake with this shotgun update but they also acknowledged it and are working on things for this and other parts of APB. Hopefully the engine update is soon so that we can fix the rest of what ails us.
  23. Fortune Runner

    Diamond threat

    please stop repeating threads there must be 7 or more this past month alone......
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