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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Nice sunny weather here If it wasn't the fires cooking the internet the past month its the lightning over here sigh Cant believe i am ready for winter to come since that's when there's no storms or fires..... Hope it doesn't freeze the lines tearing them up then as well since that would clearly suck
  2. This thread is still a thing huh? Revert all changes? The guns were less balanced but yet still far worse and easier to exploit..... The cars were changed on hp so that they would not be tinfoil..... some were so slow you could not drive uphill much if at all..... that was a nightmare New cars new mods and new guns were added which makes gameplay more versatile and interesting rather than the same boring things Spawn points were worked on but not completely fixed but they were completely horrible and people were spawn killed repeatedly before (so many quit from that in a pure hatred and rightfully so) New clothing has been added over and over which means by what this thread is about to remove that as well.... This thread would also mean no deployable mods anymore.... So what gameplay is left if we do this "radical idea" ??? Sounds pretty damn boring to me and I am quite certain removing content for any game will make it dull and boring to where the game would die.... I want you to die in my crosshairs not APB You guys don't like the changes for various reasons ? The changes benefited us all. Edit : I told it like it is and was down voted for it lol Only shows the ones on this thread wanting to throw stuff out are noobs who have no clue I wouldn't ever want to make APB worse intentionally but the ones who are saying remove this or remove that apparently don't care about APB and only want it easier for themselves from selfishness.
  3. No it should not be segregated at all it is why we lost so many players to begin with. We would easily have thousands more of players who left from this to begin with. Matchmaking needs to be reworked and districts need to be reworked and rebuilt as well to handle a few hundred people at once instead of small amounts but this is clearly no easy task and needs an engine upgrade to do this properly. And of course graphics updated to modern times matter as well. Little Orbit is already getting on all of this in the proper order (and many things not mentioned come in between all of what little I mentioned) but we need to be patient while they work all the problems out
  4. internet is going down all over the U.S.A. from storms mine just came up again
  5. its just that the long time frame for the grind i.e 500hr+ to get to lvl 195 for a newbie is far too discouraging for new players that would like to see progress every hour. To feel that every night they made noticeable efforts to lvl up. I have a lvl 131 and i feel like im wasting my time every night to have no progress whatsoever. I see no downside to halving the grind time to 195 or even 255. Especially when the expectation is that more levels will be added. I think you are mistaken about what is the real problem on getting standing...... It's the golds in bronze otherwise new players as you mentioned would have no problem doing it as well. Small missions will not work however you would want larger ones and preferably with other bronze friends that you work good together with
  6. whr are u getting these 3000-4000 standing From my missions and I am sure others here as well. It is not uncommon.
  7. no and no and this belongs in server clan recruitment you posted in the wrong section
  8. What mission is Creme de la Crime again? I play whatever and shoot at whatever so *shrugs* no idea
  9. Little Orbit has already mentioned how matchmaking and other such core features are being worked on. Please go read the Q & A
  10. It is possible to get 3,000 to 4,000 standing in a single mission..... and you say its hard to get standing? what? Who likes to play a game that is too easy to get things done and not feel any accomplishments for it? It's fine the way it is. p.s. I do that without premium and I'm a high silver low gold so I can honestly say it is not that bad of a grind actually you can do that with a open slot and joker tickets
  11. Doctors practice medicine - it's why they can not be sued so easily. Little Orbit is working on APB in a similar matter - treating symptoms and doing what they can to help It will be ok whenever it is ok Until then eat cookie hes a cookie so nom noms
  12. NOOOOOO DUDE F*CK PEDESTRIAN I ALREADY HIT THEM EVERYTIME INSTEAD OF THE ENEMIES DON'T PUT MORE OF THOSE IDIOTS AROUND PLS agreed however newly made and not the old pedestrians are a whole different matter. new AI new graphics maybe some new feminine features that don't make the girls look like they belong on minecraft
  13. The Br server was shut down from ( what a news article said) 70% to 90% botters and not enough income earned from it. Then they merged their Br players with Jericho and we had to deal with the lag and botting from them. The ping is irrelevant because of the botting they did , or at least the ones who did because not all did I have not seen a single botter since BattleEye was added by Little Orbit which is why I respect Little Orbit so much after they did this and so many other things for us with honest intent for us and the game G1 pretty much only milked and lied to us *shrugs* Sure they added a few things and stuff but in the end we were milked for cash and the major problems were not ever fixed
  14. It will bring us tasty burger that we can actually go into (and a tasty burger bandit outfit - NPC talk) it will bring racing maps it will bring better clothes and cars to kill you with style and motorcycles
  15. unpopular or not I honestly want to collect them all on one char at least just so I have them as a collection.
  16. If people are so concerned with premium and cooldowns then shouldn't you need to learn to be better like golds so cooldowns don't matter at all anymore like it is with the golds? I mean it makes sense right?
  17. Do you even shoot? Arm strength matters get to the gym lol
  18. You came back a week alter for what again? Drugs are bad kids just say no...
  19. Have you read the forum threads on the gun reworkings?
  20. I could of sworn the biggest thing people wanted was a new car and now we have a IO growl from G1 and Little Orbit mentioned they may add one soon as well. Then there's MOTORCYCLES.....and jumping on peoples heads when they ride them ( I hope I hope I really want to jump on their heads if they ride it lol) And also TRENCH COATS are majorly requested..... And then maybe this request comes in next in line of most requested....which Little Orbit has talked about already...
  21. Was the question then I answered The legendary exists in real life as a one handed secondary and was added to APB
  22. Pump action you grab the pump make it go hard upwards then jerk it downwards and its loaded Works great on home invaders in California - if they don't soil themselves the shot you get off will do it for them
  23. buying g1c is cheaper and other things are cheaper on armas as well.
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