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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Any communication post is evidence enough. The community has seen those posts for months and Little Orbit has followed through on what they said they wanted to do. Why repeat evidence that is public knowledge? Everything is already there , the lowering of G1C and price changes of some items as well so they don't milk it out of greed like G1 did. If you refuse what has already happened in front of you what else is there? Nothing anyone can do for you then *shrugs* And one last thing....... you come off as saying Little Orbit is terrible like G1. If that is so then you are clearly in the wrong. Two different existences. Back on topic : APB is not a large scale game and the community wanted gun balance changes and that takes a group effort to do it properly. No one said anyone was obligated to however being upset over what work was not helped on doesn't say much of those who complain saying "APB is dead" just because they want it perfect now. My Grandmother had a saying " If you don't work then you don't eat because it won't take care of itself" She lived on a farm growing up as did most of our family before and after her. She knew either a person cared to do the work or it wouldn't get done. And it had to be done together so that everyone on the farm benefits. Little Orbit knew we were all needed to work together and reached out to us to help on OTW so I went. It was made clear before and after the changes that this was not the final draft , that it is a work in progress. None of what Little Orbit has said and done has intentionally contradicted such as G1 did , and this thread title of " A dead game" is not justified because of shotguns being changed. I've been on APB playing too and shotguns kill me about the same as me killing them so change up your strategy's people *shrugs*
  2. Yes that is sufficiently constructive. Though we never suggested playtime rewards, what was suggested was log-in rewards, and rewards for various tasks completed, not rewarding afk-ers. I do agree that log-in rewards are not exactly given upon accomplishments, but it would bring more players online, as well as give them the encouragement to play since bigger rewards will be awaiting them as they complete tasks. And most of those that come online for the login rewards will probably stay, thinking “well, I logged in, might as well play for a bit”. That’s my opinion though, and you’re more than welcome to oppose and provide reasons why/better ideas. Daily log ons work great for Warframe the community there trys hard to be on daily because of it and if there is a way to do that here then I am for it. On warframe one of the rewards after 450 says of logging o was a mod that is hard to come by unless the trader has it. If they had a mod that was by armas but also a daily log on after a long time then id be willing to log on for it as well. Not that the current APB could handle something like that currently , but just an idea for a possible future of daily log ons working.
  3. I do not believe this opinion of yours to be true nor have I ever seen a reason for this to be true. Not saying you are wrong but I am saying I did not see this the same way so *shrugs* What I do recall off the top of my head is G1 milked us while Little Orbit actually cares about the game about us and about playing. They've already shown this. Little Orbit seen many things wrong and put boots on the ground to clean it up. They changed pricing and now they're working on guns. Many other things as well. There's already a thread ( or a few now) on all of that I don't believe it would be good to go over all of that here as well. Back to the topic thread : The title says "a dead game " from someone who claims to care but only posted 5 times and 4 of which are on this thread. I truly believe this is just a troll complaining rather than caring about the game , about us people in the community , and about Little Orbit who came in because they do care to begin with. If a wall needs to be removed and a T.V mount taken off the wall so that a new foundation wall can be built to support it all better then why not? I'd want a bigger T.V. mounted anyways. To clarify : can't add more guns without rebalancing what is too broken already and needs to be done. New content is clearly needed and it would be hard to add that until after weapons are rebalanced or you would see how bad it really could be so they are taking care of it now which makes sense. Not that I am saying to add new content now but it is needed and preparing for it is not a bad thing to do. It has to be done sometime so why not now? *shrugs* Then after the engine upgrade and other things needed to be dealt with first new content can be added without total chaos being guaranteed. If anyone wants to complain when they did not help in OTW then aren't they partially to blame for any rough waters with the rebalancing? It looks like to me that too many are focusing on the small part of the game and what Little Orbit is doing on it rather than the big picture. And the big picture is Little Orbit is the new owners who invested in all of us and is here for the long haul so they are tackling it all so that it can grow later.
  4. Fortune Runner

    PVE Mode

    Yeah that threw me off too. Something new in social like this may help
  5. But I do need a new car to run you over with......
  6. I still play just not lately so do a few clan mates of mine who started college again. Sure the numbers are not high but there are more than it shows.
  7. I did not know for certain if you did or not and i should of worded that better. My apologies. It was meant to clear up anything for anyone and not meant to be worded to point fingers harshly.
  8. I do like rewards and events but rereading this made me wonder if people are assuming we are "entitled" just because it's a little rough right now. I do not believe we are entitled to anything however a REASONABLE daily log on bonus would be a good idea for various reasons including public relations.
  9. Well that doesn’t change the fact that I still get matched with golds that will tear me up even though I’m a gold myself. And no, that’s not because of the low player count, it has always been that way. So I don’t know what this magical ‘hidden’ ELO of yours is exactly, but it doesn’t work as intended even if it exists. Look I've seen how anyone who said otherwise is down voted for not agreeing with you so I'll try to get through to you. It is a flipping bad idea just like flipping burgers is a bad idea for a career choice. The only thing that would do is nothing to fix the problem with matchmaking and only make you feel better about your self like visiting a doctor for a placebo pill that does absolutely nothing beneficial for you. Arguing with them over how "if it exists" only shows you have no clue whatsoever and need to back up and learn from others who do have knowledge to share. Little Orbit is working on matchmaking which is the real problem , not your favorite colors which will not ever fix the matchmaking problem which is matchmaking itself..... They'll be done when they are done computer programing and code error checking can not be done overnight so just be patient and ride it out like the rest of us are.
  10. I like the thought of daily log ons and joker tickets etc or even a team kill event but also a pack of 10 consumable mods like med spray or mobile shields would be nice as well for a log on reward. Playing missions all day and I can still not get many even back when I had premium activated so something like this would help new players as well as veterans enjoy the game more by making it more versatile in missions while Little Orbit tackles the big stuff.
  11. 12 hours ago it was 1 am in the morning...... Normal people sleep at this time..... Edit : Then again that's if you're on Jericho How is that even remotely possible?
  12. Now a days kids don't study properly then blame others once they enter the open world for not having a decent job.
  13. med spray doesnt affect regen time, it just forces regen to start immediately Exactly. Strategy is a necessary involvement.
  14. clotting agent takes too long to heal? You have med spray use it......
  15. MattScott mentioned how Little Orbit was aware that it is an uphill battle and has kept us informed in these 4 months (about to be 5) more than G1 did in all these years. It can not be fixed by any short means however the recent decline is not just from any one reason especially since school and college started and many have returned. As for reworking the guns we all know they needed to be fixed from some being flat out broken and they are working on the whole picture at once rather than little by little which in the end would be wasting manpower. I know of them working on the engine upgrade , trading , the gun reworking , and I believe matchmaking. I forget if there's anything else , but those 4 alone are all large tasks by themselves but Little Orbit is doing a good job given the circumstances.
  16. G1 did in the past but I do not know if Little Orbit has or not.
  17. Justifying tampering opens the door to any tampering. MattScott already commented on this. Why do many game publishers say otherwise? Thank you. I know there's a few more of those but I have lost track of them.
  18. They are working on matchmaking and the engine upgrade so yes they are doing something....
  19. Any tampering with files can get you in trouble. How is that hard to understand for people is beyond me.
  20. They DDoS our servers now spam our forums all because they suck at APB
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